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ESO is for people who want play mmo without mmo?

Everywhere I read that ESO is great single player MMO game - and that's good thing for people.

Just curious. How mmo game can be a single game? Is not better to play in single game then mmo to play... alone? I think Oblivion, Skyrim also have much better quests and world then ESO.

What is the point of ESO? Is the game only for ES people? I was never a fan of ES (for me they are boring games - and I love RPG genre - mostly old Fallout games and Arcanum) - but ES was always blend, bugged and boring.
But... I try ESO.... I buy new Skyrim little dlc in promotion... And... God... Is just generally bad game with shop in shop ins store with dlc and shop with lootboxes. Quests are boring and the same, just someone talk super slow and boring style. Graphic is bad, animations are bad. Bugs! I was fighting with some mob and in some moment my character stop animation, crouch and I move like that for next 2 minutes. Other time I fight with mob and in some moment he get full health and full immortality.

And this new mini game (antiquities) look like some games my mum play on the phone!

Many people said how good is this game but... After playing like 20h and try, try hard with subscription I just don't understand why some people say is good game? Is not a good mmo, is even not bad mmo is just not mmo. Because sometimes i see other people not make a game mmo. Is a bad single player game - I buy and installed a Skyrim, put some mods from Nexus and... Even if I don't like ES games... WOW! That was fun after ESO. Combat was better, animations was better and quests was interesting.

So... ESO game is only for blind ES fanatics? Or maybe for people who don't want play in MMO but they want see other people so they can show them how cool they look, because they just buy some costumes from game store? BTW, armors... they are 2D textures mostly! Check FFXIV or other MMO games. God just check Skyrim.

Dungeons? Trials? PVP? I like them, mostly PVP in battlegrounds. But PVP is laggy and buggy. Dungeons? They are ok. Trials they are not interesting. And this combat animation cancelling?! ESO from bug make future, and people mostly I see they say "oh animation cancelling is so deep system" - seriously? So maybe other bugs are also just future of ESO.

Not every game is for evryone. But calling ESO a MMO game is just false, and calling ESO good game is even bigger false. Is a good game for ES fans who just completed Skyrim 100 times and they want some more ES. But for rest? Try free trial and put some more then 5h in this game, because first 1, 2h are very nice in ESO, after time You jus starting discovering that everything is just copy/past in bland world with bland people in fake MMO style.
  • SpiderKnight
    It's a massive amount of people in an online multiplayer in the Elder Scrolls universe...with the same lore, that's not an mmo?

  • jircris11
    No clue what game your playing, each zone us different in both appearence and story. As for it not being a mmo, I think your thinking about black desert online. Eso still encourages grouping and interacting with ppl. It's the gamer mindset that has changed to a solo mentality. Over the tears people complained the content was "not solo friendly" so eso changed. But grouping is still a good thing IF you find ppl willing.

    As for it not being a good game, I invite you to try some of these free mmos. Eso ih a not the best game but its FAR from the worst. Then you got your pvp, this game has it but its never been a main focus. If you want good pvp, go play a pvp oriented game.
    Edited by jircris11 on June 30, 2020 12:08AM
    IGN: Ki'rah
    DC/AD faction/NA server.
  • ZaroktheImmortal
    ESO is an MMO but you can solo most questings and what not. There are harder challenges out there which require groups but there's a lot of content that can be soloed if you want to.
  • Iccotak
    Did you think insulting the player base was going to get you a reasonable answer or discussion?

    What exactly was your goal here?
  • Lumenn
    Because you didn't like it, it's not a good game? Many others do. If it's not your cup of tea by all means find one that is. As to bugs I will give you that. It's gotten worse over time as old bugs aren't fixed, new ones are introduced, and the cash shop is becoming more and more the focus. You can still advance never spending a dime there though, which is more than I can say for some games out there.

    Lastly, MMO doesn't mean you can't advance until you schedule a raid, wait until everyone's off work/kids asleep/ready to go, and THEN you can play. The days of EQ forced grouping should be buried firmly in the gaming past. ESO has a nice mix of both solo and social activities. Everyone exists in this little online world(hence MMO) but you don't have to wait for a group to hold your hand to play. Hope you find a game you like 👍
  • MartiniDaniels
    I agree that single player part of ESO is kinda meh, mostly because of lack of difficulty.
    But group content is pretty good, you saw nothing in your 20 hours... those normal dungeons you see now, they have nothing in common with veteran content.
    And yes, animation cancelling is must have and it is one of the key parts of player's skill, so if you dislike it (though animation cancelling is present in 95% of multiplayer competitive games), you better just quit now.
  • VaranisArano
    I mean, I'll be the first to agree that ESO can't touch the single player TES games. I played TES 3 Morrowind for the first time before playing the Morrowind Chapter, and yeah, Vvardenfell in TES 3 was a much richer experience. Better worldbuilding, better story, better exploration, etc.

