Creating a new char it took all of 5 minutes to be invited to a gold trade guild.
twice I was directly ask to trade with someone shady.
I was invited to be a 'Friend'
And, the first thing I saw on chat was...have a guess... you guessed right.
This really gets out of hand. The Cheaters are running this game it appears to me.
Is there really nothing the Developers can do against this?
Right now I am afraid to get associated with any guild at all because it might be a spam guild.
I also do not trade because I do not wish my account being banned because of some cheat.
I do not even allow much gold to accumulate in the Banks because someone might think I am cheating and my account is banned.
The public dungeons are still full of bots.
And yes...the Tele-bots are all over the place stealing nodes right in front of me.
I am sick of reporting these bots after having done so for two weeks.
Yes... I am slightly upset by this. Don't tell me to be patient. I am patient. No I will not quit the game... This issue however (in my opinion) needs to be brought under control quickly because it is out of control right now.
Okay..that was my rant.... my opinion is that unless this issue is brought under control it will drive honest players away from the game.
Edited by Chirru on April 20, 2014 11:04PM