So, here is my method in this. I stood from the lantern and then cast aedric spear over to the furthest range, 25m. He stood where the spear landed and we took it from there.

My next action was the measureing. I wanted to see how many Elyedias I could fit into this range, so I took it from the bottom of my foot to my characters head, as they were the straightest, not the bent leg. The images below are just examples, not the original experiment.

I then used a different lantern each time to mark off where I was each time, counting each Elyedia flop.
I then divided 25 by 8, which was the amount of elyedias I could fit into this range, and I found that it came out to 3.1 something. Is that in metres, if so that's tol... Like really tall.. like nearly 10 foot.

So I tried again, this time with my purify ability, I started from the middle of the lantern, and then casted outwards, and put a marker to the end of the 12 metre radius. I could fit 4 whole elyedias in that (roughly) and that made 3 when I divided 12 by 4. AgAIN. 3. 9 FOOT SOMETHING. these have to be innacurate or estimations of length , Or I'm just silly for staying up too late last night and need to go to bed as its half 10 rn and I am in need of sleep

anything from the devs? anything that can shine a bright light on my characters? I canonically think my toon is 5 foot 5-6 and my male altmer is like 6 foot 10 bc why tf not!!

But please send some feedback Ok I struggle with maths
i love borzois!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ArchMikem
    If you're an Elf then yes, it's Lore Accurate. Altmer are the tallest race in Tamriel, followed by Nords. Elves are supposed to be towering.
    CP2,000 Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • bluelights400
    Not 100000 foot tall. I was thinking about 5 foot6 lowest for females and about 6 foot 2 max for females and for males 6 foot min to 7 foot. Females usually smoller plus I like smol. Tol to
    i love borzois!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • driosketch
    I think it's that meters used for the skill tooltips are smaller than real world ones. 5 meters for a melee attack. You could swing a broom with a fully extended arm and you wouldn't get half ways to a person that far away in real life.
    Main: Drio Azul ~ DC, Redguard, Healer/Magicka Templar ~ NA-PC
    ●The Psijic Order●The Sidekick Order●Great House Hlaalu●Bal-Busters●
  • bluelights400
    Was gonna say leelloooo lol
    i love borzois!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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