Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

New Furnishing Idea

Hello, I've been thinking of a few items that could help better player experiences in game whilst in their homes, or visiting someone else' home. What do you guys think of these items for furnishings?

Ultimate Refill Pool (This would save players from having to sit there light attacking dummies repeatedly to fill their ultimates for another parse every time a parse is over)
Crafting Writ Boards (So players could pick up daily writs directly from their homes)
Crafting Writ Containers (Obviously to hand the daily writs in once completed)
Shrine to Stendarr
Shrine to Auriel

I Think players could really benefit from having these furnishings in their homes. They would definitely help a great deal.
  • Taleof2Cities
    ZOS (and many players) aren't in favor of wayshrines, writ boards, or writ turn-ins for housing, @mrfrontman.

    There are a number of reasons. I'll list a few of them here for you (that have already been discussed at length in the forums):

    - Writ turn-ins for housing would take players away from the main cities and hubs ... making those usually bustling areas feel less populated.

    - Porting out to a wayshrine is one of the few natural gold sinks in the game. Gold sinks are needed to combat inflation from gold entering freely into the game through rewards, etc.

    - Accelerating writs in bulk, by shrinking the timeline between pick-up and drop-off, doesn't make ESO a better game. Especially if players are holed up in their homes instead of being out in Tamriel.

    Edited by Taleof2Cities on October 21, 2020 4:03PM
  • ZamanShah
    As much as i want easy writs done, i agree with the top post. Can you imagine a city with a few players? The place would look dead.
  • Nairinhe
    Thankfully, unlike IRL, it's safe to leave your home and go to the city in ESO. Use that privilege wisely.
    Edited by Nairinhe on October 31, 2020 11:21PM
  • Taco_Tuesday
    I think there should be a few things added to the game
    1- include portals to other houses owned.
    2- include a note section on the character selection screen, so you can keep tract of character progress, and build types
    3- for guilds allow the write to SEE guild bank items but NOT to withdraw guild bank items, so members can request items but NOT steal from the guild bank.
    4- allow created characters (toons) to be placed in house as interactable personalities, this would make a lot of money for ESO, you could sale "house character slots", personalities, houses...
  • Spearpoint
    mrfrontman wrote: »
    Crafting Writ Boards (So players could pick up daily writs directly from their homes)
    Crafting Writ Containers (Obviously to hand the daily writs in once completed)
    Shrine to Stendarr
    Shrine to Auriel

    I Think players could really benefit from having these furnishings in their homes. They would definitely help a great deal.

    Taking a stroll through vibrant towns, villages and cities throughout my lonesome travels is a well endorsed experience.

    Yay for evolving our homesteads.
    Nay for letting these services kill much of the bustling activity outside our homesteads.
    Arinwyn ~ Cute Wood Elf Archer
    Wardena ~ Frost Wardeness [Died alongside Arctic Blast]
    Dry Spell ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ
    Dark Heart of Skyrim 🍺
    Bomblebee ~ cya'll out there
    Bouncing Betty ~ Front Toward Enemy
    Spearpoint ~ Jab Them With The Pointy End
    Six Feet Above ~ Reapertime!
    Bisolar Disorder - Bright & Moody
    Django Unleashed ~ Mr. Nordic Bather's Towel
    Master Angler ~ Struggles With Ichthyophobia
    Ichthyophobia ~ Secretely Dreams of Becoming a Master Angler
    Lol Brb

    "Today we make our stand. Today we take back the Ruby Throne, which is ours by ancient right and the blessings of the Divines. Stand with us." — Queen Ayrenn
  • Araneae6537
    I think there should be a few things added to the game
    1- include portals to other houses owned.
    2- include a note section on the character selection screen, so you can keep tract of character progress, and build types
    3- for guilds allow the write to SEE guild bank items but NOT to withdraw guild bank items, so members can request items but NOT steal from the guild bank.
    4- allow created characters (toons) to be placed in house as interactable personalities, this would make a lot of money for ESO, you could sale "house character slots", personalities, houses...

    #3 is already a feature in game — I’ve been in several guilds which had the guild bank permissions set to “look but don’t touch!” ;)
  • Minyassa
    I would absolutely love to have writ boards and turn-ins at my home. And I don't think it would impact the way cities look at all, because to me, cities look like non-stop duels all over the place and that is exactly why I want to do writs in my home. If they would do something to encourage duellers to go play in an arena or just someplace that isn't right in the middle of city streets, it would go a long way toward getting some of us to stop wanting to stay home. Having a city full of duels is just as immersion-breaking as having an empty city, neither looks normal or appealing.
  • winterscrolls229prerb18_ESO
    Swtor added utility to housing and it didnt drop numbers in fleet, at least enough that a player would notice.

    If you wanted to be doubly sure make the wayshrine cost to captials or hubs free to motivate even the worst campers.

    I think the disfunctional pointlessness of housing is much more tragic and a worse evil. As it is now, housing only appeals to "special" people and guilds. A more average player can try his heart out but has to bed left denied as theyre pointless.

    Theres only one house with utility, the one new rawlkha which serves as a free wayshrine. Everything else is pointless or has too many doors or is too far away.
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