Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Guild history is broken

It updates for me when I first login, then nothing after that for the entire day. This is a big problem when a guild is running raffles, has a crown exchange, contests, sales, etc... I need to be able to see the bank and sales transactions in some sort of reasonable time period, and 6-12 hours with no history showing up isn't reasonable at all. It is making it so I have to completely quit the game and restart constantly to see if anything has happened I should know about. I used to get sales/history updates every 5-10 minutes, now nothing. I do not know what exactly was changed, but fix it please.
Edited by ZOS_Icy on November 27, 2022 11:29AM
  • Nairinhe
    Yep, go to check sales and the earliest record is 3-5 hours ago. Didn't ZOS mess with guild history and addons some time ago?
  • Kwoung
    Nairinhe wrote: »
    Yep, go to check sales and the earliest record is 3-5 hours ago. Didn't ZOS mess with guild history and addons some time ago?

    Apparently they now "push" the data, instead of the client pulling it. But it isn't being pushed.
  • SirCyanideRose
    I'm having this issue too. I use ATT as an addon for the market, and I see no updates. When I go to Guild History, then Sales, it hasn't updated. If I quit the game and rejoin, it updates, but doesn't update at all until I repeat this process.

    Also, if I relogin, but hadn't done so in a few hours, I have to press "E" for more results. If its a really good trading guild, I might have to do this 20-30 times to get a full day's worth of history. I have to do this to get accurate sales data in ATT to see how well I'm doing.
  • Kwoung
    They definitely broke it. An addon author said they now push the data based on numerous variables. In my case the pushes never happen until I logout, completely close the client and launcher, then log back in. Which I have now had to do 6 times in a row as our weekly raffle is happening and I want to make sure I do not miss any entries. :(
  • virtus753
    Yup, running into this issue every week during my auction.

    I have to relog to keep checking for new deposits while trying to get out paid lots in a timely fashion. That or rely on officers to help me out. They’re great people, but it shouldn’t be their job to make up for the game’s deficiencies.

    The good news is I reported this bug, so it should be getting—ah, who am I kidding? I’ve been reporting it for months. If anyone on the other end reads it and cares, there’s no sign of it.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno Can you please help us out with this? It’s getting more and more difficult to run even basic guild functions when we can’t get efficient access to basic guild data.
  • Techwolf_Lupindo
    I notice this a couple days ago. I downgraded two addons thinking it was an update I did a few days ago. No luck. I have one more test to do yet.
  • Kwoung
    It's really sad how badly they treat guilds, the main thing keeping the game alive. For 3 (or was it 4) months our guild traders would not show on our guild screens. They fix that but take away access to our guild history, a function that a great number of addons rely on, due to the game not including even the most basic of guild management functions.

    If a game is going to create bidding wars on traders, allow 5 guilds per player, some of those guilds just HAVE to have requirements in order to maintain their position. The functionality to do so should be a basic function of the game, not addons that the game keeps breaking.

    As a guild master I want to know or be able to easily...
    Remove all members who have not logged in for X days with one click.
    Be able to see who has donated to the guild and how much in X days..
    Who is using our trader and how much they have bought/sold over X days.
    I want a simple popup of members that have joined/left since I was last on.

    Nice to have would be...
    Has this person ever spoken in guild chat?
    Has this person ever participated in a guild event?
    Signups for guild events with a simple guild calendar for members to easily check what's going on without having to go to Discord.
    GUILD HALLS!!!!!! We need guild halls!!!! They should be "owned" by the guild, not a player. There should be a rank permission added giving admin or decorator rights to guild officers or certain ranks. With decorator permissions, anyone should be able to place/donate an item in the guild hall, even if bound to them. Forcing the guild master (house owner) to complete every achievement in game in order to decorate a guild hall in a particular theme, is ridiculous.
    A separate guild trader or bank from the public trader. We would love to share with each other at deeply discounted prices or free, but not the rest of the world, or give everyone access to the guilds most precious items. But a place to drop mats, recipes, inspiration items, etc... with each other would be awesome.

