We are gaming community composed of people from all over the world. We first got together under the banner of The Jesters as an Outfit in Planeside 2. But this time things will be different. We will not lose those bonds with each other. We will continue to develop our friendships and gaming together as games come and go. Our intention is to build a community of people who are able to play different games together, to develop a close bond, and a collective identity. A kind of attitude.
We will have dedicated PvE and PvP events and are also currently working with other guilds to form a good sized active alliance.
So if you want to enjoy all aspects of the game with a good bunch of like minded people then come and join The Jesters. We have our our website and forums www.jesternc.com aswell as our own 500 man TS3
To join us please sign up at our forums www.jestersnc.com, hop on TS3
@jestersnc.com or message me ingame
Edited by Primux on April 21, 2014 8:06PM