    That's not surprising? Its a full singleplayer game versus a single zone in an MMORPG.

    On the other hand, ESO has given me many, many hours of questing, group content, and PVPing with friends (bugs and all) that the single player games never did in a shared universe we all enjoy. It wasn't exactly "Skyrim with friends," but close enough for us.

    YMMV. If you don't enjoy ESO, that's cool. You do you. I've had lots of fun.
  • morrowjen
    Iccotak wrote: »
    Did you think insulting the player base was going to get you a reasonable answer or discussion?

    What exactly was your goal here?

    He couldn't even get his comparisons and insults right. Saying combat is better in Skyrim is just lmao. I love TES games but they were never good at combat. That's one area where ESO is outstanding --to the point where I miss the fast pace, ease and fluidity of ESO combat when I play other games.
  • slipciok
    (though animation cancelling is present in 95% of multiplayer competitive games)

    Dunno... I play in many, and not too many have this amazing option. Only bad one. Because is a bug.

    Thank You all for answer. For that I can see here is just game for ES people. That's totally ok. I also try veteran dungeons. Leveling is very fast in ESO with subscriptions, exp boost and spamming dungeons runs (I played a tank). I played also in ESO in 2014 I think when subscription was normal thing and I was remember dungeons was super hard and super fun that time, this is why I want try ESO again after reading how cool game it is. But dungeons are even not close hard like before.

    I never also play in BDO. But I played in SWTOR and SWTOR is also single-mmo-type-game, and SWTOIR is more mmo then ESO it is.

    But ok. I was just curious. Was looking some spark of hope, that maybe I need look somewhere else. But ESO is just ES people game.

    Thank You for all answers and time.
  • slipciok
    morrowjen wrote: »
    Iccotak wrote: »
    Did you think insulting the player base was going to get you a reasonable answer or discussion?

    What exactly was your goal here?

    He couldn't even get his comparisons and insults right. Saying combat is better in Skyrim is just lmao. I love TES games but they were never good at combat. That's one area where ESO is outstanding --to the point where I miss the fast pace, ease and fluidity of ESO combat when I play other games.

    Yes, Skyrim combat is better then in ESO.
  • morrowjen
    IDK where you're getting it's just ES lol. It's an MMO with ES flavor.
  • slipciok
    That's not surprising? Its a full singleplayer game versus a single zone in an MMORPG.

    Yes, but what I saw singleplayer aspect is selling point of this game. So if You sell MMO game like a great singleplayer experience just give that experience.
  • morrowjen
    slipciok wrote: »
    morrowjen wrote: »
    Iccotak wrote: »
    Did you think insulting the player base was going to get you a reasonable answer or discussion?

    What exactly was your goal here?

    He couldn't even get his comparisons and insults right. Saying combat is better in Skyrim is just lmao. I love TES games but they were never good at combat. That's one area where ESO is outstanding --to the point where I miss the fast pace, ease and fluidity of ESO combat when I play other games.

    Yes, Skyrim combat is better then in ESO.

    On no planet is this true. Skyrim combat is slow and clunky. It might as well be Pong for all the effort it requires. The only way it's better is that you could make yourself a god roaming around and killing everything in sight without effort. Just spam whatever ya got and never worry about resources, potions, or anything.
  • HappyTheCamper
    I this r/mmos all of a sudden?
  • slipciok
    morrowjen wrote: »
    slipciok wrote: »
    morrowjen wrote: »
    Iccotak wrote: »
    Did you think insulting the player base was going to get you a reasonable answer or discussion?

    What exactly was your goal here?

    He couldn't even get his comparisons and insults right. Saying combat is better in Skyrim is just lmao. I love TES games but they were never good at combat. That's one area where ESO is outstanding --to the point where I miss the fast pace, ease and fluidity of ESO combat when I play other games.

    Yes, Skyrim combat is better then in ESO.

    On no planet is this true. Skyrim combat is slow and clunky. It might as well be Pong for all the effort it requires. The only way it's better is that you could make yourself a god roaming around and killing everything in sight without effort. Just spam whatever ya got and never worry about resources, potions, or anything.

    Maybe different way... It's look better. But also maybe because I have some combat mod. Dunno. Just it's better. I'm going play in Skyrim. Thank You.

    Zenimax mod - do Your thing, You can lock. Or I need buy this function in crown store? :D
  • jircris11
    I this r/mmos all of a sudden?

    Yes, welcome!
    IGN: Ki'rah
    DC/AD faction/NA server.
  • Nestor
    ESO is an MMO one can play Solo.

    ESO is an MMO that one can play grouped.

