I have corrected the title I know it’s not the vampire lord but I have always called it that lol. On a serious note though I really do think we need a way to stay in blood scion form if they buff vampire like everyone wants and it does need it that’s were they should start imo.We have a vampire lord ultimate?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Oh.... you mean that thing called a "Blood Scion". Yes, I agree it'd be nice to have a way to extend the duration like werewolf. Maybe tie it to that horrible ability called Vampiric Drain to give it an actual purpose outside of ultimate/stamina generation.
Edit: Also can the Swarming Scion ultimate get wings like the Grievous Twilights do? It'd be different from the Vampire Lords and make it so non-dragonknight Scions can have stylish wings to!
Blood Scion with wings.
YandereGirlfriend wrote: »Random thought but can you go in the water as a Blood Scion?
Does it have a SWIMMING ANIMATION?! That would be amazing to see ;D
I do like this idea but the problem with that is I like playing vampire on both my magblade and stamblade and I imagine they would make it so the blood scions abilities would scale to magic only. If they made it so stam had some morphs like in Skyrim when the vampire lord had poison slash I would be very happy for this idea.I'd love if blood scion actually felt like a different playstyle like werewolf. Using claws instead of weapons and new attacks like blood fountains that npcs use. A duration increase abilities would be nice with that. I already do like drain for ult gen, but adding duration of scion onto it wouldn't break it either.