    Lastly, the ability for guilds to select and purchase *ANY* home in the game as a guild hall, regardless of its current accessibility to the general public due to "limited releases" or whatever they are called. This is a personal issue for me as my guild decided we want the Elinhor Arena, which who knows if it ever be available again and is basically, the best guild hall in game with the features it offers.
  • SirCyanideRose

    This is still broken, even after Monday 11/16/2020 update. Launched game after servers came back up, played for a few hours, then looked at guild sales history, and every guild's history was several hours old. Quit the game, back to launcher, reloaded game, and then had to go into each Guild Sales and press E a bunch of times to get it to update.
  • Kwoung
    I would like to request a feature be re-added to allow us to update our guild history without having to log out of the game. The new "push" feature isn't working at all and having to completely log out constantly to get history updates is getting real old, real fast. We had our raffle and a harvest party on Sunday, in a 3 hour period I must have had to log in/out over a dozen times, this is completely unacceptable.
  • Kwoung
    Not to mention if you are a serious trader, how badly this impacts your sales. Unless you log in/out constantly or zone to get the emails (which you still need to log out/in to have it show in your tools), you have no idea if you sold stuff, so keeping your 30 slots filled becomes impossible.
  • ganzaeso

    This is really starting to become an issue. I have no reliable way to tell what is going on in the guilds that I manage. The worst part is I can not see Roster and Guild Bank changes, which are critical functions in my guilds.

    Not having up-to-date sales information is also annoying, but can be worked around.

    Please, can we get some details on what is going on here? I need to know going forward, so I can make decisions on the way my guilds operate.
    (Math before coffee, except after 3, is not for me)
  • Serenez
    Good Morning,

    I am also having this issue with the guild history with sales/bank/roster in my Guild. I am on PC platform and use a gamepad. The data is not consistently updating while you remain logged into the game. If you log out of the game completely to the desktop and launch the game again it will refresh. This makes monitoring people joining your guild or depositing raffle tickets very difficult to micromanage. I would not call it a 'delay' as a delay implies it will refresh at some point while logged into the game. This simply will not refresh for hours unless you exit the game completely.

    On my end I have removed all add ons and reinstalled only Map Pins. I have also submitted a ticket/feedback on this matter a few weeks ago.

    Although I play on PC platform, I have heard from a GM on Xbox saying this is an issue with others on that platform as well.

    Thank you for looking into this matter and hope this will be resolved quickly.


  • Serenez
    For me this continues to be an issue and wondering if is still an issue for others as well? I use gamepad on PC platform. To note - even if I swap to PC UI, this still remains an issue. Other then map pins, I have no add ons at the moment interfering or impacting this that I am aware of.

    Issue -
    Guild history will only update when initially launching the game. While remaining logged in even if switching characters, changing zones etc., It will not refresh at all for hours. This is not a 'delay'. It is a broken refresh issue.

    Impact -
    Guild Roster history - not updating and refreshing. If a new member joins guild, I have no idea who invited them, how they joined or where they came from. I have to excuse myself while I exit the game to desktop, relaunch the game, so I can actually see where this new member came from. This is quite frustrating to say the least.

    Guild Bank history - not updating and refreshing. I cannot see if anyone donates items to the guild or if those with bank access have removed items from the guild. For donations, I like to thank people who donate, but if i can't see who donates while playing the game, it is a missed opportunity to show appreciation in that moment. Guild Raffles where viewing bank history is essential is extremely problematic.

    Guild Sales history - not updating consistently. Thankfully our guild does not have a Guild Trader or really worried about this issue, although annoying to check how my personal sales are in the other guilds I belong to. For those that track their own sales or GMs that rely on this data to run their guild effectively, are negatively impacted by this bug.

    Are others still finding this is a concern?. If so what platform are you on and do you use gamepad (controller)? if you are on PC, or are you on console PS4 or Xbox? I know it was a concern on Xbox previously when I spoke to another GM. Is this still a concern?