    ESO is a game that offers challenging content that one needs to Group to play.

    Take your pick.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • SpiderKnight
    slipciok wrote: »
    morrowjen wrote: »
    Iccotak wrote: »
    Did you think insulting the player base was going to get you a reasonable answer or discussion?

    What exactly was your goal here?

    He couldn't even get his comparisons and insults right. Saying combat is better in Skyrim is just lmao. I love TES games but they were never good at combat. That's one area where ESO is outstanding --to the point where I miss the fast pace, ease and fluidity of ESO combat when I play other games.

    Yes, Skyrim combat is better then in ESO.

    :lol: If you really want to play ESO with Skyrim's combat, then go ahead and equip any weapon and do just light and heavy attacks.
    This has to be a troll post.
  • Wing
    eso is a generalist MMO designed around casual constant play and the ability to solo most content. (that is not inherently bad, MMO's are big beasts and need massive numbers to sustain the game by design)

    the age of hardcore group or die games is dead, or at the very least, only a niche.

    for instance a little known MMO launched right after ESO and was the "ESO killer" it was a hardcore group and raid based MMO with former WoW devs behind it.

    it was called wildstar.

    it shut down last year.
    Edited by Wing on June 30, 2020 1:19AM
    ESO player since beta.
    full time subscriber.
    PC NA
    ( ^_^ )

    You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods -Xenogears
    DK one trick
  • idk
    ESO is a great MMORPG. Granted, it does have some single-player content, and any good MMORPG should. However, it also has some good group content with some of it offering a nice challenge. This is pretty much what one should expect with a good MMORPG.

    Considering ESO is one of the top major MMORPGs it seems very much that the game has a strong interest well beyond the hardcore TES fans as OP seems to think.
  • MartiniDaniels
    slipciok wrote: »
    (though animation cancelling is present in 95% of multiplayer competitive games)

    Dunno... I play in many, and not too many have this amazing option. Only bad one. Because is a bug.

    Thank You all for answer. For that I can see here is just game for ES people. That's totally ok. I also try veteran dungeons. Leveling is very fast in ESO with subscriptions, exp boost and spamming dungeons runs (I played a tank). I played also in ESO in 2014 I think when subscription was normal thing and I was remember dungeons was super hard and super fun that time, this is why I want try ESO again after reading how cool game it is. But dungeons are even not close hard like before.

    I never also play in BDO. But I played in SWTOR and SWTOR is also single-mmo-type-game, and SWTOIR is more mmo then ESO it is.

    But ok. I was just curious. Was looking some spark of hope, that maybe I need look somewhere else. But ESO is just ES people game.

    Thank You for all answers and time.

    Sad thing is that you are partially right. Even as Elder Scroll fan, I struggled to like this game in the beginning. I really, really wanted to delete it in first 50 hours, it looked so bad in comparison to Skyrim, Witcher 3 and Overwatch, so only my love for ES lore (and lack of decent new RPG on the market) kept me going. Only when I get used to combat system (and animation cancelling and light attack weaving is essential part of making this combat system fluid) and started doing group content and then PVP + installed pack of add-ons + re-shade, I started to like ESO. So there is spark of hope, you just need to over-come that game stage where your knowledge, experience and level kept you away from best content.
  • what_the
    slipciok wrote: »
    Not every game is for evryone. But calling ESO a MMO game is just false, and calling ESO good game is even bigger false.

    👨‍👨‍👦‍👦👨‍👨‍👧‍👧👨‍👨‍👧‍👦👩‍👩‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👧👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👩‍👧‍👦👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👦<<<sad ESO players who just realized ESO is not an Mmo (or a good one at that) after all these years...

  • Lysette
    Well, he is definitely not enjoying it - best advice here is, play something else what you can enjoy - with that many issues he has with the game, it can't be helped,. it is just not for him.
  • Athyrium93
    I'm not sure what game your playing but 20 hours doesn't get you to vet or trials.... Hell I've been playing for 2 months and at least 150 hours and I'm still not there, I've got the CP but not the skill or gear yet, and that's on a healer with instant queues. In 20 hours with dungeons you might clear a zone. One zone does not make an entire game. Especially one as big as ESO.

    The starting dungeons are easy, and if you just started during the event there may be a few more bugs than usual. But DLC dungeons are a lot harder and some zones have AMAZING quests. Open world group content is also fun and can eventually be solo'd.

    As for not being an MMO? Really? There is a ton of group content and PVP.

    If it's not your cup of tea thats fine but bashing a game others love, especially after only 20 hours? Really?!?

