Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Quality of life request thread:

Which quality of life features would you like to see in-game?
Personally I would like to see:

-Dual specs
-A lead list for antiquities
-More bank space(atleast 1000 minimum)
-More inventory space(maybe tied to pets, every pet +5),
-Furniture bag
-Survey bag
-Writ book
-Motif page book
-PvP warehouse to store siege stuff
-Basic game DPS meter
-'Complete crafting daily' button at each specific crafting station(which crafts the items the daily requires)
-A merchant that exchanges surveys for 2/3rd of the items you could get for doing them(for those with less time, or for those who just don't want to do surveys)
-A guildvendor for the guildless
-'Horse training available' icon in the character selection screen(per character)

This is all I could come up with for now, feel free to suggest your own QoL requests.
Edited by Sarannah on July 27, 2020 12:30PM
  • Joxer61
    mini map
    customize UI
    thats it

    dont need anything telling me when to dodge....

    although...........................a Auction House of sorts...hmmm
  • joerginger
    - Pick up all your characters' hireling mails with the first character you log in
    - Pick up the materials for all identical surveys the first time you harvest a survey, not forcing the player to run away and come back again or log out and then log in again
    - Make stacks for food, potions etc. higher, 100 is incredibly low
  • Astrid
    Just give me an option to turn sorc pets into something smaller that isn’t gonna eat my frames and hinder my vision.

    P l e a s e
  • Tharca
    In groupfinder an extra checkbox for : lore run or speedrun

    So people that want to quest or do lore will not hold up speedrunners and the speedrunners will not run ahead from the questers so they find the bosses they need to kill allready killed by the group when they arive at them.
  • Nemesis7884
    more inventory space, filter function for the bank and storage boxes and the possibility to send items directly to another one of your character

    honestly inventory space and management among 18 characters is the biggest "no fun" time waster for me in the game

    Edited by Nemesis7884 on July 27, 2020 3:31PM
  • agegarton
    I have a few.....

    • Let me reorder my 5 guilds....
    • Let me create a new character starting at level 50 if I have already got to L50 in that class.....
    • Rethink horse training - the current solution is just boring (maybe make training account wide?)....
    • Let my banker access guild banks too....
    • Put crafting writ surveys into an account-wide journal, just like antiquity leads....
    • Flat pack your siege engines just like Ikea - stacking for the win!
    • Let me buy a CLASS change token....
    • Intro a toggle for account-wide achievements.

    And some less important but really nice to have.....
    • Introduce farming nodes to housing....
    • Give me some more housing furniture slots (even if I have to buy it!)
    • No really, some MORE furnishing slots for my massive great big houses....
    • When you do character pathing, make sure it works for pets....
    • Speaking of pets in houses, maybe let them roam free a bit?

    And one final thing - from the sublime to the ridiculous....
    • Fix Cyrodiil. (hehehe yeah I know........)
    Edited by agegarton on July 27, 2020 12:46PM
  • Etelgar
    Soul Shriven
    Most of this souns like "Hey, I'm so lazy make me PRESS TO WIN button for dailes, crafting and more".

    What i'd really like to see in game is some more account-wide stuff (like relics): eidetic memory lorebooks for example.
  • bethsheba
    Etelgar wrote: »
    Most of this souns like "Hey, I'm so lazy make me PRESS TO WIN button for dailes, crafting and more".

    You read my mind.
  • Joxer61
    Tharca wrote: »
    In groupfinder an extra checkbox for : lore run or speedrun

    So people that want to quest or do lore will not hold up speedrunners and the speedrunners will not run ahead from the questers so they find the bosses they need to kill allready killed by the group when they arive at them.

    HELL YES!! Now thats a great one!! ;)
  • Sarannah
    Etelgar wrote: »
    Most of this souns like "Hey, I'm so lazy make me PRESS TO WIN button for dailes, crafting and more".

    What i'd really like to see in game is some more account-wide stuff (like relics): eidetic memory lorebooks for example.
    Well, some of it is stuff we basically need to do every day. Making it a chore, so all QoL does in those cases is speed up the chores so we can do the stuff we want to do.
    Put crafting writ surveys into an account-wide journal, just like antiquity leads....
    Only if we can turn this off. Don't want surveys to pop on alts, or non-maxed crafters.

    Another suggestion:
    -Crafting master writs: show specific text in green if a character has the motif / trait to complete it. Red if the character cannot.
    Edit: -Wayshrine for inside houses.
    Edited by Sarannah on July 27, 2020 1:17PM
  • nwilliams2107b16_ESO
    I just want to be able to wear my twin swords on my back please.
  • Geekgirl
    All I REALLY want is to be able to easily see ALL of my party members on my location bar.