    I understand there are many issues at this moment that are being addressed by the ZOS team. I do understand the crashes and stability issues do take priority, however this issue does still remains and hope it holds it's place in line to be resolved as soon as reasonably possible. I do appreciate your hard work during these stressful times. If there could at least be an acknowledgement of this issue and added to the current to do list, although I cannot speak for others, I think it would at least put some GMs at ease, knowing it will be addressed when the time permits.


    Edited by Serenez on November 25, 2020 12:05PM
  • Kwoung
    It is definitely still an issue and becoming more problematic and annoying by the day! Please fix this ZOS!
  • Serenez
    Kwoung wrote: »
    It is definitely still an issue and becoming more problematic and annoying by the day! Please fix this ZOS!

    What platform are you on? Do you use gamepad at all?

    Yes it is frustrating, having to log out to desktop and log back in just to get the information required to manage the back end admin of a guild. I am not sure how much of a strain it is on the server to have people relaunching the game like every 10 minutes to get it to refresh. I guess it depends on how many people are affected by this.

    I would imagine this will get fixed, it is only a matter of when.
  • virtus753
    Serenez wrote: »
    Kwoung wrote: »
    It is definitely still an issue and becoming more problematic and annoying by the day! Please fix this ZOS!

    What platform are you on? Do you use gamepad at all?

    Yes it is frustrating, having to log out to desktop and log back in just to get the information required to manage the back end admin of a guild. I am not sure how much of a strain it is on the server to have people relaunching the game like every 10 minutes to get it to refresh. I guess it depends on how many people are affected by this.

    I would imagine this will get fixed, it is only a matter of when.

    For my part I’m on PC-NA and use a controller for most things but a keyboard when doing my weekly auctions. Switching input mode (even cycling through On/Off/Auto in the menu) doesn’t seem to change anything with regards to guild history. Neither does logging to the character select screen. Only closing the .exe causes it to refresh.
  • Kwoung
    Serenez wrote: »
    Kwoung wrote: »
    It is definitely still an issue and becoming more problematic and annoying by the day! Please fix this ZOS!

    What platform are you on? Do you use gamepad at all?

    Yes it is frustrating, having to log out to desktop and log back in just to get the information required to manage the back end admin of a guild. I am not sure how much of a strain it is on the server to have people relaunching the game like every 10 minutes to get it to refresh. I guess it depends on how many people are affected by this.

    I would imagine this will get fixed, it is only a matter of when.

    I use a keyboard and mouse, but not sure how that would affect the change they made to how they are delivering guild history data. They decided to push the data instead of letting clients pull it upon request, except they forgot the part where they actually push the data out, except when you entirely restart the game.
  • WolfStar07
    Yep, guild history does not update while you are logged in, regardless of how long you have been online. This "pushing" feature they mentioned is a load of crock. If someone deposits raffle money or anything else to the guild bank, joins or leaves the guild, makes rank changes or other management actions, I cannot see what it was unless I ask an officer who logged in after the action occurred (if I was already online when it happened). Swapping characters does not push the history. Swapping accounts does, but frankly I shouldn't have to log out the game just to get the history of what's been happening in my guild while I'm online. I doubt very much this is isolated to platform as it's certainly not isolated to mode (I'm PC/keyboard).

    And no, it's not related to any addons. I played with the vanilla UI for a bit when the last update turned off all addons. History still wasn't updating. We've been dealing with this for months, but we honestly shouldn't have to. It's not an unreasonable ask to expect long standing functions to work as intended, especially when it comes to guild management. Fixing and improving these issues would mean considerably more than the Tamriel Together contest.
  • Serenez
    WolfStar07 wrote: »
    Yep, guild history does not update while you are logged in, regardless of how long you have been online. This "pushing" feature they mentioned is a load of crock. If someone deposits raffle money or anything else to the guild bank, joins or leaves the guild, makes rank changes or other management actions, I cannot see what it was unless I ask an officer who logged in after the action occurred (if I was already online when it happened). Swapping characters does not push the history. Swapping accounts does, but frankly I shouldn't have to log out the game just to get the history of what's been happening in my guild while I'm online. I doubt very much this is isolated to platform as it's certainly not isolated to mode (I'm PC/keyboard).

