Daily Random Dungeon reset. Why not reset with other dailies?

I keep running into the problem of wanting to run daily randoms, but the quest has not reset yet. I am guessing it is on a 20 hour reset like training mount stuff. Why doesn't it reset with pledges/writs/etc.? It is frustrating when you get a block of time to play and cannot knock these out.

Can y'all at ZoS make it so it resets consistently along with the other daily quests?
  • VaranisArano
    It has a 20-hour reset, probably so you don't end up "losing" a daily chance if you were stuck waiting in queue when the reset happen.
  • Duplomancer
    That ind of makes sense, but having it on the same reset would be easier to work around I would think. I am always stuck in a queue =/
  • VaranisArano
    That ind of makes sense, but having it on the same reset would be easier to work around I would think. I am always stuck in a queue =/

    I dunno. It wouldn't effect me, because the daily quest reset is around 2am for me. While I like ESO a lot, I don't like it that much. :lol:

    But my 2am is someone else's prime time to play, so its hard for me to say how that would work out for everyone.
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