STOP the BOTS Bethesda/Zenimax

Please Stop the freaking botting!

All the effort put into making a stable economy and enjoyable Elder Scrolls MMO is being ruined by bots and gold sellers.

You can't even look at chat any more in Daggerfall or other major zones. And dungeon immersion and enjoyment is being destroyed. My guild members are all saying they are about to quit the game due to excessive spam and boss farming.

I am enjoying this game and even through the bugs, glitches, and various other issues, it is the bot spam and farming that is ultimately going to make me loose interest entirely. We have become an excellent community of mature and social players but it would be a shame for a few bad apples to cause another game to suffer. ESO has such great potential but loyalty is being eroded by bots.

I understand that every game will always have some issues with bots and spammers, but this is getting bad. I know people out there that have botted before and they say there is good money in it. But when I spend 80 bucks on a game and another 15 bucks a month, I would like to see a little more effort than bans once a week.(if that is even happening)

At least make the ignore list unlimited for starters.

Those of us who chose to follow the rules are getting tired. And those that are not following the rules are getting away with too much. Do something before everyone gets fed up with it and decide the game isn't worth the money. Please don't let it come to that. DO SOMETHING!
"In your finest hour.... Who will you become?"
  • Driften
    Really thinking about taking my $15 a month elsewhere by next pay sub if this isn't fixed.
  • Chirru
    As stated by the Moderators, something is done. However...
    yes, the dreaded BUT. Whatever is is done seems to have little effect until now.

    All I noticed is that some of the Bot-Farmers got more clever and others do not seem to give a whiff about anything done by Z-Max. They continue as before.

    As for the gold seller...well...logging on the first I see is some mail from Gold-sellers.

    Do I have a solution..well, yes...maybe...but it is not one that will be implemented because it hurts Z-Max revenue. What is it. Ban those who buy gold from outside sources.
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