Disconnecting from server - Xbox EU

I’m crashing frequently in areas with many enemies (though this isn’t always the case). I am wondering if this is just a problem on my end or if many people are experiencing similar problems. I’m fine with the second option because it’s understandable when considering current circumstances and I’ll just have to get on with it.
  • HelixUnited
    same thing xbox eu crashed twice now in less than a hour
  • ZOS_Bill

    Deleting your local save data may help with these crashes when multiple enemies are on screen.

    To delete save data on the Xbox One
    1. From the Xbox Home Menu, navigate to My games & apps.
    2. Go to Games.
    3. Highlight The Elder Scrolls Online tile and press the [Menu] button of the controller.
    4. Select Manage Game. Highlight and select Save Data for the desired user.
    5. Select Delete.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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