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The 'Lire' Essence runestone.

I just found an essence runestone called Lire, that I've apparently not translated yet. The weird thing about that is I've had the achievement for translating all the Essence runestones for quite a while, and to add to that I can't find any information on this runestone on the few fan-websites I use. Is this runestone a new addition or am I missing something?
The madness that stalks from the shrouds....
  • DewiMorgan
    Oooh, sounds like it might be a special one! If you use it, let us know what it means!
  • Laerian
    There is another called Jaedi. Those can't be translated and don't give Inspiration; probably a bug
  • Malediktus
    Had Jaedi before from my hireling. Probably runes which werent supposed to make it ingame.
    @Malediktus --- Ebonheart Pact, EU-Megaserver
  • ryanbezemerb16_ESO
    I'll tell you guys what it is when I finally get my hands on an aspect runestone that isn't rekuta (And thus 1 enchanting lvl and a skill point above what I can currently use :P)
    The madness that stalks from the shrouds....
  • NordJitsu
    I just found this today too and translated it. Its an Armor rune.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • ryanbezemerb16_ESO
    Odd, I combined it with a uncommon quality aspect rune and a develop potency rune and got a +2 weapon damage glyph, suggesting it has to do with damage. Mind you, I got no update of having translated it nor any extra inspiration, so I am assuming this is just a leftover from the pre-launch days that hasn't been entirely taken out of game.
    The madness that stalks from the shrouds....
  • DewiMorgan
    Enigma of the Runestones
    By Telenger the Artificer

    The origin of the mystic runestones found scattered across Tamriel is obscure and uncertain. Even their nature and material composition is a matter of hot debate among the sages of the Crystal Tower. The Venerable Ancirinque, Sapiarch of Mythohistory, holds that certain difficult passages in Torinaan's Journal indicate that runestones were already here when the Foresailor arrived from Old Aldmeris. However, Nolin the Many-Hued, Sapiarch of Enchantment, contends that they date from the early Merethic Era, and are the unintended consequence of an Ayleid wizard's experiment gone awry.

    Whatever the truth of their origin, after generations of study by the finest magical minds in the Summerset Isles, their various properties have nearly all been identified, and their uses in the enchantment of arms, armor, and ornaments are well understood. For general classification they fall into three categories, which we latter-day mages have dubbed Potency, Aspect, and Essence.

    For enchantment purposes these three types of runestones can be understood as mystically complementary, for only by combining one of each category can the enchanter create a "glyph," our term for the magical substance we use to endow an item with sorcerous power.

    However, though we know how to use runestones to create magical items, the enigma remains: what are they? We have named their three standard categories Potency, Aspect, and Essence—but what does that mean? Even the great Phariiz the Antic, who gave them these names, even he, when asked what they meant, merely shrugged and replied, "Those are the names that feel right to me."

    Even the fact that there are three kinds of runestones generates debate, as it seems to contradict the Anu-Padu Theorem, which posits that duality is the foundation of the Aurbis. Camilonwe of Lillandril asserted that it was impossible that there were only three types of runestones, and spent the last two hundred years of his life searching for a fourth, convinced that proper classification called for such entities to appear in dual pairs. He never found this "quartonic runestone," which he dubbed Celerity, but he insisted until the end that his theory was sound.

    Was Camilonwe right? Do Celerity runestones exist, but in some state of reality that makes them imperceptible to normal mortals? That is a question that is, so far, unanswerable.
    I propose that these runes be dubbed Celerity runestones.
    Camilonwe would be pleased.

