Change the necro scythe

The necro scythe is one of the coolest looking spammable-like abilities in the game in my opinion. And would fit necros (especially stam, cus melee range) as a main spammable or execute ability in my opinion. It is such a shame that it is used as a primary tank heal instead. If they could perhaps change this skill to be used more actively as a dd skill it would be really cool, and too be fair, it looks way more like a damage-skill, rather than a defensive skill. But obviously that means giving the necro tanks a replacement. The graverobber skill is completely gargabe, even after what they claim is the new and improved version. If they revamp this entirely into a new self heal/off balance skill (similar to how the current scythe works) i think it would be a great way to give the dds a use of this awesome looking ability, whilst also giving the graverobber a much greater use, in both pve/pvp.

If the scythe where to become an execute ability, i think the current crit execute passive should change aswell, since having 100% crit AND an execute would of course become very overpowered. But this also works well imo, since we have already seen that the devs want to change how the current crit situation is.
  • Danksta
    Taking away Necro's ground aoe to giving them a second spammable seems like a really bad idea.
    BawKinTackWarDs PS4/NA

  • the1andonlyskwex
    Danksta wrote: »
    Taking away Necro's ground aoe to giving them a second spammable seems like a really bad idea.

    From context, I think the OP means Grave Grasp, not Grave Robber. That said, I still don't think changes to Scythe are necessary.
    Edited by the1andonlyskwex on August 13, 2020 5:15PM
  • Flaaklypa
    Danksta wrote: »
    Taking away Necro's ground aoe to giving them a second spammable seems like a really bad idea.

    I forgot the name of the skill, i ofc meant grave grasp. The skill is so crap i couldnt even remember it, and i main necro lol.

    I agree, either they should make it a two stamina morph spammable, and have the skulls be a two magicka morph spammable, or simply make the skill a class execute ability, which it would fit really well as imo.
  • Atherakhia
    Danksta wrote: »
    Taking away Necro's ground aoe to giving them a second spammable seems like a really bad idea.

    I think when he said graverobber he meant Grave Grasp as opposed to Bone Yard which ZOS somehow managed to make worse in the upcoming patch, not better. But I agree, we can't lose Boneyard. The class is already falling behind on damage in PvE, losing this would hurt.

    While I agree that Scythe would be an interesting execute ability, I'm really not sure the skill needs to be redesigned all that much. The heal isn't based off the damage done, so an execute that heals for a paltry amount isn't that big of a deal is it? Similarly, it making a target off balance on a 3rd cast also doesn't seem worthy of changing simply because this skill would now be an execute?

    There are also other options to adjusting this that wouldn't require the crit passive to change. For example, make scythe crits deal double damage to targets below 25%. To ensure a certain level of reliability in PvP, Scythe could have a 100% chance to crit if a tether is active or a corpse is nearby or something along those lines. It could also consume a corpse and grant 100% chance to crit and make scythe crits have a 100% chance to drop a corpse. Etc etc.

    Something like this:

    Death Scythe: lice into your enemy's life force, dealing 615 Magic Damage. You heal for 1311 Health for the first enemy hit, and an additional 437 for each additional enemy hit, up to five times. The healing of this ability scales off your Maximum Health. Death Scythe will deal additional critical damage to a target below XX% health and any time Death Scythe deals critical damage a corpse will be generated.

    Stam Morph: Converts to a stamina ability, every third strike will set the target off balance and will consume a corpse to gain a 100% chance to crit on targets below 25%.

    Mag Morph: Gain a heal over time and will consume a corpse to gain a 100% chance to crit on targets below 25%

    But all the rambling aside, I do agree that Necro needs an execute, especially a Mag one. And I also feel the class needs many more adjustments beyond just this. Again, especially for mag.
    Edited by Atherakhia on August 13, 2020 5:33PM
  • Danksta
    frontend wrote: »

    I forgot the name of the skill, i ofc meant grave grasp. The skill is so crap i couldnt even remember it, and i main necro lol.

    I agree, either they should make it a two stamina morph spammable, and have the skulls be a two magicka morph spammable, or simply make the skill a class execute ability, which it would fit really well as imo.

    That makes more sense. I'm not opposed to having two class spammables, but I think it'd be nice to have one range and one melee for both stam and mag. I like the passive execute that frees up bar space so my personally opinion would be to not make it an execute.
    BawKinTackWarDs PS4/NA

  • YandereGirlfriend
    Leave one morph with the heal as the tanking morph.

    Then drop the wonky and random Off Balance proc as well as the healing from the other morph and turn it into an execute that scales off of your highest stats. Deals up to 100% more damage on targets <50% health (e.g. Whirling Blades AoE execute strength).

    Easy peasy.
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