    PC/NA - Perpetually casual. Furniture and fish collector. Lover of exploration and opener of urns.
    Maxed CPs, still no clue how to endgame, too much time opening urns, prolly.
    Eve Morrison - Templar DPS - Furniture Crafter/Maker of Arms - Co-op w/hubby/achievements/crafting
    Jilly Narraway - MagDK DPS - Delves/Dungeons/Dolmans - She murders ALL THE THINGS!
    Fynn the Lucky - Warden Tank -- Seer of things/Explorer of places - RP/Solo/Storyline/Completionist
    Siluna Southpaw - StamDK DPS slippery-fingered type/Murder hobo - RP/Solo/Storyline
  • Ulfhethinn
    Sarannah wrote: »
    Which quality of life features would you like to see in-game?

    -Dual specs

    This. Or a rework of respec costs. This game is very hostile to any sort of build exploration.

    At a minimum, morph and attribute respecs should be free. Ideally, they would make respec cost based only on points actually redistributed.

    Respec costs as a gold sink are a terrible idea. They enforce stagnation. Its the sort of costs players, who tend to be very conservative about spending, simply don't instead of paying.

    Yeah, I know, crown store sales... I'd rather they just put up more costumes and such to buy than effecting a game mechanic.
    Edited by Ulfhethinn on July 27, 2020 1:25PM
    Sarannah wrote: »
    Etelgar wrote: »
    Most of this souns like "Hey, I'm so lazy make me PRESS TO WIN button for dailes, crafting and more".

    What i'd really like to see in game is some more account-wide stuff (like relics): eidetic memory lorebooks for example.
    Well, some of it is stuff we basically need to do every day. Making it a chore, so all QoL does in those cases is speed up the chores so we can do the stuff we want to do.

    The point of a lot of these things being a bit tedious is that you have to choose whether or not you want to put the time in to make money or have the thing you want.

    Theres a reason gold on consoles is worth a lot more than pc. Its because consoles have to more time into making the gold (and maybe less bots as well). The time spent to gold ratio remains relatively the same.
  • deleted210809-001958
    just fix cyro lags/desyncs/loading screens. that would be +1kkk to my quality of live
    Edited by deleted210809-001958 on July 27, 2020 1:30PM
  • rexagamemnon
    All of these are good. I also think that a ap counter for the pvp content would good. That way people can track how much ap is needed to reach the next alliance war rank
  • barney2525
    Beds that work - with an animation of covers so its not just lying on top of the bed.

    A way to move things around in your inventory and have them stay in the place you put them

    Edited by barney2525 on July 27, 2020 2:03PM
  • colossalvoids
    Most basic:

    Gear swap (at any time) and spec swap (might tie this with clown store like a wardrobe at home or something) possibility.

    CMX equivalent which is super unlikely as esologs exists but still makes any testing way more efficient.

    Action duration reminder addon equivalent as it's as simple as you can get and just infinitely helpful for any combat encounter.

    Easily some more inventory slots we're already getting and more bank space for sure as we're getting insane amounts of new things to store every update, not even talking gear made completely useless but might get an unexpected buff/rework as always.

    Not really a qol but partially - instanced (optionally) story quests in every dlc with ability to up the difficulty as right now those "encounters" might be memorable only for a complete newbie I'm afraid, also some "secret" zones being infested by thousands of vestiges at a time is a complete fail.

    Edit: ability to finally do something to pets being combat ones or any other.
    Edited by colossalvoids on July 27, 2020 2:54PM
  • Kungfu
    Zimmeron to offer a choice of scroll quests in Cyro so we don't have to spam him over and over while receiving some stupid one because he has a fetish.

    Rename items so the SET name comes first. See: Bright-Throat's Boast for example. So that set pieces can be grouped together in inventory by name.

  • Evilspock
    Flying pets are cancer, we need a transparency option or the ability to turn them off.
    🖖 @EvilSpock |PC/NA| ✦ Guildmaster: Vulcan Commandos |AD| ✦
  • darbiirue
    I would really like to see more "extras," things such as farming in our housing plots, or at least the ability to grow herbs and such. Other mini-game-ish things along the same lines as the fishing. There's an awful lot to do in the game already, and they did finally add the Antiquities system, but it would be nice to have more of these "time-wasters" as some would refer to them as, just to make the game feel even more lively.

    It's one of the things that WoW actually did well, same with WildStar, Black Desert Online and ArcheAge. They have a lot of little "other" things to do besides just questing and PvP. Adding these sorts of things to the game would encourage more interaction out in the world, and give people even more gameplay longevity.

    The ability to pet my pets, others' pets and the ones out in the world. It seems ridiculous until you walk up on a random dog or cat in the street and have no ability to interact with them at all. Again, it'll make the game feel more lively.

    Edited to Add: The other thing that I think would be awesome is equipment and/or barding of sorts for mounts and pets, independent of what they come with. For example: I have a mount that I absolutely love, and it would be cool to be able to acquire different barding for it than what is on it currently. Rather than always just buying new mounts, buying barding for them would be awesome.

