vet Kyne's Aegis must be the most bugged trial this patch (Greymoore). You have to be extremely lucky to have a good instance and very little graphic bugs. In this case I had the worst possible one. The flashing lights that slowly deteriorate your ability to use skills. It's been reported many times but so far there's been no acknowledgement from ZOS, no ETA on a fix. I had to stay there like that, being guided by other members of the group, as if I'm blind... for 100m health of the boss. The entire last phase.
It was OK right at the beginning, but as soon as the boss landed, my game became a jumping mess of flashing shapes and colours. I am honestly fed up how BAD the performance is on the console. And I know I'm not the first nor the last person to experience this bug.
You want to see an even funnier one, check out the disco vka. It's awesome /s
PS4 EU Aga_The_Grey - retired | PC EU AgaTheGreat