Taleof2Cities wrote: »On the plus side, @dbgager, the world building was excellent this time around ... Blackreach is visually stunning once you step into it.
A lot of last week's issues have already been fixed. Still some pending fixes for things such as the higher level Antiquity digs.
The vampire rework is utter trash and a shell of what it could of been.
Some quests aren't properly voice synced and are lacking voice acting all together.
The quality just really isn't there this expansion tbh.
Also from what I've heard the main story is pretty meh.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »On the plus side, @dbgager, the world building was excellent this time around ... Blackreach is visually stunning once you step into it.
A lot of last week's issues have already been fixed. Still some pending fixes for things such as the higher level Antiquity digs.
Not been much into vampires, they are way more niche now.The vampire rework is utter trash and a shell of what it could of been.
Some quests aren't properly voice synced and are lacking voice acting all together.
The quality just really isn't there this expansion tbh.
Also from what I've heard the main story is pretty meh.
thissocalledflower wrote: »
This is the problem with games now a days... they focus on fluff graphics... first game i played on the first pc i bought (tandy 1000 bought used from a lady who bought it from radio shack had an 8088 processor) was from the forgoten realms series for ad&d (pools of radiance, curse of the azure bonds, ravenloft to name a few). i had cga graphics but the story and the gameplay were excellent... fastforward 30 years and even the games under the ad&d titles are trash compared to those early ones... oh yeah the graphics are fantastic and wow everyone but theres little else.
Not been much into vampires, they are way more niche now.
I actually enjoyed the main quest a lot, but yes on release Lyris was not voiced for me so I did some side quests.
This was an bad idea as lots of the locations are reused. Now this is not new An delve in Grathwood is used both in the main story and Elsweyr prequel and obviously the delve quest. But doing side quest first kind of mess up the storytelling here.
Side quests, well here Elsweyr was much more into joking with Alfiq who was drunk or in bags and Raz with three ladies, 4 with this one who has an Raz senche cub.
Yes just like his father.
Greymore was more somber, here this one prefered Elsweyr and this one is obvious biasstill miss some side quests. however. And blackreach, well I thought I got lost in it in Skyrim, yes I cold port out but i tough it was an public dungeon. An small part of it is an public dungeon, not done it yet.
Quests and story are not up to par. A lot of tropes and plot armour. Lack originality.
Vampire rework is terrible.
New sets are doodoo.
New trial is ok, but that's about it.
Trial skin is...how that even managed to pass quality control?
Servers are melting.
Surprisingly, I don't hate antiquity system as much as I thought, but for people that aren't into mini games this might be a turn off.
alewis478b14_ESO wrote: »- Solitude has maybe the best crafting area setup for writs
- The bears smiling while scratching their backs on the trees
Those are the highlights....
It just seems smaller (I believe dividing up the game world to such a large degree was a mistake) and to be quite frank, rushed. The storytelling seems to have taken a step down in quality (YMMV of course).
This thread is asking about what people don't like about it specifically.