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Rezzing in combat when you are the last person up

As a tank, I'm usually the last person up in a wipe. A few times now people have gotten upset that I am not rezzing anyone. It is my understanding that getting hit interrupts the rez and someone suggested i need a damage shield for these instances. I tried Bone Shield but I still get interrupted. What am I doing wrong? What skill will let me do this?
  • Scion_of_Yggdrasil
    Theres a passive that grants dmg reduction when rezzing, so its possible. Are you on console? On PS4 its clunky having to hold options (its a rather stiff button) plus trying to aim, and when you cant see clearly...

    Its just not easy, really, but you can definitely rez so long as you dont get knocked down. Dmg is just dmg.
  • idk
    Early in the game when FG2 was simply Vet FG the Spawn of Mephala could do some good damage to players damage. The PBAoE could one-shot a tank not blocking and the light beams explosion could pretty much one-shot a DPS. I was with one group where one DPS died to the light beams. Another died in the backroom and the tank died to the PBAoE. I managed to rez the tank (while I was tanking the boss) and both DPS and we still cleared the fight. I have done similar when tanking as well.

    Shields do not prevent the interruptions when taking damage. They merely help keep you alive. It takes knowing the fight and when it is safe to rez/the rez has a chance to be successful. When a fight has damage that happens at regular intervals start the rez immediately after that damage occurred.

    AFAIK, the only passive that shortens rez time in PvE is from a Templar.
  • Rory_FightingToFifty
    Your team need to learn to rez before it’s down to one person, because that’s not a good situation for anyone involved.
  • alewis478b14_ESO
    OK, so I think I see what I was missing. Taking damage does not interrupt a rez, it's getting knocked down by a heavy attack that is interrupting. So I just need to block while rezzing. No wonder they thought I was a moo-ron.
  • kringled_1
    The S+B ultimate that blocks everything for a few seconds can be helpful here,but as noted above, it really shouldn't get there in the first place.
    Edited to add: ressing is considered a cast time /channel ability, so you can't block conventionally during the cast.
    Edited by kringled_1 on April 1, 2020 4:11PM
  • Scion_of_Yggdrasil
    OK, so I think I see what I was missing. Taking damage does not interrupt a rez, it's getting knocked down by a heavy attack that is interrupting. So I just need to block while rezzing. No wonder they thought I was a moo-ron.

    I mean, I would still use shields and such. As Warden I lay my area heal down before I start rezzing, then usually, by the time I take enough dmg that I would need to bail, the timer is done and I get the final heal, allowing me to finish rezzing without stopping to heal.
  • mobicera
    Tell your group mates not to die?
    I mean if a group is in a dungeon and dying to mechanics and actually asks me to set up to be able to rez them all I'm going to laugh at them and drop group...
    If everyone but the tank is dead chances are decent its them that messed up lol
  • Grianasteri
    As a tank, I'm usually the last person up in a wipe. A few times now people have gotten upset that I am not rezzing anyone. It is my understanding that getting hit interrupts the rez and someone suggested i need a damage shield for these instances. I tried Bone Shield but I still get interrupted. What am I doing wrong? What skill will let me do this?

    There is little you can do to stop being interrupted. Resurecting is a skill in itself. You have to prioritise your rezs appropriately, attempt a rez at the right time, from the right position. This can depend on the situation, the adds and/or boss being fought.

    Once you complete a rez you also need to make sure to maintain your taunts and kite threats away from the newly rezed person. Their job will usually be, where possible, to rez anyone else left down, while you keep the heat off them.

    Happy tonking!

  • Septimus_Magna
    While tanking I usually wait for the boss' HA and after I block it I quickly start rezzing.
    Most bosses wont HA twice in a row so often you have a window to rez someone.
    The attacks with the white lines (see image below) will interrupt channels like rezzing.
    Some bosses also have other attacks (like a charge or a shield-bash) that will interrupt you.


    PC - EU (AD)
    Septimus Mezar - Altmer Sorcerer
    Septimus Rulanir - Orsimer Templar
    Septimus Desmoru - Khajiit Necromancer
    Septimus Iroh - Dunmer Dragon Knight
    Septimus Thragar - Dunmer Nightblade
    Septimus Jah'zar - Khajiit Nightblade
    Septimus Nerox - Redguard Warden
    Septimus Ozurk - Orsimer Sorcerer
  • BejaProphet
    One person already mentioned it, but sword and shield ultimate is my instrument of choice for this. Gives you just enough time for a rezz under shelter of perma block.

    As somebody who loves to PUG hard dungeons, “don’t let it come to that” isn’t an answer. When pugging you are sometimes going to face this, and the tank should be prepared. Three days ago I pugged vet unhallowed grave and we beat lich because I could get somebody up and saved us from wipe. A few fights earlier on aegis, my team couldn’t understand to stay close to mob during spin aoe, and we won because I got one up and saved from wipe.

    If you are going to pug hard stuff as tank shield discipline is amazing for so many reasons.
  • fred4
    I guess there may be (boss) mechanics where they don't work, but: Immovability potions. Aside from the 1H+S ult, if you're a DK you might use Corrosive Armor (or the other morph). Corrosive is very good at mitigating big hits, as it's a cap rather than damage reduction. It also lasts longer than the 1H+S ult.

