This Addons is intended to help manage a Guild.
Type "/leogm" on your chat to open the main window or use the KeyBinding.
It uses MasterMerchant data to avoid scan the guild sales by itself. If you just installed MM, wait for it do its first deep scan, then you can use this one.
- House Rules - You can set the minimum requirements for sales and raffle tickets for a week
- Purge - Will list members that did not met the above criteria, with the option to ignore members above a rank.
- Right-click on a guild member for options: Whisper, Mail, Demote, Kick. (Soon: Edit Note)
- Blacklist: Any blacklisted player will be kicked from the guild. The userID must contain the @ and be with correct case (eg: @MyUserID)
Future features:
- Raffle
- Arkadius's Trade Tools integration
- Option to not using MM or ATT, will scan by itself
- Settings
- Change the time range (1 week for now, but will add option to 1 week, 2 weeks and 1 month)
Dependencies that you need to install:
* LibStub
* LibFeedback
* MasterMerchant