Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Console performance

When are you gooing to do ESO live for the lack of game performance issues and please have someone explain how on earth is it possible that the game runs worse and worse after every single patch?

That really should get your priority and why are you avoiding these questions?

ANYONE asking that most valid question in your live streams gets banned. Why is that? New potential gamers should be well aware how bad the performance actually is.

You do love talking about lore, mini games in the game, crownstore items but this subject is touchy.

I'am well aware of your so called performance fix plans but the truth is that is worse and worse every single patch both in pve and pvp. How is this possible?

Do a live stream on this subject. Iam not sure how far downhill pc has gone but PS4 its a light speed downhill.

Can the community managers explain this. Thank you.
  • Papachico
    Don't worry, next patch they change how non-combat pets will interact. That will improve PvP and PvE issues since non-combat pets are crucial to those instances.
  • Destai
    They won't. The only thing you can expect here is moderation, a behavior that I let any potential new players know about. As always, speak with your wallet.
    Edited by Destai on May 25, 2020 6:19PM
  • Miswar
    Papachico wrote: »
    Don't worry, next patch they change how non-combat pets will interact. That will improve PvP and PvE issues since non-combat pets are crucial to those instances.

    Lol. I have laughed about that non-combat stuff. It very amusing to say at least.

    However thats the last part of their plans and the earlier ones have made the game even worse on consoles. Should that not be other way around?

    To be honest I don't believe anything they post but would be nice to see someone on ESO live type of format explaining why things are getting worse and worse.
  • Miswar
    Destai wrote: »
    They won't. The only thing you can expect here is moderation. As always, speak with your wallet.

    I agree and they are banning / putting timeouts on people raising this very valid question on their live streams as well.

    That speaks volumes on how much priority any of this is getting. None, just cashing with crownstore stuff and rince and repeat overland quests.
  • MartiniDaniels
    Papachico wrote: »
    Don't worry, next patch they change how non-combat pets will interact. That will improve PvP and PvE issues since non-combat pets are crucial to those instances.

    Given that non-combat pets are turned off in areas where performance is most important... why they "focus" on them is beyond my understanding :D
  • Miswar
    Papachico wrote: »
    Don't worry, next patch they change how non-combat pets will interact. That will improve PvP and PvE issues since non-combat pets are crucial to those instances.

    Given that non-combat pets are turned off in areas where performance is most important... why they "focus" on them is beyond my understanding :D

    Lol. Exactly. They actually should look how on stuff how badly their guild roster system etc are coded in the game. Which updates locations on every player realtime ... mail system seems very bugged etc... but yeah its the damn non combat pets o:)
  • Papachico
    Papachico wrote: »
    Don't worry, next patch they change how non-combat pets will interact. That will improve PvP and PvE issues since non-combat pets are crucial to those instances.

    Given that non-combat pets are turned off in areas where performance is most important... why they "focus" on them is beyond my understanding :D

    The whole 'performance" roadmap is a joke. Performance has never been so bad. Fun fact is that they even announced today that 'the servers had a strain" but they are holding up.... they even complemented themselves on their devs for doing such a great job.


    [Discussing moderator action]
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on May 23, 2020 3:10PM
  • Miswar
    Papachico wrote: »
    Papachico wrote: »
    Don't worry, next patch they change how non-combat pets will interact. That will improve PvP and PvE issues since non-combat pets are crucial to those instances.

    Given that non-combat pets are turned off in areas where performance is most important... why they "focus" on them is beyond my understanding :D

    The whole 'performance" roadmap is a joke. Performance has never been so bad. Fun fact is that they even announced today that 'the servers had a strain" but they are holding up.... they even complemented themselves on their devs for doing such a great job.


    [Discussing moderator action]

    Oh I agree with you 100%. it was an bad joke the whole roadmap and only road it has gone is downhill. Now they announcing that next one will improve well the last few has rock bottomed and nothing was fixed from earlier ones so... now its improving.. well doubt that very much,

    Even a blind one can already determine how badly some things are coded on the actual game. Ie. that guild roster thing... the game freezes when you start kicking people off from a guild... not to mention it tracks realtime locations on every guild member on the guild lists. That can be max 2500 people ...multiply that by every single player in the game... and yeah non-combat pets lol.

    There are other things like this coded in the game which actually might do something positive and they neither have the coders or simply dont care... or both.


    Didnt know that but considering they are monitoring their live streams about the subject... they are really focusing on their performance update for sure... thats good though that they acknowledged good job efforts... if only that would show in the actual game otherways than decreased performance, non functional skills, delayed skills, random loading screens, random crashes, non functional mechanics in trials in ie. synnergies, non functional activity finder, non functional cyrodiil performances getting into new levels... the base game also does not even have good buff bars on PS4. How hard that can be to code when some amateur has done them as an pc addon....

    This list goes on and on but hey we have this performance improvement plan. Its as actual as santa claus in rl.

    Oh well summer coming can do other stuff than waste time on non-functional products :smile:

    [Edited for removed content]
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on May 23, 2020 3:10PM
  • Hotdog_23
    Why answer when you don’t have a reasonable satisfying answer. They release performance improvement plan update each month. In fact, it is the top thread. Sad to say but console doesn’t get a lot of love in this regard or at least in my experience. If they break something on PC ZOS will respond quickly but for consoles it is a long wait and see. Plus, I have never seen an ESO live where they play on console’s or even on a live server on pc, always internal system.

    ZOS is aware but they can’t fix it so why even talk about it. Just but a 500 crown gems horse and be happy about it. ;)
  • Miswar
    Hotdog_23 wrote: »
    Why answer when you don’t have a reasonable satisfying answer. They release performance improvement plan update each month. In fact, it is the top thread. Sad to say but console doesn’t get a lot of love in this regard or at least in my experience. If they break something on PC ZOS will respond quickly but for consoles it is a long wait and see. Plus, I have never seen an ESO live where they play on console’s or even on a live server on pc, always internal system.

    ZOS is aware but they can’t fix it so why even talk about it. Just but a 500 crown gems horse and be happy about it. ;)

    The thing mostly is not about getting anything fixed. The truth is that the they somehow find the way break stuff and nothing is fixed.

    Actually browsed that pc eu thread which gets no fixes either thus seems like general downhill with the whole game.
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