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Horrible ESO Tech Support Experience

ESO/Bethesda Tech Support SUCKS. Hopefully I can say that without getting banned.

I have a ticket open for as long as I've been a Customer (nearly a month) but nothing is done. They offer BS solutions that do nothing; they supposedly escalated the ticket to a "specialized group" that offers the same BS answers and no help.

If you're having a problem solving the issue at LEAST let the Customer know and keep the Customer updated on the status unlike lying to the Customer and not responding at all like ESO/Bethesda Tech Support is doing now especially if you want people to PAY to play your game.
  • ZOS_Adrikoth
    Greetings @LordEmperorShinigami

    If you could provide us with your ticket number we would be happy to check into its status for you.
    The Elder Scrolls Online - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site
    Staff Post
  • EmperorShinigami
    Incident: 200810-007610
  • ZOS_Adrikoth
    Thank you for providing your ticket number @LordEmperorShinigami

    We can confirm that your ticket is in the right place, and a support agent will respond to your latest reply as soon as possible.

    Please be aware that updating your ticket will put it at the end of the line and delay the response time. With this in mind, we recommend only updating your ticket as necessary.
    The Elder Scrolls Online - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site
    Staff Post
  • EmperorShinigami
    You're kidding right; what kind of nonsense is that, update a ticket and it goes to the bottom of the queue. They don't look at it even if it's at the top of the queue.

    The ticket will be open for ONE MONTH on Tuesday and all I get is BS from ESO/Bethesda Support. It's been close 2 weeks since I heard from the supposed "specialized group". If this was a free game then your response might work but it's not so it doesn't.

    The way this Support group operates IS NOT the way a Support Desk is supposed to run.The Customer should be updated on the status of the ticket in a timely fashion; 2 weeks is NOT timely.

    Don't bother responding because I don't need to hear more nonsense. I know how Tech Support Groups are supposed to operate being a Tech myself and this group is no where close to being even adequate. I've worked in all sizes of Service Desks and no where was this type of attitude towards Customers acceptable; someone would be fired for this type of ineptitude.

    Lastly, I know dealing with Developers\Programmers can be difficult but at least give me a response. Another online game I play gave me an answer even though it was there was nothing they could do because the Devs had no clue on how to solve the error; now it's my choice to decide do I continue to play the game as is or move on. With your company I'm not given that option because there is no response and the initial scripted responses were worthless.
  • Kaivalya
    ESO support's job is to try and get you to give up on getting assistance. They won't be direct about it. If it's not something the first person you get can solve within a couple minutes, they begin a war of attrition. Every. Single. Time. If an admin sees this and doesn't like it, look at my ticket history. All of it; don't ask me for a ticket number.

    They probably have a severe metrics problem, overemphasizing total number of tickets solved or something like that. In a way though, I get it. Probably a whole lot of people asking a whole lot of stupid questions, making it too expensive for support to be good, especially for a subscription-optional game.

    You can check ticket status without contacting them and getting put at the back of the line:
  • vestahls
    Welcome to the game. ESO customer service is always like this, and not just with technical issues either.
    “He is even worse than a n'wah. He is - may Vivec forgive me for uttering this word - a Hlaalu.”
    luv Abnur
    luv Rigurt
    luv Stibbons

    'ate Ayrenn
    'ate Razum-dar
    'ate Khamira

    simple as
  • EmperorShinigami
    I understand that they may bombarded with tickets but they still must respond in a timely matter because this is not a free game. They charge an admission fee in the form of requiring you to purchase the game before you can access their environment so I expect some manner of advanced support.

    ESO/Bethesda has a filtering mechanism in place in the form of the questions they ask you before you can place a ticket; if you can't find an answer in the automated responses then you can place a ticket. I understand this isn't foolproof but it helps to reduce the number of tickets that require human intervention.

    If they wanted to prioritize tickets they could separate tickets by whether the user was a subscriber or not by giving a higher priority to the subscription pool of tickets. Prioritizing is done by companies all the time by using the level of service agreement you have purchased but regardless of the ticket priority all tickets warrant a response.

    I know it its a pain to read through or listen to every ticket that comes but it has to be done. I had a user contact me when their PC stopped during boot; I asked him what the problem was and the user said the screen displayed "Press any key to continue". I said just press any key and he said that's the problem, what's the any key. I will admit I had to put he user on hold for a minute while I laughed but I did get back on the call to tell him to press the "a" key to continue the boot process to which the user thanked me and ended the call. I thought an any key issue was an urban legend but it's not. I had a user tell me that neither their PC or monitor would power on and when I went to her office I saw that her surge protector which was in plain sight was turned off. I turned it on and everything started to which said to me "oh, I was wondering why my desk lamp wouldn't turn on". You can't make this stuff up but they all required a response.

    Also, my ticket was escalated to a specialized group and I have not heard from them in 2 weeks now. An escalated ticket requires attention and a response to which I have received neither. Telling a customer that dropping a ticket in priority for responding to a Technician's request is ridiculous. The ticketing system in place here doesn't work correctly because it reformats all my responses to a barely readable format whether I enter them into the ticket directly or respond via email (Outlook client or email provider website). Since the ticketing system doesn't have a preview, I must update the ticket first and then update the ticket again if the ticket wasn't formatted correctly. I have not experienced this with any other vendor and I have dealt with dozens.

    This is a great game which I like to play and hopefully one day I'll get proficient at it but the Customer Service needs to improve and from looking at various forum posts, it seems that I'm not the only one who thinks so.

    Speaking of the forum, you're supposed to gain access to post when you purchase the software which didn't happen in my case, I had to open a support ticket but even without that ability the forum proved invaluable by helping me to solve issues, find workarounds or that some issues have no immediate solution or workaround and you just have to deal with them.
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