A tad salty!! Solution to getting stuck in primary residence

And just in time for me to claim my old salt beard from the login rewards!!!

I love eso I really do but this past issue was a nightmare..

Before I go into my rant I wanted to communicate some info that helped me out. When/if you start getting infinite load screens because you logged out of your primary residence try these two steps even before bothering with a support ticket or the troubleshooting guide.

1. Temporarily lower your graphic setting (credit to fellow guildie @Rakarro)
2. Take an alt toon in your residence your stuck in and start removing items. Keep testing ...the 1st time i only had to remove approx 10-15 items the second time it took approx. 50+

Now for my rant. I love this game I really do. And as much as I "lurk" on the forums I try to keep it positive and not really complain. I have been with this game since day 1 and been eso plus the whole time, purchased two notable homes, several other medium to small homes and plenty of items to fill them with including crown exclusive items. Continue to bare with the lag and performance but this most recent scare left me thinking I would not be able to log in on my main again.

About a month ago I logged off my toon from within my primary residence that is full of furnishings (hoarder status). The next day I kept getting infinite load screens. So I logged in with an alt and tried removing some items. Then reloged on my main, sure enough it did the trick.

Since that moment I avoided my houses like the plague or i guess in this case like a pandemic. Which is a shame, we spend $ to support this game and in the long run we are in around about way penalized for it.

So this last time it happened I went in my primary to perfect my rotation. I was finally able to get right around 70k dps on my Stamplar NORD!!, and in turn went to upload my first video ever! Before receiving any prompt the ps4 closed out the ESO application, and I was immediately concerned, would I be able to log back In? Whatever excitement I was feeling by the milestone was quickly detracted by the several days worth of grapling i was about to embark on.

I tried my go to trick from the time before. And no dice! Then I did every step possible under the sun trying to troubleshoot, forums, reinstalled the game, deleted local data, rebuilt data base, created a ticket.

Although I was pleased that trough an initial post on the forums I actually was reached out to by a IT technician, it quickly turned after that. I was left with an email instructing me to reinitialize my ps4, and if that didn't work to pick it up with Sony, and dead silence after that.

I was moments away from actually reinitializing my consol. But I reached out to fellow guildes and they advised it would be of no real help. I would have lost tons of highlight videos and screen shot photos, not to mention everything else. While brainstorming with fellow guildies we came up with the steps above. But after I lowered the graphics alone it still did not work so I went back to removing items and I kept removing items and then testing, removing and testing again until it finally worked, now my house is half furnished but at least I'm back in. The process along the way wasn't too bad until the dead silence at the very end.

Almost like I was just being swept under the rug. And all the support I've given this game didn't even matter.

I, in the long run will keep playing and supporting this game. And am trying not to get too salty. I am just so relieved that pretty much my one and only true toon, with thousands of play hours, content clears, flawless title and all my pride and joy is back in action! I hope this company continues to grow, and fix this game, create avenues for better communication with troubleshooting and above all hope this helps anyone else that may get "stuck" in this situation.

Thanks for everyone's time who helped me along the way and shoutout to the Dagerfall wolves!!
  • AelonRhiadra
    This one would suggest making a note of items removed, it may be a item/item type is bugged. this seems likely with the lowering of graphics helping.
    Khajiit wasn't stealing. She was merely moving the shinies to a place where they were more valuable
  • fakingfocused
    Well I also ended up turning all the lights off. And anything with animation off as well. I tried removing all the same items as the first time when it worked the first time I got stuck. But this time I had to keep going more and more. Started with the furnishings that I thought would be the most taxing. So I really think it was the combination of items. But ill keep this suggestion in mind if it ever happens again. Problem is I removed a ton of items this last go around!

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