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Quest Trophies

As i progressed with the quests and areas , some of the quest chains gave me trophies , that at the moment have in my my bank .
They have 0 gold value , at least the ones that i was given , so my question is , if anyone figured out what exactly are they used for , or are they just as an achievement for completing a certain chain ? Or , and i really hope that this would be it , we will be able to mount them in some sort of guild hall or personal residence that we get further down the road ?! :D
If anyone has any insight on these items , please help me out with the info :)
  • dumbo
    Right click -> use. I think you can also quickslot them.

    Some are functional, others are more decorative.
  • Memnock
    I see , i'll take a look and see if any of them are usable or decorative :) thanks for the info
  • KiroElmarok
    All I have is the Gem from Bad Man's Hollow, and the fetish of anger (extra flame damage on next hit)

    I can Q slot the fetish but not the gem. I can see the gem being useful in pvp for group leaders... if only it could qslot :(

    Friend of mine a the bubble on from stormhaven... no clue where tho.
    Daggerfall Covenant - Dunmer - Dragon Knight

  • everseeing_njpreub18_ESO
    Ive one that sets a bear trap, one that makes me drunk on nirn-wine or something and one that has lots of green fireflies buzz around for a bit.

    Far as i can tell they are just fun little things, only issue is they take up bag space. As a collector of this sort of stuff ill have to see how many there are and select the more enjoyable ones to carry around.
  • Roboboy2710
    @everseeing_njpreub18_ESO‌ you said something about something that gets you drunk on nirn wine, can you tell me the exact name of that trophy and where you got it? I appear to have missed it.
    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not so sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein
  • Ariane
    All this cool trophies are collected from public dungeons, when you complete them. There are lights, bubbles, one mini dwarven spider... In Ebonheart there's also a chunk of flesh that makes your character vomit.

    I wish they didn't use inventory space for this, I want to keep them all :)
    "I am not an Argonian. I am a crocodile"
  • Rytfield
    All I have is the Gem from Bad Man's Hollow, and the fetish of anger (extra flame damage on next hit)

    I can Q slot the fetish but not the gem. I can see the gem being useful in pvp for group leaders... if only it could qslot :(

    Friend of mine a the bubble on from stormhaven... no clue where tho.
    You get that one from the Bonesnap Ruins dungeon in Stormhaven.
    And yes, it would be nice they were all quickslotable...
    Ariane wrote: »
    All this cool trophies are collected from public dungeons, when you complete them. There are lights, bubbles, one mini dwarven spider... In Ebonheart there's also a chunk of flesh that makes your character vomit.

    I wish they didn't use inventory space for this, I want to keep them all :)
    Totally agree. They're nice but at the current rate I'll probably have to delete a few sooner or later. It would be nice if they (just like quest items) don't cost a slot and have a special tab.

    EDIT: Be sure to add this as /feedback in game as that's probably way more effective ;)
    Edited by Rytfield on April 20, 2014 9:11AM
  • Roboboy2710
    A miniature dwarven spider? I must know where to get this tiny automaton of awesomeness!
    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not so sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein
  • Moonclaw
    I have the "bubble" and "effigy of anger" and they can be bound to q / quickslot dial . Making myself seem to be on fire and then getting into the bubble is fun to watch other folks reactions to
  • Knootewoot
    Every zone has one "difficult" dungeon with a few quests. Every alliance has it's own rewards. the ones i had from DC are

    -blue gem which shines out light from Glenumbra
    -Some sort of Wyrd stone which makes you trapped in a bubble from stormhaven
    -Some statue of anger which gives you flames and turns screen red from Rivenspire
    -Some statue which spawns 3 zombies from ground which greet you and disappear from Alik'r desert
    -A dwemer spider pet which is awesome from Bankorkai
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • HotToddy
    I agree - I really like the trophies (silly little toys just for fun is, well - FUN!). However they shouldn't take up bag space (especially without having personal homes to store stuff in). I feel the same way about disguises, treasure maps, and pets - love them all, don't think they should take up inventory space.

    I vote that If it can degrade over time or be consumed it should take up inventory space, all other stuff should be treated like an badge that can be activated (or in the case of disguises, slotted).
  • Elder_III
    I vote for a home where we can all display these treasures. As it is having them take up precious limited inventory space is adding insult to injury as I have to destroy them on my first 2 characters. :(
    Semi retired from the trading aspects of the game.
  • HotToddy
    Great idea - It would be great to be able to have your pets hanging out in 'their spot'. Monkey swinging from chandelier, dwarfen spider climbing the walls, horse in the stable (for starters).
  • Allyrion
    That would be a great idea, though I'd also like separate storage for crafting mats, cause my storage is full with them and I have a lot on a alt now. Also the weapons and armour that I keep for research is now stashed away on a alt due to no space in the bank (which is extremely expensive in my eyes as mobs only drop 1 gold).
    Though your own house with a chest to store stuff in like the older Elder Scrolls games would be even more fun to hang those treasures and let your pets play.
    What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Silestia
    Soul Shriven
    Ariane wrote: »
    All this cool trophies are collected from public dungeons, when you complete them. There are lights, bubbles, one mini dwarven spider... In Ebonheart there's also a chunk of flesh that makes your character vomit.

    I wish they didn't use inventory space for this, I want to keep them all :)

    I agree here I would like to see them take up no bag or bank space so that I could keep all of them and have room in my bank for other stuff, as it stands I payed a fortune for a maxed out bank and backpack so I can hold all my toys and my crafting mats and items I want to research later.

  • Faolanhart
    It would be nice if they were basically unlockable emotes, most of them are bugged also & pretty much don't do anything.
  • agegarton
    I don't mind them taking up space, but a home to display them or to keep items would be awesome. I miss my Skyrim base of operations (actually, I miss Lydia too.....). I'm sure a player-owned home could achievable as an "instanced" zone. Here's hoping..... :smiley:
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