So I realized I have two characters that I don't find myself playing much. One's currently a Nord StamDK, the other's a Redguard stamBlade. After deleting, restoring, renaming, race-changing, and respeccing these two multiple times, I find myself still struggling to find a purpose for these two. Just curious, what do you guys do with characters that didn't pan out quite how you hoped? Should I just stable them and do crafting dailies and skyshards?
Some additional background:
I mainly played a magPlar through Summerset, and currently play either my magSorc or stamDen.
The Nord I struggle with sustain and just overall feel of the class. I've debated changing him back to Dark Elf and going magicka. I know magicka DK is really hot right now. I want to like Nords but maybe I'm too much of an elf-lover.
The nightblade, I'll play sometimes for TG or DB activities, or just go on a stabbing/stealing tour of Tamriel. This guy's saving grace is there's multiple fantasies that could breathe some life into him. Currently, treating him like a pirate and that's fun. I'm prepared to accept that he won't do a ton of content given this niche.