Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23


This forum post was created on the request of a member of the support team. I was not sure were to post this so I did it here. Try to use this post as an informative matter to help yourself or someone else get unbanned (when unrightfully done so). When you are banned keep putting effort into getting your account back so that support makes you a top priority. This way I got my account back and the playtime I lost. This is a copy I made from the reddit.com post I posted today! Please try to stay informative and act like a adult!


I was banned from the game. After spending a lot of time with the costumer support I finally got my account back. I hope they start to improve on their costumer support ASAP. This is the email I just send to them.

Dear support
My account was banned thursday morning. It took me countless tries to contact support. When I finally got in contact with support they investigated my case. The next day I was send an email with the following: "After a thorough investigation your account has been determined to violate our Terms Of Service. As a result, your account has been deactivated, please be sure to review our Terms of Service and Code of Conduct for more details". Afterwards I was send a evaluation, that was even more frustrating.

The next day I got my account back after again contacting the support team many times. This message was send to me: "Upon further review we have found that you have not violated our Terms of Service and you account has been reactivated".
I am amazed that I was banned in the first place. Then I was even more amazed to be banned permanently after a thorough investigation. Without given any proof or information that must have come up in this investigation.

Nine out of the ten mails I got back were copy pasted messages that didn't help me anything. I have contacted support before and got the exact same result. Even when I am not able to complete a quest because of a bug, the only info I am getting is /reloadui and relog. You have to understand that people are not complete idiots and have tried something like this before they go all the way to write a support mail.
I know this is not the fault on the support team. It is probable some kind of management issue that makes you reply all of these auto messages. It is not helping people. If we wanted to get helped by support. Make it a bit human next time. If a quest does not work, explain to people that it is bugged and try to get to an actual fix. If a fix is not possible at the time, be honest with people. And what stressed me the most was getting the reply: "You can always do PVP or dungeons". I will make that call.

Now would have been fine with the above, if I was given complementary game time for the lost hours and the time spend working on getting my account back. You can not treat your costumers the way you do right now. I would really recommend you to give everyone this right after all the credit spend on this game.
I would like to state again that this email is not written in the direction of the support team. You do a great job, but the rules you have to work by are not the best if it comes to costumer support. They are simply the worst I have ever encountered. Please, if you could, report this to whatever management makes you do this.
Dear regards

Note that this is not directed towards the souls working for the costumer support department.


I just got this amazing email back from support, my faith in the team has been restored!

I'm Dan, a representative at The Elder Scrolls Online. I sorry about all the issues you've been coming across. This first month of launch is the most crucial part of the game's development. You can never tell what kind of issues you are going to come across when players finally get in game all at once, and one of our biggest priorities was to purge cheating gold spam, and exploiters form the game. I do apologize it seems that system does has it's own issues. I applauded your dedication to make it so far that you can no longer continue until everything is up to speed. If it wasn't for players like you, it would even more disastrous than if everyone got to that bug all at once. We are working around the clock to get everything in perfect order, but first we really need to take care of issues affecting the lower level players before moving higher. and occasionally fixing one thing can break another. And I am sorry about the responses that you've received, although many people already know of these commands, there are still others that are new to the MMO genre, and may not be aware of all the fixes or where to look up this information on the forums.

Its seems to me you are an experienced gamer, with a goal in mind to be the best. I understand how it goes, you don't have 24/7 to play the game, but you want to get to the end of the grind, so to speak. It may take some time after your free 30 days for some issues to be fully resolved. Luckily I can give you a bit of an extension on your game time. Personally, if you feel that the game has not gotten as far as you want by the end of that time, I would suggest to take a break form your subscription. Go ahead an cancel it. Watch for updates and patches on the forums, and when its seems like we finally got things going, you are always welcome back to continue the fight in Tamriel.

Also I'll let you know how to get the best out of our customer support, and to stop getting the same repeat answer. When ever you feel like your issue is taking awhile and you create another ticket, be sure to also put the reference number from the pervious ticket, this way we can see what our agents have already sent you, and can find out what has been done, faster.

As request, I will forward this to our community team, and I would also suggest creating a forum topic on the issue. I just ask the discussion remain as professional as the email you sent me. I really enjoyed reading it and hearing about our customer's opinions on our performance. Its the best way for us to get better.
Thank you for your continued interest and support!