    And no, it's not related to any addons. I played with the vanilla UI for a bit when the last update turned off all addons. History still wasn't updating. We've been dealing with this for months, but we honestly shouldn't have to. It's not an unreasonable ask to expect long standing functions to work as intended, especially when it comes to guild management. Fixing and improving these issues would mean considerably more than the Tamriel Together contest.

    Pushing Feature? Are you saying this is 'working as intended'? I hope this isn't a feature lol. Please no. I really hope it isn't one of those "not a bug it is a feature' kind of scenarios. Sigh .....
  • Kwoung
    Serenez wrote: »
    Pushing Feature? Are you saying this is 'working as intended'? I hope this isn't a feature lol. Please no. I really hope it isn't one of those "not a bug it is a feature' kind of scenarios. Sigh .....

    My understanding is the "pulling" of guild data by so many separate clients was affecting performance, to the point they throttled it back many times over the past year, and even kicked you offline with a warning if your client requested too often. Apparently that didn't work well enough, so they decided to completely change it to where they now "push" the data to your client at some interval, supposedly based upon how much history data is generated by the guilds you are in. Except it isn't pushing data at all, I have tested being online for over 12 hours and not once did my history get new data pushed to it.
  • twinkles21
    Kwoung wrote: »
    It updates for me when I first login, then nothing after that for the entire day. This is a big problem when a guild is running raffles, has a crown exchange, contests, sales, etc... I need to be able to see the bank and sales transactions in some sort of reasonable time period, and 6-12 hours with no history showing up isn't reasonable at all. It is making it so I have to completely quit the game and restart constantly to see if anything has happened I should know about. I used to get sales/history updates every 5-10 minutes, now nothing. I do not know what exactly was changed, but fix it please.

    Thank you for starting this topic. I am having this exact same problem. @ZOS_GinaBruno I have to fully log out (not just to the character screen) and log back in to update the guild history. That includes bank records and sale records. I submitted an in game bug report, but I'm sure it got lost in the shuffle of crash reports and pvp issues.

    Also, on another note, I cannot add or remove anyone to my friends or ignore list. It doesn't error or anything. It completes, but the @ name never shows up on either list.
  • Serenez
    Kwoung wrote: »
    Serenez wrote: »
    Pushing Feature? Are you saying this is 'working as intended'? I hope this isn't a feature lol. Please no. I really hope it isn't one of those "not a bug it is a feature' kind of scenarios. Sigh .....

    My understanding is the "pulling" of guild data by so many separate clients was affecting performance, to the point they throttled it back many times over the past year, and even kicked you offline with a warning if your client requested too often. Apparently that didn't work well enough, so they decided to completely change it to where they now "push" the data to your client at some interval, supposedly based upon how much history data is generated by the guilds you are in. Except it isn't pushing data at all, I have tested being online for over 12 hours and not once did my history get new data pushed to it.

    Well it definitely is not getting pushed. Coming Soon - How to Drive a GM completely out of their mind in 30 days or less. Guaranteed to work each and every time. j/k

    One a serious note though, I must believe this is a bug and not as intended. Maybe the push concept was intended, but it appears, as you say a step was forgotten in the process. I cannot imagine this is a permanent thing.
  • Kwoung
    Serenez wrote: »
    Well it definitely is not getting pushed. Coming Soon - How to Drive a GM completely out of their mind in 30 days or less. Guaranteed to work each and every time. j/k

    Haha, yes that!

