I am doing summerset for the second time with a new character. And now running around on Arteum I thought how cool it would be if they made that as a house. I love those splashing water pools to get to other rooms and the shape and corridors are really nice. The island itself is stunning of course we could do so many beautiful things with that. If they would make outside as big as the Coldharbour surreal estate or Moon sugar meadow we can decorate our hearts out
As for why I put NPC's in the title.
I find the houses very lifeless. I have amazing ideas for Moon-Sugar Meadow but I don't want it because its boring.
Why van they not let us put NPC's in whom we can talk to?
They do things in a certain pattern anyway and if they describe what a certain NPC does, for example sit on a chair, or lean against wall or brush a mount etc. We can make sure to put that object in place. Also if they line out how much room they need to move around then it is not that difficult to place them.
I know a lot of people would go for this and it would be so nice to have some chatter, sing and dance and movement in our houses.
Pretty please can we have this???