How many of you are tired of going into a dungeon and... cant hardly ever get a boss kill because 5 sets of leveling bots are killing it over and over...
2. get stuck on a loading screen loop either entering or exiting.
If you are one of these people please .. lets petition Bethesda to get these exploiters out of the game. I for one am seriously half tempted to QUIT playing after my free 30 days. just because the gold spam is worse than Diablo 2. and the game hasn't even been out for a month. World of Warcraft was able to keep gold spammers from spamming. why can't you Bethesda? I mean even SWTOR doesn't have gold spam or spammers sending you mail.
I understand though that you are dealing with a boatload of technical issues. But from a gamers standpoint... it doesn't matter if a quest is broken ... when you don't have anyone to play said quest, because all your clients quit because they are tired of competing with cheaters.