    -someone that has never played anyother TES game, came from WOW, SWTOR, & LOTR and absolutely loves ESO as an MMO
  • faeeichenlaub
    OP roleplay Kahjiit? It reads like it.
    "Azura give me strength, Let my voice change the world as long as I am in it."
  • Nemesis7884
    if you want to do all the content in a group or group content do it - there is plenty of that and dont tell other people how they should play the game - eso allows room enough for any type of playstyle
  • kargen27
    Can I have your stuff?

    Oh yeah, you don't have stuff because you haven't played the game.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • AlnilamE
    slipciok wrote: »
    That's not surprising? Its a full singleplayer game versus a single zone in an MMORPG.

    Yes, but what I saw singleplayer aspect is selling point of this game. So if You sell MMO game like a great singleplayer experience just give that experience.

    So what is your vision for ESO? What would make ESO "more like an MMO" in your mind?
    The Moot Councillor
  • Arunei
    ESO is most certainly not a game only meant for ES players. The only ES game I played before was Skyrim (and maybe an hour or two of Oblivion, which I couldn't get into). I knew next to nothing of any actual lore or anything about the TES universe when I started playing ESO, and it's not anything you even need to know to enjoy the game. I've since become pretty well-versed in lore just because I RP, but even then I didn't RP in this game until like a year after it was released, and I enjoyed it just fine up until then.

    Also, claiming ESO isn't a good game just because you don't like it is just a little close-minded. Does ESO have a bunch of problems that need to be worked out? Of course it does, and anyone claiming otherwise is flat out lying. But that doesn't mean it's a bad game. And trust me, I'm not an apologist for this game or a white knight or anything, you can check my post history. I'll give credit where it's due, but I'm one of the first people to point out a lot of things that are wrong with the game.

    And lastly, I think you maybe don't understand what the definition of an MMO is. Heck, the only other MMO I've played aside from ESO is Runescape, and that was years ago. MMO simply stands for Massive(ly) Multiplayer Online, a term for a game that's a) online, and b) populated by a large number of players. Surprise, ESO fits both of those categories. I'm curious what your definition of a MMO is, since you seem to believe ESO doesn't fit the bill.

    Also, asking what the 'point' of ESO is is like asking what the point of any game is, or heck, what asking what the point of any entertainment/hobby is. Not sure what point you yourself were trying to make by asking it.
    Edited by Arunei on June 30, 2020 3:28AM
    Character List [RP and PvE]:
    Stands-Against-Death: Argonian Magplar Healer - Crafter
    Krisiel: Redguard Stamsorc DPS - Literally crazy Werewolf, no like legit insane. She nuts
    Kiju Veran: Khajiit Stamblade DPS - Ex-Fighters Guild Suthay who likes to punch things, nicknamed Tinykat
    Niralae Elsinal: Altmer Stamsorc DPS - Young Altmer with way too much Magicka
    Sarah Lacroix: Breton Magsorc DPS - Fledgling Vampire who drinks too much water
    Slondor: Nord Tankblade - TESified verson of Slenderman
    Marius Vastino: Imperial <insert role here> - Sarah's apathetic sire who likes to monologue
    Delthor Rellenar: Dunmer Magknight DPS - Sarah's ex who's a certified psychopath
    Lirawyn Calatare: Altmer Magplar Healer - Traveling performer and bard who's 101% vanilla bean
    Gondryn Beldeau: Breton Tankplar - Sarah's Mages Guild mentor and certified badass old person
    Gwendolyn Jenelle: Breton Magplar Healer - Friendly healer with a coffee addiction
    Soliril Larethian- Altmer Magblade DPS - Blind alchemist who uses animals to see and brews plagues in his spare time
    Tevril Rallenar: Dunmer Stamcro DPS - Delthor's "special" younger brother who raises small animals as friends
    Celeroth Calatare: Bosmer <insert role here> - Shapeshifting Bosmer with enough sass to fill Valenwood

    PC - NA - EP - CP1000+
    Avid RPer. Hit me up in-game @Ras_Lei if you're interested in getting together for some arr-pee shenanigans!
  • Kiralyn2000
    slipciok wrote: »
    And this new mini game (antiquities) look like some games my mum play on the phone!

    Every time I see this comparison, I can only think that people are showing their (young) age. Or lack of experience with RPGs.

    Because I've been playing various goofy minigames in RPGs since long before "mobile game" was even a thing. Just because something's a minigame, doesn't make it "just like on the phone!"

    (also for the young'uns... 'match 3' games existed long before Candy Crush. Not that the scrying minigame is exactly like either of those.)

    Meanwhile - I've been playing MMOs 'single player' for close to 15 years now. They've been adding more and more solo content every year, because they want to get every customer they can. That doesn't make them "not MMOs". There's still plenty of group content, and even when you're doing 'solo' activities, you're still doing them in a world full of other people (in chat, in the economy, competing with you for chests/resources/mobs, etc)
This discussion has been closed.