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Should Writ Alts Invest Skillpoints?

Should Alts doing daily writs invest skill points in clothing, blacksmithing, woodworking and jewelry crafting?

Reward gold scales with character level, not the craft level? Rewarded intricates and ornates are either character level or craft level. Rubedite level writs take a lot of mats. Is there a reason to max or at least elevate craft level for writ alts, rewards-wise? I do invest in alchemy and enchanting though.
  • tmbrinks
    Miragent wrote: »
    Should Alts doing daily writs invest skill points in clothing, blacksmithing, woodworking and jewelry crafting?

    Reward gold scales with character level, not the craft level? Rewarded intricates and ornates are either character level or craft level. Rubedite level writs take a lot of mats. Is there a reason to max or at least elevate craft level for writ alts, rewards-wise? I do invest in alchemy and enchanting though.

    Yes, the gold improvement materials you get from doing max level writs FAR outweigh the added cost from the materials.

    There are two tabs on the link in my signature that show the profit made from doing writs at max level versus doing them at lower level. Max Level is about 530k per character per month, low level is around 275k per month per character.

    So, yes. Do your writs at max level.
    The Unshattered - Tenacious Dreamer - Hurricane Herald - Godslayer - Dawnbringer - Gryphon Heart - Tick Tock Tormenter - Immortal Redeemer - Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
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    65,945 achievement points
  • kylewwefan
    My level 50 characters get about 5k for writs. Even level 1 writs with no skill points invested into crafting level.

    Under 50 characters get about 3k for writs. So you get a little more gold at max level characters.

    If all your character does is writs, it may be worth investing skill point into because, you only get master writs at max level. I think.

    And low level alchemy typically requires 3 cornflower or blessed thistle or other expensive mats. So at least level that one up a bit.

    While on this subject, take your time with provisioning. Because you get some nifty recipe drops while leveling that you won’t find any other time.
  • Miragent
    Thank you for the insight. Gold mats can be worth the time of getting skill points, yeah. I don't care for equipment master writs though - can't do most of them anyway, and AFAIK the more motifs you know, the more they drop, and motifs go to main only anyway.
  • volkeswagon
    I have 18 toons leveled to 50 in every crafting. They don't all have all the skill points added because if I had 18 toons all using ancestor silk I would run out of silk all the time. Woodworking and blacksmithing are different because I have a ton of those mats. Same with platinum as i would run out of that. Contrary to what some have said, Lower level crafters don't get more surveys. It's also a good idea to research on all toons just because it couldn't hurt but just do it casually.
    Edited by volkeswagon on June 4, 2020 5:56AM
  • volkeswagon
    The max level rewards drop gold mats and master writs
    Edited by volkeswagon on June 4, 2020 5:56AM
  • BenevolentBowd
    A while back, I looked at crafting minions based on the number of available spare skill points and amount of effort players might want to spend earning money from crafting minions.(see ).

    Generally speaking,
    • 0 skill point crafting minions are great when building your mat hoard because you will either get mats you need for your (equipment) writs because you will get a survey or a mat box with mats needed to do your writs (same level mat or lower but at lowest level, it's always the same tier). Note: collect surveys on highest level character when you need crafting material for gear or top tier writs.
    • Alchemy proficiency 3 or higher is recommended to avoid writs with 3 corn flower which are selling for very high prices at the moment. Also, sealed alchemy writs are highly prized for the xp benefits so max tier is recommended.
    • Jewelry crafting writs rewards are weighted by tier so max or near max proficiency are good ways to bring in the purple and gold improvement mats.
    • You can pre-make stackable food and potions so you can do those two writs on more character without too much effort.
    • The least effort is to level crafting to unlock all the hirelings and just login to the characters for free mats everyday.

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