Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

Share your Addon List!

Just wonder what addons people are using! Curses and ESOUI are both good options for them. I use the latter, personally.

List your addons and your goal for using them. :) Do avoid posting sketchy addons that abuse exploits like warping. Report those to ZOS instead of using them.

Here's my lineup, centered around immersion and minimalism! Some configuration is necessary to get them just right.

No Written Dialogue
I'm not big on subtitles, and I found myself reading them too fast. This forces me to really get into the dialogue by actually listening to the NPC.

Borrower and Lender
Using this to disable the bank dialogue. It gets annoying after awhile.

Lets you make some invasive changes to the UI, such as placement changes.

As a controller player, I like to auto-loot everything, making this very useful.

Loot Filter
This comes in handy if you find yourself deleting specific loot frequently, like bait and provisioning stuff.

MH Framework + MH Full Immersion
MH Full Immersion is really important to me. It lets you hide some extra aspects of the HUD so you can see more of beautiful Tamriel.

Research Assistant
A great quality of life mod for dedicated craftaholics.

Reticle Settings
A neat little mod that lets you greatly customize the crosshair (reticle). You can even use it to add your own design.

Fairly self explanatory. In the age of the Gold Spammer, ESO's modability comes in extremely handy. This filters out almost all gold spam.

Actually, a better spam filter currently seems to be LibAntiSpam.
Edited by Sarenia on April 21, 2014 5:17AM
  • pavelcherepanskyrwb17_ESO
    I only use Research Timer (or whatever it's called) that shows me the time remaining for research in all 3 crafts, spam filter (which apparently is useless) and damage report addon.
    "Do you want the book or not? Then go whack some people with Wabbajack!!"
  • Brother_Numsie

    Loot Filter
    This comes in handy if you find yourself deleting specific loot frequently, like bait and provisioning stuff.

    It's YOU! :#

    -THIS- is the reason I keep finding empty nodes with only crawlers and worms when I'm looking for crafting mats!

    I'M SO PISSED I'M GONNA.....GONNA.......

    pout and cry in the corner. :'(

    And then write an angry post in the forums MWAHAHAHA >:)
  • Lalai
    Posted this in another thread, but here's what I use:

    Sous Chef (which allows you to tell which recipes you've learned, even on alt characters.. and tells you which tier ingredients are from, plus whether you have any recipes that use them)
    Research Assistant (marks gear with colors so you know which gear has traits you haven't learned yet, which is a duplicate to something else in your inventory, and which has intricate or ornate traits)
    AI Research Grid (allows you to pull up a grid of what traits you have/haven't researched so you don't have to be at a crafting bench to see)
    FTC (I use it just for the buffs, but it also displays numbers for health/mana, and scrolling combat text)
    Guild Store Search (allows you to type in what you're searching for, and then searches your guild stores for it)
    Achievement Tracker (self explanatory)
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • MercyKilling
    My add ons:

    ......and that's all of them.
    I am not spending a single penny on the game until changes are made to the game that I want to see.
    1) Remove having to be in a guild to sell items to other players at a kiosk.
    2) Cosmetic modding for armor and clothing.
    3) Difficulty slider.
    4) Fully customizable player housing that isn't tied to anything in the game other than having the correct resources and enough gold to build. Don't tie it to PvP, guild membership, or anything at all. Oh, make it instanced so as not to take up world map space, too. Zeni screwed this one up already.
    Any /one/ of these things implemented would get me spending again, maybe even subbing.
  • Elvent
    Sky shards addon because alt tabbing to look at maps to figure out where any skyshards are that I missed was becoming annoying and I would rather just stay in the game.

    SpamFilter addon but it doesn't seem to work anymore...I still see gold sellers spamming in chat, I guess I need to configure stuff in the settings? I haven't looked into it...

    And last is SlightlyImprovedExperienceBar, it allows me to keep my XP bar to always show and shows the number text and percentage.

    Don't really care much for other addons but if there was a chat bubble addon where anybody that said something in /say would have a bubble above their head then I would have that as well.
  • Sarenia
    Loot Filter
    This comes in handy if you find yourself deleting specific loot frequently, like bait and provisioning stuff.

    It's YOU! :#

    -THIS- is the reason I keep finding empty nodes with only crawlers and worms when I'm looking for crafting mats!

    I'M SO PISSED I'M GONNA.....GONNA.......

    pout and cry in the corner. :'(

    And then write an angry post in the forums MWAHAHAHA >:)

    *carefully picks all but a few petals off a Jute plant and tosses down a handful of crawlers*


    *spots Numsie nearby and disappears into the shadows*

    "Yeeeees, my plan is unfolding perfectly."

    Elvent wrote: »

    SpamFilter addon but it doesn't seem to work anymore...I still see gold sellers spamming in chat, I guess I need to configure stuff in the settings? I haven't looked into it...

    The gold spammers have started using extremely convoluted links that the filter can't really catch. The amusing irony of it is that the links are so garbled that I can't even figure out which site they're advertising anyway LOL.

    Edited by Sarenia on April 21, 2014 3:13AM
  • Seraseth
    The LibAntiSpam one is updated daily and is working very well.


    Aside from that I also use Sous chef and guild store search

    Just crafting xp messages

    dragon loot since i auto loot

    craft research timer to see how long I have left on current research

    T's combat stats to have a combat log as a chat tab(i dont like scrolling floating numbers)
  • Brother_Numsie

    *goes fishin*
  • Elsonso
    MoreTargetInformation v2
    BagSpaceIndicator v1
    LootDrop (modified)
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Sarenia
    Seraseth wrote: »
    The LibAntiSpam one is updated daily and is working very well.


    This does seem to work much better! Two hours in Stormhaven and I haven't seen a single gold spam post yet. Thanks for the reference.
  • Appren
    Currently running these addons:
    - Alchemist (shows possible potion combinations to discover new traits on a herb, should probably just remove it now that my alch char has it all covered)
    - Bank Stuffer (moves partially filled stacks from my inventory to bank IF there are already partially filled stacks of the same component there already)
    - BatmanStoreFilter (Guild store enhancement, no IDEA why the game does not offer this function by default)
    - Borrower and lender (Are you tired of the bank lady telling you that she is not trusted as a former thief or whatever, over and over again? this is for you then!)
    - Combat Log Statistics (Combat log windows, shows xp gains, damage done etc, standard MMO stuff)
    - Dragon Loot (Shows items you and your party autoloot, decide yourself if you want a seperate loot window, or in chat)
    - Foundry Tactical Combat (Better HUD, scrolling combat text, a must have for me!)
    - Greymind Quick Slot Bar (Better quickslot menu)
    - Guild Store Search (search items by name in guild store, again no idea why this is not there by default, such a stupid oversight by the devs)
    - Inventory Grid view (Tired of scrolling up and down through your 100+ inventory slots? Hell yes!)
    - Inventory Item borders (shows coloured border around items, showing their rarity at a glance)
    - LoreBooks (shows undiscovered lore books on map)
    - Rainbow Reticle (name on mouseover target shows on cursor, coloured friend or foe)
    - Research Assistant (shows an icon next to items, when not in grid view mode that is, if an items trait has been researched by you or not)
    - Simple Combat Alerts
    - SkyShards
    - Softcapinfo
    - Sous Chef
    - SpamFilter (not very good, I think...might try another, or just turn off zone chat if in lower level zones)
    - Wykkyds framework, and outfitter - great mod! must have!
    - ZrMM (Modified version of ZR minimap, now also works in Cyrodil)

    Really great that we have all these mods, fixing the horribly minimalistic (IMO of course, I know some like it for a weird reason) UI. I love you modders!
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