If you don't raid, you're likely not part of the target audience here but I wanted to open a discussion about a change that seems to have been poorly thought out.
I understand that the Devs are under a time crunch, the release of the update has exposed a lot of deficiencies and to add insult to injury they decide to implement a change that has broad repercussions on raid teams without even mentioning it in the patch notes.
Amongst other things, Minor Lifesteal was used in raid scenarios to proc the Maturation passive from Wardens. That gave your entire team Minor Toughness and made it so that you weren't forced to run a Warden on heals. Although extremely competent, the forcing of certain classes into certain roles or more like forcing a group to run certain classes on certain roles is deleterious to the game since it allows for less flexibility in terms of group comp. You only had a necro heal and a sorc kite heal but you have a warden tank? No problem, you're covered. Now it seems to be a very much: get a Warden on heals or forget Minor Toughness.
Furthermore, Minor Lifesteal was also used to proc SPC for Major Courage especially useful in trials where the group is spread or when a DPS has to run out of group to do some mechanics. The removal of this capability also makes it that the SPC healer playstyle will have to change. I'm sure they can do it fine but the issue I have with it being dropped on our heads at this particular time is that there are already broad changes to make minor and major buffs, to sets and more.
My point is, just relax with so many broad changes, make sure you figured the other stuff out before throwing more stuff into the meta. Your light attack changes pretty much broke the game for any competent DPS so why don't you figure this out first? Was it such an emergency? Can't you do us the courtesy of at least mentioning it in the patch notes?
I find this way of doing things to lack decency. I'm sure I'm overreacting because I'm pissed that they sneaked this one on us. 😂
What do you think?