What could be done to power of the light/purifying light (pvp perspective)

If you have played templar this patch in pvp, you can probably already agree that both morphs of backlash are at this point pretty much completely useless for pvp. Assassins will, shalks, and blastbones (mostly comparing to the other stam classes as i cannot speak for mag) are literally ages ahead in terms of burst and ease of use. I can put my full combo into someone and potl will crit for like 5k. And that requires me to be constantly be beating on someones dome piece. Not just some fire and forget like shalks/blastbones, or something easy to build up like assassins will (yes i know assassins will is hard to land with travel time, but there needs to be some counter-play to an ability that can hit you for 4-5k through block)

Not only does it not scale off max weapon/spell dmg like every other burst ability, it's also double hit by battle spirit. And even if it wasn't it's one of the hardest burst abilities to use in pvp with very little reward. So...what should be done?

Completely overhaul the skill. The dmg replication has always been a mess and its single target nature doesn't even match up well with the templar toolkit which is mostly all aoe. I believe the easiest thing to change it to would be something like haunting curse. Have a dmg aoe that explodes outward, with an 8 meter radius (jabs is 8m radius, solar barrage is 8m radius, spear shards is 8m radius. Just makes sense looking at the rest of the toolkit). Have it be a delayed explosion after 6 seconds (just like current potl), dealing 100% dmg to the target and 35-40% dmg to all enemies within an 8m radius. For the stam morph the explosion could major fracture (or an other debuff for that matter. I just want major fracture in the class toolkit lol) on all enemies hit, and the mag morph could heal u for a percentage of the dmg done as a burst heal instead of a HoT. Make it scale off weapon/spell dmg and max stats, make it blockable.
  • Solariken
    I like the idea of the final explosion granting Major Fracture, that's pretty cool. It also wouldn't affect PvE DPS much at all. I would also like the instant damage reduced and replaced with a standard ~2k DPS DOT.

    Templar is a mess though, it needs more changes than that. Stamplar is like Windows XP - was a powerhouse in its time but no longer officially supported by the devs.

    Burning Light access was basically deleted in PvP. None of the ultimates are impactful in PvP.

    Stamplar also needs more healing to compete with other classes and/or a disengage (maybe Eclipse rework or speed running like the Flash)

    With the number of debuffs easily applied these days I also think it's reasonable that Ritual should remove ALL harmful effects on cast.
  • llBlack_Heartll
    With the removal of Minor Fracture I suggested a 100% chance to crit, but that's more PvE perspective.
    Not sure how well that would go in PvP, considering it can be purged, which it really shouldn't.
  • Jman100582

    Templar is a mess though, it needs more changes than that. Stamplar is like Windows XP - was a powerhouse in its time but no longer officially supported by the devs.


    oh yeah for sure. Passives need an overhaul, stamplar needs access to more class skills. Magplar needs increased healing/mobility. Sustain and survivability need a drastic increase if zos wants to stick with this "stand your ground" type playstyle. A lot of this can be accomplished through a passive overhaul though, as well as tweaking some skills like eclipse, sun shield, and healing ritual. dmg needs an increase (especially in pvp) with changes to burning light and backlash
  • Joy_Division
    Why bother? The moment templars rise above mediocre the forum whiners and ZOS devs will smack them down to their accepted place of doesn't-suck-in-a-zerg.
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