    [Though personally I would argue that the positive and negative Potency runes are clearly distinct, and form a dual pair, which would give four classes of runestone without needing Celerity]
  • Blencathra
    When I used 'Lire' I got a glyph that added physical damage. Of course it doesn't show an actual translation. So it seems that it not only is obscure, it also changes its essence too.
  • ryanbezemerb16_ESO
    Hmm, seems you got the same kind of translation that I did though, weapon damage being what I ended up with after using it :P
    The madness that stalks from the shrouds....
  • Cauthorn
    Had my crafting hireling deliver me one. With an additive potency ruin, Lire created a jewellery glyph of increase physical harm (adds weapon damage). The same as Taderi.
    Didn't look like any additional inspiration from translation either.
    Edited by Cauthorn on April 22, 2014 1:21AM
  • Sakiri
    Just got one today. Went "wtf?"
  • Dragonheart013
    Chaos rune? Randomly changes essence based on what you combine it with? :p
  • DanBlackfyre
    I just got this rune... I will use it with an artifact aspect soon enough.
  • SirAndy
    There are several in the game that are not on the achievement list. My best guess is they're leftovers from older versions of the game.

    I have to dig up my old notes, but while playing on the PTS we found at least 3 different ones just like it.
  • kly
    Soul Shriven
    I got a Lire today, too. Translated it, but wish now that I had saved it as a trophy :)
  • ryanbezemerb16_ESO
    I got another one, and just to add to the fact it is old rune that simply wasn't removed, it is showing up as untranslated for the same character that used the first one ^^
    The madness that stalks from the shrouds....
  • maurotdo
    Extracting gives back Taderi, so it's just an alias for it.
  • ryanbezemerb16_ESO
    I'm simply keeping the one I currently have as a trophy now ^^
    The madness that stalks from the shrouds....
  • Hannibal85
    Got this too.
    Lira built in a glyph, after extracting it went to Taderi.
  • Valkerian
    A lot of these blank essences are just old versions of current stones that were just never taken out, or at least seem to be. This can be seen by the fact that when you destruct a glyph made with these, you get a different essence out of it. I've done this with 6 Lire and seen that they are each to Taderi when deconstructing.
  • kelly.medleyb14_ESO
    More evidence of an unfinished game.
  • Valkerian
    More evidence of an unfinished game.

    I wouldn't necessarily say that. It could be a teaser they simply left in regards to a future update or something. Since they aren't on the list for the achievement I'd assume they were left in for a reason, especially this long after the game has been out for. Throw in the fact that they could possibly be celerity runestones, well, that just gives further evidence to something that is known, but not known within the world as to it's application. You could easily look at this issue from a lore perspective rather than a "this game is unfinished" one.

  • Valkerian
    And while we're on the topic of this, does anyone have Lire or Jaedi runes they don't want? If so, shoot me a message on here and I'll get in touch with you ingame!
  • Mountain_Dewed
    I had a guildy send me one. I'm gonna make a monkey glyph with it.
  • Beggerwolf
    Soul Shriven
    The funny thing is I have found 2 of each, Lire and Jaedi, and proceeded to translate one of each (The other I kept because I'm a collector of sorts) and found that they would not translate, further than that, when put into a rune their effect seems random. When I disassembled the runes I got back a Kaderi for the rune that was originally made from a Jaedi, and another random rune from the Lire. They are curious runes indeed.
  • killedbyping
    Those runes are still not working. The effect they should provide are not yet in game. So just stuck them up.
    Edited by killedbyping on June 16, 2014 8:42AM
  • McUsher
    I thought i got some extra inspiration points from Lire... As such i thought it is an inspiraiotion boost from my hireling... i might be wrong...
    Are you still old school or yet unprogressive?
  • Comaetilico
    lire simply have a buged tooltip that doesn't show the traslation even if you have already done it ^^'

    nothing special about it... it just is a bugged tooltip ^^'
  • DewiMorgan
    Removed the Lire and Jaedi runestones from the game that were received rarely through hireling mails. These had no corresponding glyph in the game, and can be deleted from your inventory if you have any.
    I had a bunch in my inventory, I'll have to have a play and see if they are still there, and if so, whether they do anything any more.
    Edited by DewiMorgan on June 29, 2014 6:12PM
  • Divinius
    They do stay in your inventory, and still do nothing more. I'd say just stick them on a mule somewhere, wait a year or so, and then try to sell them to collectors as exotic items that can no longer be obtained. :)
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