Hi I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up to par with too much of this news but, does anyone know if during the past year, or past 6 months or even 3 months was there any nerfs to Sorcerer class, and or the sets including "Plague Doctors, Necropotence, or Valkyn Monster" Sets? I've been a 2 pet high elf Sorc , long before a 2 pet Sorc was even a thing. But, correct me if I'm wrong though, I personally feel the The active ability from Daedric summoning skill line, "Hardened Ward" seems just a tab off. Well from what it was a year ago at least. Since then due to living arrangements I've been light gaming and adventuring. Now things are situated alright, and I'm back into big things like vet dungeons and HM or trials, if it's just my experience that I need to get back into the groove, I just feel things are a bit off and the build needs revisiting to tweek some kinks out.
Those in power only have the illusion they are powerful, however in reality, those in power are only so because we allow them to be.
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