Warm Regards, Dan, and The Elder Scrolls Online Team

Edited by SmithNL on April 20, 2014 7:00AM
I live for science!
  • awkwarrd
    I wish i could say this wall of text was helpful. :(
  • SmithNL
    awkwarrd wrote: »
    I wish i could say this wall of text was helpful. :(

    Were you banned?

    I live for science!
  • Nasuradin_ESO
    SmithNL wrote: »
    Huge wall of text

    TL;DR version:
    Copy your previous ticket reference numbers into your new ones so support can see what previous replies your problem has gotten so they don't just reply with the standard reply to every new ticket.

    Sound at least a little courteous when addressing customer support, they get pelted with angry nerds in caps and insults nonstop, a little bit of professionalism goes a long way*.

    *Your mileage may vary
    Edited by Nasuradin_ESO on April 20, 2014 1:56AM
  • burin077
    Soul Shriven
    Sadly, I can't really agree with this post. I was provided the same sort of advice by Customer Support as well, and although I did follow their directions to the letter, the issue I am still encountering has NEVER been resolved, even 3 months before the game was released. I was eventually told to just make a separate account, which effectively wiped out some of my beta "gifts" that I was supposed to get. (Example: The monkey)

    To make matters worse, the cases I HAVE submitted that were supposedly escalated to a higher tier, have never been resolved and sit in a constant state of "Unresolved" whilst the automated "Kenzie" Customer Service bot continues to automatically close the tickets. I have been more than patient about my own issue, it eventually has gotten to a point where I feel like no matter what input I attempt to submit, it will never be taken seriously.

    I work Customer Service/Tech Support at my current work site, this sort of support via email would have gotten me fired in the first 3 days. I don't like to sound like whiny customer, but when you work Customer Service yourself, and are now on the receiving end of bad Customer Service, you get even more frustrated than if you were an average player.

    I'll try and put my own email copies up at some point as well, I still have them saved since November.

    - B
    "Everyone's opinion of what is right and wrong is subjective; there is no universal right or wrong, there is only the goals and aspirations that people focus on, and those whom interfere with it."
  • Parthrax7744
    I never have problems contacting Customer Support. (Contacted 3-4 times)
    Fus Ro Dah!
  • wrlifeboil
    TLDR; I played the CS rep lottery and finally won.

  • Killum
    Look closely at the spelling/grammar/wording of the 'supposed' replies to the OP's tickets. This smells more than a little fishy to me. I can't imagine the support team suggesting that the OP start a forum topic either, what purpose does it serve?
  • SmithNL
    Killum wrote: »
    Look closely at the spelling/grammar/wording of the 'supposed' replies to the OP's tickets. This smells more than a little fishy to me. I can't imagine the support team suggesting that the OP start a forum topic either, what purpose does it serve?

    You sure do got me!
    I live for science!
  • Ashigaru
    Killum wrote: »
    Look closely at the spelling/grammar/wording of the 'supposed' replies to the OP's tickets. This smells more than a little fishy to me. I can't imagine the support team suggesting that the OP start a forum topic either, what purpose does it serve?

    Was thinking the same thing and how fast they have been closing threads with this kind of legit stuff and the tread is still open makes me second guess it, honestly I dont think it is legit. From the spelling, wording and grammer it does not look like anything sent from support.
  • Alyrn_Grey
    I think he is complaining that his walls of text are too dense.
  • SmithNL
    Ashigaru wrote: »
    Killum wrote: »
    Look closely at the spelling/grammar/wording of the 'supposed' replies to the OP's tickets. This smells more than a little fishy to me. I can't imagine the support team suggesting that the OP start a forum topic either, what purpose does it serve?

    Was thinking the same thing and how fast they have been closing threads with this kind of legit stuff and the tread is still open makes me second guess it, honestly I dont think it is legit. From the spelling, wording and grammer it does not look like anything sent from support.

    Proof: http://imgur.com/O4i5FHh,iuyw7zk,rVszSqL#0

    Lets try to keep this post about the subject.

    Edited by SmithNL on April 20, 2014 5:15AM
    I live for science!
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