With the incoming changes on some old sets, I tried to build around with them on PTS. War Maiden, Advancing Yokeda, Medusa, Elemental Sets etc. are all looking good now. That being said, Minor Slayer being a free stat on core trial sets forces me too use one of them in every combination. Like we are doing since the introduction of the buff in Vicious Ophidian and Infallible Aether.
So I thought if there was another source for minor slayer (which doesn't suck too much) maybe we could have more diversity on Dps sets (especially between classes since some new sets are better on specific classes).
A Monster set with minor slayer bonus comes to mind first. For example, a set that can be used on both magicka and stamina like domihaus would be good for minor slayer. It is just an example though, there would be many other ways to put the buff in a Monster Set.
Another implementation could be adding minor slayer to Hard Mode challange (could be only on DLC dungeons too), maybe similar to perfected ideas, perfected monsters helms with minor slayer. It could be even tied to those dungeons' achievements similar to some furnishing sales.
Bonus, this wouldn't effect PvP even slightly so no need to worry about that part.
I didn't forget Minor Aegis. It can also be on another monster set.
Edited by adilazimdegilx on July 27, 2020 4:49PM
Minor Slayer on a Monster Set: 43 votes
Yes, it'd be a nice addition.
There is a better option for that: (your idea)
1 vote
Either way it wouldn't change anything.