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Advice for becoming emperor for someone who doesn't PvP

I want to get Emperor in a server but have limited PvP experience.
Obviously I have done PvP before, I'm like rank 20 on my main, mainly from questing in cyrodiil, light zerg runs and 1 year of the mahem.
I know/knew how cyrodiil works (before the major change patches, haven't been in PvP for 2+ years) but I have very limited knowledge and practical experience. I don't know what are the sets I should use, what skills to use and actual combat experience.
Above all that how can I earn enough AP to beat out the number one PvP player in the server on my alliance if I am so low skilled.
I do understand that really Emp can be an IRL battle for who sleeps first.

Some advice would be appreciated.
  • MinnesotaKid
    The "easiest" way to do this now is to be logged on right when the campaign starts and have your group capture the inner keeps while you're in first place from an AP perspective. The key to this is to be out there earning AP right away because if you get behind you'll never catch up.

    It seems that once an Emp is crowned they tend to stay in first place unless they stop playing that toon and allows someone else to take the lead spot. Remember, only the top AP earner can be Emp. (per faction of course)

  • Kungfu
    Emping just for the title & stuff 9 times outta 10 has nothing to do with your build.

    But I will say: you simply cannot get it with "limited time". If I had limited time and no amazing AP farming ball group I could join, here's what I would recommend:
    • First, get into Gray Host for a while and get to know some of the guilds there. If you can, find one that might be willing to help you emp when you call them to help flip the inner ring (more on that timing later).
    • Find the calmest, lowest population campaign there is that you can stomach. I guess these days that'd be Blackreach or non-cp.
    • Connect with other players in that campaign and let them know what your goal is for the future. Most are perfectly happy to help as long as it doesn't really interrupt much of what they wanna do.
    • Chat it up in /zone. But ONLY POSITIVE TALK. Crack jokes, be sweet... whatever is your style. But do not respond to trolls and do NOT speak when you're frustrated. You want the majority of the faction to like you but to also know your name when you ask for their help to roll the keeps.
    • IRL preparations: Prepare at least a few days, if not a week of vacation time away from your job, your family, your life.
    • When all of the above are completed, start a few days or maybe even a week BEFORE the current campaign ends:
      • Get every Cyro quest there is to get, complete what is necessary but DO NOT TURN THEM IN. Just have them all ready to turn in.
      • Stock up on wood and stone repair materials. You're gonna hate this but it works. And I mean STOCK UP. Have people mail their spare repair mats to you. You might end up wanting / needing ten thousand... depending on your competition.
      • Stock up on other siege stuff or anything you can do to (a)make contact with enemy players during sieges and (b)speed up offensive sieges.
      • Strap on a resto staff and slot regen & healing springs
      • Spend some gold on cold fire ballistae from guild vendors
      • Plan to carry at least a couple of camps with you
      • In the last 15-30 minutes, as the previous campaign ends, go to a dungeon in Cryo and kill a boss to get the AP buff.
    • As soon as the old campaign ends, and the new one begins, make sure you have your buff and turn in those quests. Pick up all of the new quests offered.
    • If your alliance is owning the hell out of the map, port from keep to keep repairing any walls or doors you can.
    • If a dungeon is close to your current location, drop in and see if you can nab a boss real quick to get that AP buff.
    • Repair more walls & doors.
    • If a resource near you is flipping to your team's color - run out there real quick to get the tick and get back to repair.
    • Ask the friends of yours that are local to this campaign if they would let you know when a fight is happening. Ask in zone for people to announce fights "please". If a fight is happening at a location that will provide an offensive or defensive tick, GET to that location and try to accomplish the following when you're there:
      • First, place siege. If you're on offense, drop a ram or stone ballista/treb. If you're attacking and there is defense, I recommend a stone treb in the back.
      • If you're attacking a defended keep, cast regen and/or healing springs enough that you get some heals off on as many friendlies as possible. Then try to kill or at least damage any player you can that's poking their head out. When the treb is ready to fire, hop on, shoot it at the door/wall. Then hop off and rinse/repeat.
      • If you're defending a keep, use oils over the door whenever possible. If they're set too far back or it's a well-organized group, get off to the side somewhere and peg 'em with coldfire. Try to position yourself so that you can hit friendlies with those heals just like the bullet above.
      • If the siege is taking forever, you may think about moving away from it and taking a resource real quick. As long as no one is on the inner door yet, you probably have plenty of time to attempt it.
    • Repair.
    • If there's a wall or door on your faction that isn't 100%, find it and repair it.
    • Now then, when you ARE in first place... don't PUSH for emp until / unless your faction has all but 2 or 3 of the keeps on the emp ring. That's when you call on everyone and everything you can to help capture the last few. Don't be afraid to let people know you've never emped before and you're trying now. Feel free to let them know you'll be willing to even leave the campaign after you lose it to let the #2 place person have a chance at it.
    • Remember: be fun, friendly, and sweet. And speak up in zone so they know ya when you need them to.