    Same deal with pets. Some of the pets can carry bags and such. It would be cool if this could be implemented on some of the larger of the pets (wolves, big cats, etc.) that you could put visual "equipment" like bags on them.
    Edited by darbiirue on July 27, 2020 3:05PM
    @DarbiiRueRagna Hjaalfingar - Nord, WardenRiahni-Ko - Khajiit, Arcanist
  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
    I would personally like to see:

    - Additional guild slots or a different way of managing a group of people.
    - More inventory/bank/coffer space (as we are all reaching our limits)
    - A focused plan on making gameplay enjoyable and not underperforming (trials and pvp)
    - Reworking some of the existing mechanics in game (Fishing as example -> Mini games would be better)

    Fishing sounds like the silliest revamp possible...but little things like this which could be 'fun' can make a difference in lightening up the atmosphere of the game.
    Edited by Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo on July 27, 2020 3:23PM
  • ectoplasmicninja
    The ability to hide individual gear slots at the outfit station. One should not need to wear Honor Guard epaulets with every outfit just to ensure one's shoulders do not catch the wind like a kite.

    The ability to select which tutorial I want. It would make starting at the chronological beginning of the story so much easier for new players, and it would let me go back to the Morrowind tutorial which for some reason I like much more than all the others.

    The ability to sell or trade attunable crafting stations, so we can help our guildmaster out more easily than dumping all our master writs and materials on him for him to do all the work.

    The ability to dye our hair. With that, the ability to dye it colours that are not absurd but are beyond what is available to our race in character creation, by which I of course mean that I would like to make an Altmer with black hair. Why should Leythen be the only emo High Elf in existence?
    PC NA, CP2200+. Character creation is the true endgame.
  • Pinoh

    -More bank space(atleast 1000 minimum)
    -More inventory space(maybe tied to pets, every pet +5),
    -Furniture bag
    -Survey bag
    -Writ book
    -Motif page book
    -PvP warehouse to store siege stuff
    -A guildvendor for the guildless

    Stacking in guild banks. I am sure half the lag is from people taking stuff out of the guild bank stacking it and putting it back. :P

    Yeah something needs to be done for furniture at the least. Each update adds more and more. Surveys and Writ storage would be nice as well. There is more and more gear to save with each update as well.

    The guild vendor thing was funny though. Pretty sure it would become the default auction house for the entire games. Which is probably a good thing, might stabilize the economy a little. Might help get rid of some of the silly flipping and traveling to weird locations in search of deals. Or conversely, add a lot of new traders, like dozens or more, to open it up to more casual guilds.
    come visit my slide at my enchanted snow globe
  • Daemons_Bane
    Sarannah wrote: »
    Etelgar wrote: »
    Most of this souns like "Hey, I'm so lazy make me PRESS TO WIN button for dailes, crafting and more".

    What i'd really like to see in game is some more account-wide stuff (like relics): eidetic memory lorebooks for example.
    Well, some of it is stuff we basically need to do every day. Making it a chore, so all QoL does in those cases is speed up the chores so we can do the stuff we want to do.

    Having you do chores, ensures that you spend a minimum of time ingame.. The purpose of the game is to have you spend time/money.. If you want your writs done faster, get the addon.. I would not expect ZOS to do it for you

  • Sarannah
    Some more:

    -Find a reason for us to actually use/have multiple houses at the same time.
    -A traveling horse trainer.
    -Allow us to plan/queue skillpoints, so they automatically place where we queue'd/planned them.
    -Always show both available skillmorphs, even if a skill has no skillpoints in it yet. Even if we have already chosen a morph.
    -Allow us to copy keybinds/settings over to another character, maybe a save and load set-up. Including an accountwide settings option, so when we set-up one character, we do them all at once.
    -Allow us to show both skillbars at the same time.
    -Show timers for skills on the skillbar.
    -Save Champion Point load-out.
    -Add restoration staff to the tutorials.

    PS: Just because some things have an add-on for them, does not mean they should not be included in the main game. I do not like using add-ons, and some things would be major QoL for consoles.
    PPS: I would actually play longer doing what I want to do.
  • dvonpm
    Ability to see our own deposits in any guild bank.
  • shalalaA7X
    Containers to group things within inventory On character or bank for ease of movement or finding sets if you share sets between characters or have a lot of different healing/tank sets you wear on your characters or mannequin to put gear on in house.
  • Thechuckage
    - Dual speccing
    - Toggle to hide vanity/non combat pets
    - Armor/gear stands for housing
    - Giant vortexes above crafting areas and banks, said vortex sucks up all combat pets while in the area. You can have them back when you leave
  • redlink1979
    I'm not greedy, ZOS. So, just dual specs pleaseeeee!

    PS - Any bag/bank/storage box space upgrade would be a win!
    "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear"
    • Sons of the Night Mother | VforVendetta | Grownups Gaming EU | English Elders [PS][EU] 2360 CP
    • Daggerfall's Mightiest | Eternal Champions | Legacy | Tamriel Melting Pot [PS][NA] 2190 CP
    • SweetTrolls | Spring Rose | Daggerfall Royal Legion | Tinnitus Delux [PC][EU] 2345 CP
    • Bacon Rats | Silverlight Brotherhood | Canis Root Tea Party | Vincula Doloris [PC][NA] 2090 CP
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