Could they have happened before the Soulburst ?

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According to the "Chronicles of the Five Companions" volume 1 the Soulburst happened in late 2e578.

in "Season of the Dragon" and "Dark Heart of Skyrim" we meet some of the Companions freely moving around Tamriel. Could these storylines happened before the Soulburst ? Let's say 2e575 ? The same could be said for all the other DLCs and Chapters as we do not see Dolmens (Abyssal Geysers don't count).

Opinions requested
During the afternoon of Loredas, 6 Sun’s Dawn 2e578 a big piece of Aetherius fell to Nirn. It was the first major piece of Aetherius to fall on Nirn in more than five hundred years. It scattered around the world as millions of shards. It was rapidly documented by Lady Cinnabar of Taneth in her pamphlet Aetherial Fragments that "... when three shards meet, they re-form into a silvery prism by unknown process and confer the power unlocked by the merger to a nearby being." The Order of the Black Worm, commonly known as the Worm Cult, reappeared in Tamriel shortly thereafter and some of its members are avidly searching said shards.
In the last week of First Seed 2e579, an arcane explosion occurred in the Imperial City — a night of storms, and trembling terrain. They named it the "Soulburst". That day Emperor Varen Aquilarios disappeared without a trace. His wife, Clivia Tharn, ascended to the Ruby Throne as Empress Regent under the guidance of the Necromancer Mannimarco. Ushering a time of increased instability within the Empire of Cyrodiil which finally grew into “The Three Banners War”.
  • VaranisArano
    Not according to Companion dialogue, no.

    Also, Lyris working for Jorunn happened afterward. Chronolgy here:
  • Elsonso
    Not according to Companion dialogue, no.

    Also, Lyris working for Jorunn happened afterward. Chronolgy here:

    Sadly, this is why starting players in the latest chapter is the totally wrong way to do things. I get why ZOS and Bethesda are doing it this way, but it leaves a nasty knot in the sequence of events, as experienced by the player.

    Now, you get to meet Lyris and form a working relationship with her before she is even sent to Coldharbour. If you start the game in Western Skyrim, it has to be before the Soulburst. She is one of the Five Companions that quested for, found, and used the Red Diamond so that Varen Aquilarios can become Emperor. When that fails, she is captured. You are the one that will rescue Lyris from Coldharbour. At the time of the Icereach problems, Varen Aquilarios should still be flitting around the Imperial City plotting ways to gain the favor of Akatosh. It is before the Three Banners War. It is before the Ebonheart Pact. It is before Lyris was someone who Jorunn would have sent to Western Skyrim.

    So, yes, it has to be before 2E577, but it also has to be after the Soulburst in 2E582.

    ZOS should have let Lyris sit this one out. This is why you don't bring "beloved" characters back from the dead.

    "Bury the dead, they stink up the joint."

    Edited by Elsonso on August 10, 2020 12:32PM
    ESO Plus: No
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