I've been tinkering around with different builds and I've decided I quite like Briarheart. I mainly do battlegrounds and occasionally wander into Cyrodiil, but want to keep open good DPS for dungeons. Eventually I intend to wander into trials/arenas, but haven't gotten there yet.
Currently I'm running Briarheart+Spriggans+Balorgh's, but I'm curious about swapping out Spriggan's for Nightmother's Gaze. Currently with Spriggan's I backbar Piercing Mark to get Major Fracture on my target, but I constantly find myself unable to swap between bars quick enough in the heat of things and this ability goes unused. That said, the penetration from Spriggan's helps make up for that and still does decent damage. My usual combo is load up on relentless focus, shuffle, and leeching strikes -> piercing mark -> ambush -> surprise attack and either incapacitating strike or power extraction if I don't have major brutality up, then it's the typical weaving/spamming surprise attack/etc.
My current thought is Nightmother's removes the need for Piercing Mark and also gives some more crit rating to keep Briarheart up. However, I lose the permanent penetration boost and not using Piercing Mark in dungeons would be a detriment to any magicka friends due to loss of Major Breach.
Would it be better to go for ease-of-fights with Nightmother's, or get better at swapping and engage/disengaging with Spriggans?