    Other ults that may work include Barrier, the resto ult, Soul Siphon, warden trees or possibly just the storm ult for the Major Protection or Bolstering Darkness.
    PC EU: Magblade (PvP main), DK (PvE Tank), Sorc (PvP and PvE), Magden (PvE Healer), Magplar (PvP and PvE DD), Arcanist (PvE DD)
    PC NA: Magblade (PvP and PvE every role)
  • BejaProphet
    Yeah, if you are going to use potions for it then the options are vast. At that point it’s only a matter of surviving the rezz.

    All you suggested (combined with a potion) is a win. I’m just saying any pug tank better pick something, because in a PUG, what can happen will happen. 😁
  • Gilvoth
    rezing is interruptable, and it is suppose to be.
  • AcadianPaladin
    When my healer is the last one standing and tries to rez, it always ends in a wipe. When she tries to finish the fight on her own, it often avoids a wipe. Ymmv.
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • BejaProphet
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    rezing is interruptable, and it is suppose to be.

    That’s what we are discussing, the ways to prevent the interrupt to get the rezz.
  • ChimpyChumpy
    I never expect the last person standing to be able to rezz. If they do great and kudos to them! WTF, toxic team man, they all suck enough to die and not rez each other?
  • Scion_of_Yggdrasil
    So... who expects who to do the rezzing? Because as the healer, I try to be the reliable constant (if you're down, I'll come for you, heals or rezz, I got you fam), but... there are times where I can't reasonably rezz someone because the second I stop healing, someone else is gonna die. Various reasons, but most commonly because *cough* someone won't stay out of the red *cough* so... other times because of mobs, but once its clear I will get you back up. Ooooother times, its a collaboration (which is always fun) and I end up drawing the mob/boss away for someone to swoop in and do the deed.

    Lets take a poll? Who (healer, tank, or DPS) do you guys usually expect to rezz? imo, tank and heal are usually too busy keeping everyone alive, so I would expect a DPS to be responsible for rezzing, most likely, the other dps. However, in most instances, I find myself being the "rezzer" after I finish a quick heal/buff rotation to make sure everyone stays healthy for the next few moments.

    To better explain, I prefer someone else do the rezzing, that way I can keep heat off the person rezzing with magnum shot/frozen retreat (my favorite tool lately). Then I can instantly heal/buff them once theyre up. At least, thats usually the smoothest scenario I encounter.
  • brennz
    ]Lets take a poll? Who (healer, tank, or DPS) do you guys usually expect to rezz?[/b] imo, tank and heal are usually too busy keeping everyone alive, so I would expect a DPS to be responsible for rezzing, most likely, the other dps.

    DPS should rez almost 100% of the time. They/we're the ones who can pause what we're doing to go do something else. If the tank stops tanking, we're in trouble. If the healer stops healing, we're in trouble. If the DPS stops DPSing? We're at a standstill for a few seconds, tops.
  • alewis478b14_ESO
    brennz wrote: »
    ]Lets take a poll? Who (healer, tank, or DPS) do you guys usually expect to rezz?[/b] imo, tank and heal are usually too busy keeping everyone alive, so I would expect a DPS to be responsible for rezzing, most likely, the other dps.

    DPS should rez almost 100% of the time. They/we're the ones who can pause what we're doing to go do something else. If the tank stops tanking, we're in trouble. If the healer stops healing, we're in trouble. If the DPS stops DPSing? We're at a standstill for a few seconds, tops.

    I agree this is the general rule but if there is just a boss up, the taunt will last 15 seconds so the tank has some free time and as a healer, a lot of the healing is passive or AoE dots and I'd rather rez because I have the passives and they come back at full health. But for sure, if someone dies because the fit has hit the shan and it's chaotic, the dps should rez
  • Dusk_Coven
    Will a CC immunity skill or being in the short time window after a roll dodge let you ignore those rez-interrupts? It seems like interrupts occur basically when you are CC'ed, even very briefly, such as when a power moves you a little bit.
    Edited by Dusk_Coven on June 8, 2020 5:59AM
  • Sephyr
    So... who expects who to do the rezzing? Because as the healer, I try to be the reliable constant (if you're down, I'll come for you, heals or rezz, I got you fam), but... there are times where I can't reasonably rezz someone because the second I stop healing, someone else is gonna die. Various reasons, but most commonly because *cough* someone won't stay out of the red *cough* so... other times because of mobs, but once its clear I will get you back up. Ooooother times, its a collaboration (which is always fun) and I end up drawing the mob/boss away for someone to swoop in and do the deed.

    Lets take a poll? Who (healer, tank, or DPS) do you guys usually expect to rezz? imo, tank and heal are usually too busy keeping everyone alive, so I would expect a DPS to be responsible for rezzing, most likely, the other dps. However, in most instances, I find myself being the "rezzer" after I finish a quick heal/buff rotation to make sure everyone stays healthy for the next few moments.