    Seriously though, being a guild master is already a mostly thankless enough job, and I spend hours upon hours of my personal time, in which I could be having selfish fun, to make the game better for 400+ other people. Many of whom only stuck around, bought crowns and paid subs to ZOS, because being a part of my/any active guild made the game enjoyable for them. A little love from ZOS and them stopping making my "job" harder, would be highly appreciated.

    I know it is way to much to ask, but maybe at some point putting even basic guild management tools in the game so it isn't a "job" that requires a slew of spreadsheets, etc... offline, would be really awesome.

  • Serenez
    Kwoung wrote: »
    Serenez wrote: »
    Well it definitely is not getting pushed. Coming Soon - How to Drive a GM completely out of their mind in 30 days or less. Guaranteed to work each and every time. j/k

    Haha, yes that!

    Seriously though, being a guild master is already a mostly thankless enough job, and I spend hours upon hours of my personal time, in which I could be having selfish fun, to make the game better for 400+ other people. Many of whom only stuck around, bought crowns and paid subs to ZOS, because being a part of my/any active guild made the game enjoyable for them. A little love from ZOS and them stopping making my "job" harder, would be highly appreciated.

    I know it is way to much to ask, but maybe at some point putting even basic guild management tools in the game so it isn't a "job" that requires a slew of spreadsheets, etc... offline, would be really awesome.

    I agree these additions would be very helpful to Guild Masters, once of course the main functions and features of the Guild are stabilized :)
  • Reverb
    This is a paired feature with the consistent crashing. Guild history now updates only when you initially log in. To help you out with that, the game crashes a lot to make you log back in frequently. :trollface:
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • WolfStar07
    I have to wonder if there is a point to history if ZOS doesn't feel I should want to or need to know about anything going on in any of my guilds while I'm logged in. It's not as if I want to see if someone deposited a cool item to a guild bank I have access to. Or if someone I know left a guild.
  • Serenez
    I am still hopeful this is a bug and not intended. It is inconceivable that in order to do any GM functions, one must stop playing the game they are meant to admin for.

    Exiting the game and not playing it, should not be purposeful resolutions to in game problems. I mean yes walking away would solve many issues as those problems would cease to exist for the player if they simply were not playing the game. I cannot imagine that this outcome is intended, and therefore logic would imply this must be a bug.

    This is what I keep telling myself. This will be fixed, this will be fixed, this will be fixed. Fingers crossed. I am manifesting it now lol. Who is with me lol.
  • Ghostbane
    New guild event information being 'pushed' has been happening for most of the year, and it has worked very well regardless of the server stress in some scenarios.

    This stopped working around the launch of the Markarth update.

    You need to completely terminate your session ( closing the client ) in order to get an up-to-date request of all your guilds individual history categories. You will only have access of any records to the point of time of when you just logged in.
    {★★★★★ · ★★★★★ · ★★ · ★★★★★}
    350m+ AP PC - EU
    AD :: Imported Waffles [37]EP :: Wee ee ee ee ee [16]DC :: Ghostbane's DK [16], Impending Loadscreen [12]PC - NA
    AD :: Ghostbane [50], yer ma [43], Sir Humphrey Winterbottom 2.0 [18], robotic baby legs [18]EP :: Wee Mad Arthur [50], avast ye buttcrackz [49], Sir Horace Foghorn [27], Brother Ballbag [24], Scatman John [16]DC :: W T B Waffles [36], Morale Boost [30], W T F Waffles [17], Ghostbanë [15]RIPAD :: Sir Humphrey Winterbottom 1.0 [20]
  • Kwoung
    Would be nice to get some acknowledgment of this issue at the very least, it is ruining my enjoyment of the game and making managing an active guild a royal PITA. Not to mention, it was a huge thing for me at least, to get notifications while playing that item X I posted just sold. It breaks up the grind and gives you a good feeling, now nothing. :(
  • Soul_Demon
    Guild of 250 has not been able to change players privileges for over a year- yes there are tickets, over 30 of them----a message string six pages deep. But still unable as GM of guild to change any player privileges ----problematic ZOS.
This discussion has been closed.