F1 - R.Lambert said in a recent interview those in-game reports actually get read.
Of course, your character may be morphing into an npc guard, kind of like becoming a vampire or werewolf. Yeuch. But at leeast you'll be able to curve skills around obstacles or simply ignore them - like that wall.
Is this glitch back, Is there wall there on your end ?
I had it where the wall/postern was at 100% but I could jump to the left of the door and walk in the keep without using the door, is this what you are seeing ?
Is this glitch back, Is there wall there on your end ?
I had it where the wall/postern was at 100% but I could jump to the left of the door and walk in the keep without using the door, is this what you are seeing ?
No its in one of the towers, u kind of walk through the wall down in a pit under the guards, then u can continue until u are inside keep, no siege required.