Basically the title, and as of Veteran 3, the entire experience has been just awful.
Firstly, I was forced to assist a faction that I've been fighting against from the beginning, and in the process betrayed my faction multiple times.
The reason for doing other faction's content is because Meridia asks you to see it from their point of view. Apparently that means I have to actively sabotage my own faction, kill my own faction's troops, give their factional leaders powerful magical items and prevent multiple assassinations of their leaders. Where is the roleplayability in any of this? People claim that it breaks immersion seeing chat bubbles or having various bars on their screen, but this is worse than any of that. What's worse is that it feels like it's just been tacked on the prevent us from complaining about the lack of actual endgame PVE content. The only time you even see that this is the same character that you got from 1 to 50 in your home faction is a few different dialogue options in the very beginning. After that I may as well have been a Dominion solider, they certainly treat you like it, and there is no detail at all on what exactly it is that keeps you from being recognized in enemy faction territory (They just say "a spell"). And how is this not ruining the Soulless One's reputation in his or her home faction? At first, you are helping your home faction's highest levels of government, King Emeric in this case and even bring them back from the dead, but now I'm squashing every effort they are making to end the war. I do not feel like a neutral party trying to understand why the enemy is doing what they're doing, I just feel like a filthy traitor. This combined with numerous lore mistakes just makes in each zone makes me feel like quest developers spent maybe five minutes on some elder scrolls wiki and decided to fill in the blanks with headcanon and the announcement that the first adventure zone will be filled with "original lore" that is "based off of" established Elder Scrolls lore makes me worry for the future.
That's just the lore part of it, and at this point I've just been skipping quest dialogue because I'm tired of groaning. A problem that will effect more of you, since I'm sure most of you don't care at all for lore or roleplaying, is that the quest reward XP is completely underwhelming, I have completed every quest in every veteran zone up to my level and I am still not where I need to be. At the end of Greenshade I should have been V4, I am still halfway through V3. The only way I can complete veteran content is by spamming anchors and delves and trying to find dungeon groups, and now that they've patched the XP rewards for that it has gotten even harder. What happened to play the way you want? ZOS made that one of their main points when they were marketing to us, and this is not at all "the way I want". I do not like dungeons, never have. I'm a PVP player, the only reason I'm even touching this content is because I need to gear up for Cyrodiil. I tried to soldier through it, I searched for groups for dungeons and delves and world bosses, half the time the group breaks up before we even enter the dungeon. As for world boss and delve groups, this is what it is: A bunch of people sprinting across the map because they've aggro'd every mob running directly at bosses and leaving behind anyone who dies. What if I want to group up with some smarter people? Well I can't because I'm stuck in a phase with them with no way out. On a normal MMO I could have chosen who I wanted to play with in server select, with the megaserver I am forced into a phase with people I would never interact with willingly and I cannot escape them. I have seen the same names since I started leveling and the ignore list is starting to get a little too full and these are the people I have to group with because I cannot level off of normal quests in peace.
I'm sure this qualifies as a TL:DR post for most of you, so:
-Quest XP needs a massive boost
-The Lore department needs to do some massive revisions
-Grouping needs a massive overhaul or voluntary phase switches should be implemented
Edited by Catdrexion on April 17, 2014 6:47AM