    Truth be told, given the situation you described, you can get more AP faster with an AP buff and repairing than *most* players get from actively seeking objectives & fighting.

    The rest is time spent. Recognize that pushing for emp is more about time spent in-game than it is about how many points you're getting per hour. But... if you hit first place AND there's only 2 or 3 keeps left on the inner ring, call everyone and rally zone to your cause.
  • Beardimus
    OP, you have everything you need in this thread already.

    Lastly remember that folks have different motives for playing PvP, begging for Emp in chat because you want the dye or to tick a box can annoy folks actually playing the game. Understand what's going on in your campaign and who's who.
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • Stinkyremy
    Kungfu wrote: »
    Emping just for the title & stuff 9 times outta 10 has nothing to do with your build.
    Damn that was an amazing reply, thank you very much. /thread.
    I don't know If that was pre written and copy paste but either way I really appreciate your effort and comment your writing.
  • RDMyers65b14_ESO
    To be honest, some of us who have played for years don't have emp. Mind you, I only want it for the costume and dye, but I will never get it.
  • MKintr
    Emperor is the highest title in PvP. If you want it, it can be expected from you to learn PvP, especially the alliance war.
    What would you do with that title? Boast with it and mislead people, that think you know, how to play?
  • Rhandee235
    Stinkyremy wrote: »
    I don't know If that was pre written and copy paste but either way ....

    Not sure why you said this piece. Edited my reply, which was a bit harsh.
    Edited by Rhandee235 on September 14, 2020 7:01PM
  • Riggsy
    Your best bet is to wait until next year's midyear mayhem when there are a a lot more servers, and several with thin populations.
    MMAGA - We Made Medium Armor Great Again
    Evasion: Casting this ability and its morphs now requires that you wear 5 pieces of Medium Armor.

    Woe Biden - Mule
    Donald Thump - Mule
    M'aiq Pence - Mule
  • Sahidom
    There are guild that sell the service to emperor you.
    Edited by Sahidom on September 15, 2020 4:54PM
  • Mike0987
    Join 1-2 large PVP guilds who actually care about winning the campaign and not just farming AP, stay up for 10 days straight doing nothing but PVP, Repair walls or solo resources if there is no groups running. And just as your about to loose you're mind and job, you'll be almost there lol.
  • Casul
    My advice.

    Motivate people to help you. When someone gets emperor above you, give then a congratulations in chat. And protect them when they are being dethroned. If you do this people will return the favor when you need it.

    And never ever ever EVER make enemies in your alliance. Especially on an unlocked campaign. People will swap alliance just to keep you down.
    PvP needs more love.
  • driosketch
    BuildMan wrote: »
    My advice.

    Motivate people to help you. When someone gets emperor above you, give then a congratulations in chat. And protect them when they are being dethroned. If you do this people will return the favor when you need it.

    And never ever ever EVER make enemies in your alliance. Especially on an unlocked campaign. People will swap alliance just to keep you down.

    This, I had a guild that emp-ed a number players on one of the lower pop campaigns back in the day. Turns out they got into talks with a fellow alliance guild that helped us cap the inner ring, and after getting dethroned, we would return the favor for one of their players.
    Main: Drio Azul ~ DC, Redguard, Healer/Magicka Templar ~ NA-PC
    ●The Psijic Order●The Sidekick Order●Great House Hlaalu●Bal-Busters●
  • HanStolo
    They should really change the EMP line up to when someone achieves it in a campaign, after they are dethroned, they aren't eligible for it again in that campaign. It should just default to the next player in the list of AP.
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