It doesn't look that bad! Although not as good as the art work. It could look worse though.
The face looks a bit too like a Ferengi. ☺
Fur_like_snow wrote: »Lots of things on pts marked as placeholder. 😬
This is not one of them
It's not too bad. Let's be honest, everything in ESO has that rubbery looking aesthetic to it. And no, the Werewolves do not look cool. They look like mutant rats. The werewolf transformation memento is how they should look imho. Badass.
xenowarrior92eb17_ESO wrote: »it could use some wings sure but im more concerned about the imbalance the vampire provides and the fact that right now on pts THERE IS NO REASON TO HAVE VAMPIRE ON ANYTHING except pvp...maybe and this is a big MAYBE pve to some not counting overland here since is obviously awesome there...I can understand the both a blessing and a curse but right now is more of a curse