Add-Ons Cripple FrameRate

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
Anyone had issues with the presence of add-ons seriously crippling framerate, like 40-60% worse?

My system specs are:
32 GB Ram
780 GTX Ti (3GB)
Core i7 4770k

The PC is way over powered for the current market.

Without add-ons, I get 100 FPS. With Add-ons, that drops to 44-60 FPS. Occassionally, I will get a lockup that drops the framerate down to 6.2 fps anywhere I go. Relaunching the game fixes it. Also, will get very long load times. (without, I load in 2-4 seconds)

This behavior indicates a memory leak, which not sure if its the game or the add-ons.

The 3 add-ons that I want to use really are Wykkd's frames, FoundryTacticalCombat and LootDrop. But so far, they are not useable with the risk that comes with it.
Edited by zbcole on April 19, 2014 7:04PM
  • StrangerFull
    16 GB RAM
    580 GTX
    Core i7 3770

    No problems with FPS. Maybe drivers or some bad addon?
    I do not use Wykkid Frames.
  • Utildai
    I use Foundry Tactical Combat and Skyshards... Don't seem to have any issues with them. I've always ran about 60fps with everything on ultra.

    Win 8.1 64 Bit
    AMD 8350 4.0Ghz 8 Core
    16 Mb Ram
    AMD Radeon R9 200 Series (Running in 1080i @ 1920)


  • Aiiane
    I use FTC and Lootdrop with no issue.

    You could try turning off addons one by one and seeing if you can narrow down which is causing the problem?
    Aiiane, Aldmeri Dominion, Auriel's Bow, NA ☆ Twitter
  • KalecStromhir
    35 addons and not a single fps drop.
    3770K 4.2Ghz
    GTX 670 4GB
    16GB ram
    ESO on SSD
    Edited by KalecStromhir on April 20, 2014 7:41AM
  • Vantor
    Some scrolling combat text addons tend to drop the fps and cause stuttering. I think most of them have been fixed by now though.
    Invictus EU Guild Officer
  • Wykkyd
    Speaking for myself, at least, I'm getting 0 FPS loss while running my own addons. If I'd seen any FPS loss I wouldn't have published them.
  • NSi_Mordikaiin
    Not trying to be a **** or anything bro, but my system specs are good for World of Warcraft but very bad for this game. I play the game with a 1.6ghz dual core, 4gb ram and an integrated video card. Yeah I know that's below even minimum but I manage to play without any problems. I use all of @Wykkyd addons, some scrolling combat text addons among some others about 10 in total and I have gotten NO FPS LOSS due to addons.

    I suggest turning off the bot program, updating your drivers and/or staying off the **** sites :smile:. Most games are locked between 30 & 60 fps anyway, however I think TESO is above 100 fps I am not sure on that though.
    Edited by NSi_Mordikaiin on April 21, 2014 1:10PM
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  • Elsonso
    ESO has an "update" event that fires off once each time the screen refreshes.

    This is one possible place where an addon can impact system performance and I see a lot of addons use it. Each addon that uses it will get called each time the screen refreshes.

    A short routine will probably not hurt, but if several addons are loaded that do a bunch of stuff during that call, I could easily see performance degrade.

    To mitigate this, sometimes developers will use other events as the event to do all of the work and just use the UI update event to display the fruits of their labor. This can spread out the demands imposed by the addons, but if two or more addons are using the same event to do long processing, the same problem could arise.

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
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    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Wykkyd
    ESO has an "update" event that fires off once each time the screen refreshes.

    This is one possible place where an addon can impact system performance and I see a lot of addons use it. Each addon that uses it will get called each time the screen refreshes.

    A short routine will probably not hurt, but if several addons are loaded that do a bunch of stuff during that call, I could easily see performance degrade.

    To mitigate this, sometimes developers will use other events as the event to do all of the work and just use the UI update event to display the fruits of their labor. This can spread out the demands imposed by the addons, but if two or more addons are using the same event to do long processing, the same problem could arise.
    Exactly this. The big "offender" for onUpdate for my addons is Toolbar and that's mostly due to the fact it has a clock in it, which requires it to tic at least once per second to be up to date (it actually includes 5 clocks/timers, which all need to update every second). All of the pieces of Toolbar are teeny tiny, though, and each piece can update in under .005 seconds, so I just bundle them for sanity sake.

    The other is scrolling text. There are a couple of things inside Framework that can cause scrolling text (exp & gold). They're throttled, though, and only run in sub-seconds not every possible onUpdate event. The issue is that in order to animate them across the screen they have to update frequently. SCT behaviors are notoriously bad for FPS in every MMO; whenever addons are forced to do them instead of the base game, that is.
  • zbcole
    Appreciate the insight and input. I didn't mean to imply the issue was in your addon specifically, just the experience that I have seen while including the addons - and I haven't tried the addons individually to see if it only occurs with 1 vs the others.

    The only other aspect to my environment that I left off was Windows 8.1. And I run the game at maxed out settings.

    Hardware specs are mostly maxed out for what is on the hardware market currently. I also didn't use the Addons until 30+ in level, which The Rift and its dungeons. Issue could be on the game's side.

    Only item I have to test/tweak is turning on/off, and removing.
  • Wykkyd
    I run the game on medium graphics at 18 to 28 fps on a Microsoft Surface Pro 2 for my 2nd account and get the same framerate with or without addons. I use that device mostly to help test new user experience on my 2nd account. So there's that. I'm DC and havent hit The Rift yet. When I get there I will make a note to see if I lag more there or not.
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