    To better explain, I prefer someone else do the rezzing, that way I can keep heat off the person rezzing with magnum shot/frozen retreat (my favorite tool lately). Then I can instantly heal/buff them once theyre up. At least, thats usually the smoothest scenario I encounter.

    From someone who does all three roles, I usually have the DPSes get people up first since they can stop to get someone up. If both are down, it boils down to who can do two things at once. Since I have panic buttons for when this happens, I usually prefer it as the tank to just get them up while the healer heals me through it. Where as if I'm the healer, I often build Necro healers where I direct the tank to stand in my AoE heal that can last a while since dead DPS usually means free corpses for me if I don't have my resurrection ult up. If the bodies have already been consumed, I'll just grind up the ult and keep the tank alive while I do my thing.

    But also I run with people that tend to assess when they can give and take resurrections as well, so it's not so much an order to preference rather than how we figure out how to save us from wiping.
  • fred4
    So... who expects who to do the rezzing?
    Rightly or wrongly, I've always expected the healer to do it in 4-man content. Maybe that's because tradionally healers were templars (Master Ritualist passive) and many wore Kagrenac's Hope in my day (gosh, I'm "ESO old"), making rezzing much faster for them. That's not to say I won't do it, if I see an opening and especially if I have a suitable defensive ult up.
    PC EU: Magblade (PvP main), DK (PvE Tank), Sorc (PvP and PvE), Magden (PvE Healer), Magplar (PvP and PvE DD), Arcanist (PvE DD)
    PC NA: Magblade (PvP and PvE every role)
  • Scion_of_Yggdrasil
    brennz wrote: »
    ]Lets take a poll? Who (healer, tank, or DPS) do you guys usually expect to rezz?[/b] imo, tank and heal are usually too busy keeping everyone alive, so I would expect a DPS to be responsible for rezzing, most likely, the other dps.

    DPS should rez almost 100% of the time. They/we're the ones who can pause what we're doing to go do something else. If the tank stops tanking, we're in trouble. If the healer stops healing, we're in trouble. If the DPS stops DPSing? We're at a standstill for a few seconds, tops.

    Thats how I feel, but I (healer) always end up being the one to rez everyone! Or is it just common place to let people lay there dead? smh lol...
    fred4 wrote: »
    So... who expects who to do the rezzing?
    Rightly or wrongly, I've always expected the healer to do it in 4-man content. Maybe that's because tradionally healers were templars (Master Ritualist passive) and many wore Kagrenac's Hope in my day (gosh, I'm "ESO old"), making rezzing much faster for them. That's not to say I won't do it, if I see an opening and especially if I have a suitable defensive ult up.

    Ahhh, thats very illuminating actually. I've always felt its a healer thing to do, but as of late, there are times I cannot stop healing the tank (fake tank issue? maybe?) so I will sit there for a minute or two making sure he doesn't drop, but the other DPS is practically dancing on their corpse, still fighting, and not giving a care to rez his buddy (as in fellow dps).
  • fred4
    brennz wrote: »
    ]Lets take a poll? Who (healer, tank, or DPS) do you guys usually expect to rezz?[/b] imo, tank and heal are usually too busy keeping everyone alive, so I would expect a DPS to be responsible for rezzing, most likely, the other dps.

    DPS should rez almost 100% of the time. They/we're the ones who can pause what we're doing to go do something else. If the tank stops tanking, we're in trouble. If the healer stops healing, we're in trouble. If the DPS stops DPSing? We're at a standstill for a few seconds, tops.

    Thats how I feel, but I (healer) always end up being the one to rez everyone! Or is it just common place to let people lay there dead? smh lol...
    fred4 wrote: »
    So... who expects who to do the rezzing?
    Rightly or wrongly, I've always expected the healer to do it in 4-man content. Maybe that's because tradionally healers were templars (Master Ritualist passive) and many wore Kagrenac's Hope in my day (gosh, I'm "ESO old"), making rezzing much faster for them. That's not to say I won't do it, if I see an opening and especially if I have a suitable defensive ult up.

    Ahhh, thats very illuminating actually. I've always felt its a healer thing to do, but as of late, there are times I cannot stop healing the tank (fake tank issue? maybe?) so I will sit there for a minute or two making sure he doesn't drop, but the other DPS is practically dancing on their corpse, still fighting, and not giving a care to rez his buddy (as in fellow dps).
    Once upon a time vWGT was really dangerous and Kena would constantly interrupt you with shockwaves when your rezzing speed was too slow. That's where Kagrenac really helped.

    I made a tank recently, based on Nefas templar dungeon tank build. I was quite surprised how much healing he specced for on that one. I settled on Almalexia's Mercy + Cyrodiil's Crest + Malubeth (or Swarm Mother). With the templar shield, Vigor, Ritual and blowing healing bubbles for others it's more of a tank + off healer. Haven't done much with it yet, but the lesser vet dungeons are a piece of cake with that.
    PC EU: Magblade (PvP main), DK (PvE Tank), Sorc (PvP and PvE), Magden (PvE Healer), Magplar (PvP and PvE DD), Arcanist (PvE DD)
    PC NA: Magblade (PvP and PvE every role)
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