Husband did not notice til the feed was ending that his PC browser had for some unknown reason loaded the mobile version of twitch o.O
Anyone know how this is even possible?
He's not gotten any crates and probably won't due to this, but would like to know why/how it happened to prevent it from happening in future
Elwendryll wrote: »
I was listening to it on mobile while playing ESO. I got my drop.
The mobile version is not an issue.
As far as I know you only need a linked account, and watching the stream. Not even sure the sound is actually necessary. I never really let a stream run for drops only.
Maybe for some reason he wasn't logged in on twitch along with the issue you described.
Just for info, I haven't received anything either. Started watching in a browser following the twitch link from the announcement. Watched it nearly all the way through (missed the very beginning) but haven't had an email or crates.
Sorry to sound grabby.
Watched the whole thing live on PC.
Commented and saw my comments.
Typed stonethorn when everyone else did.
Nothing in game as of 3PM EST 07/10/20.
No crate, no email in game, no email IRL.
Just saying.
YandereGirlfriend wrote: »Why were people spamming 'stonethorn' in the chat?
I had it muted for most of the time but people were spamming it for like an hour of the broadcast.
To answer the OP, I had emails within probably an hour of the stream ending.
Well this baffles me even more!! xD
As I understand it, if you mute the stream you don't get any drops! Perhaps you unmuted for just the right amount of time or just at the right time. How strange.
To be honest, crates aside, I'm more confused/curious about how it's supposed to work.
JacksonCarter13 wrote: »I was 100% online and I definitely had the sound on. I was typing stonethorn with everyone else and even waited a little after the stream ended when everyone was still spamming it to make sure I got the crates... I had the green icon in the left so I wasn’t afk or anything either.
YandereGirlfriend wrote: »
FWIW, my computer system audio was what was muted rather than the volume on the Twitch player itself.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »
#stonethorn was for the live giveaway, @JacksonCarter13 ... not the crates.
Are you sure your Twitch account is linked to your ESO account via your online account details?
Looks like you have a ticket in which is good ...
Taleof2Cities wrote: »
#stonethorn was for the live giveaway, @JacksonCarter13 ... not the crates.
Are you sure your Twitch account is linked to your ESO account via your online account details?
Looks like you have a ticket in which is good ...