Switching from Keyboard to Xbox Controller

I want to get switch to an Xbox controller from keyboard and mouse because of wrist issues.
I suck with an Xbox controller....any ideas how to quickly move over?


  • Cundu_Ertur
    There's different presets if you don't want to keybind every single thing; I like using the second preset.
    Taking stealth away from the Bosmer is like taking magic away from the Altmer, making Nords allergic to mead, or making Orcs pretty.
  • Karm1cOne
    Its pretty well plug n play. The problem is you will be at a disadvantage due to the number of key bindings. That and the time for view panning.
  • MilkJugg24
    My biggest struggle while playing on a controller was accidentally jumping instead of interacting with an NPC or item. When you're moving around and looting stuff, try to be more aware of exactly how you're moving until the muscle memory settles in.

    The native controller mode also has an aim-assist feature, so combat is a bit weird at first coming from a raw input KB+M. The transition in my opinion is fairly easy, just make sure you don't get too frustrated, and it's not that bad. The menu navigation is by far the least intuitive thing to deal with.
    I play on PC NA! Currently looking for a casual dungeon and trial group/guild. If you want to talk, feel free to message me here or in-game to Pizza (Yes, I'm the original Pizza)
    Follow me on Twitter for video games and cats. I also casually stream on Twitch!
  • Shantu
    I tried that once. After about 10 minutes I was back at the mouse and keyboard.
  • VelimOrthic
    I would probably kill myself. I'm not suggesting you kill yourself. I just know what I would do if it were me.
  • Everest_Lionheart
    You’ll want an elite controller with the paddles. Bar swaps are hell otherwise. In a panic you may use a potion or switch to 1st person on a fat finger. You also have to let go of the thumb stick to click. Putting bar swap and potions on a paddle makes a world of difference.
  • robertthebard
    I've been using one since I started playing, and yep, I get the "try to loot and jump" thing every once in a while, but overall, it's easier on my carpal tunnel that way.
  • brennz
    I am also considering this. For me, my struggle with KB+M is mobility while casting skills. I cannot seem to figure out how to move around while also keeping up a rotation. Even casting skills while running into combat (like prepping arrow barrage) is tricky. My understanding is that a controller will help with this - is it true?

    I'm also curious about the aim assist mentioned. I am endlessly frustrated when tanking and trying to taunt multiple bosses stacked on top of each other (I'm looking at you, nCR+3). Sometimes I just cannot get a target lock for taunting. Wiggling my mouse all around and nothing. Would a controller help with this?

    I have a very good keyboard (mechanical) and mouse (Logitech 502 Hero), but i also have small hands. I can't even reach the buttons on the left click button on the mouse without moving my entire hand. Same with skill presses. I'm guessing a controller would help, but it's not a cheap experiment. Anyone with experience switching from one to the other (either direction!), you feedback would be very helpful. Thank you!
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