How to play ESO on Mac with a Controller

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  • deheartb14_ESO
    Im not sure what I did or what my problem is, since it seemed to work great this morning when I played a little before switching to my desktop pc, but any button where there is supposed to be a trigger for an alternate now inputs both keys. For example, button #2 is meant to do keypress 2, and then when button #6 (right bumper) is held down it is supposed to do keypress 5.

    Instead, when I hit button #2, I get this, 25252525252525 in the output box. And even in game it tries to do both keypresses at once.

    I'm investigating and it might be because I bought the latest version of Game controller (4.8.1 instead of 4.7.1), or it might be something to do with my Logitech f510, but right now I don't know.

    Other than the dual key presses, the movement works great.

    Edit - I narrowed the down to the buttons in Face Buttons and Triggers, all the other pages for Controller Mate work great.
    Edited by deheartb14_ESO on April 26, 2014 11:34PM
    This is my Signature, but not really because I didn't sign it with a pen and its not my name.
  • decompiler
    @deheartb14_ESO, Hm... sounds like an alternate key set issue to me. When you look at the left end of the Button Building Blocks on the "Face Buttons and Triggers" page do you see green spheres on half of them and red spheres on the other half, like this?:
    These spheres mean that this button is effected in some way by an alternate key set - green means the conditions are currently met, red means the conditions are not currently met (and a black sphere means the Building Block is not effected by any alternate key sets).

    In this profile, the right bumper is supposed to affect our alternate key set, so if you're looking at the "Face Buttons and Triggers" page when the Right Bumper is not held down, the Button Building Blocks attached to the 1, 2, and 3 Single Key Blocks should have green spheres, and the Button Building Blocks attached to the 4, 5, and 6 Single Key Blocks should have red spheres. Whenever you hold the right bumper, the green should become red and the red should become green.

    In order for this to work exactly as expected, certain settings need to be set on the Modifiers tab of the Button Building Block's Properties:
    Above is an example of the Modifiers settings for any of the buttons that should not be effected by the alternate key set. The settings for the buttons that should be part of the alternate key set are exactly the same except that instead of "OFF" selected in the ON/OFF/ANY choice, "ON" should be selected.

    The most important thing to note here is the bottom setting - when the modifiers are incorrect we want the key OFF!

    Check on this stuff and let me know if that doesn't help... If it does, I would also double check the DPad and Sticks page, as the DPad should be effected by the alternate key set as well.
    Councilor of The Moot
    This space intentionally left blank
  • deheartb14_ESO
    You are a Godsend @Decompiler! That was the problem, when I replaced the original button building blocks with my Logitech button building blocks, they were all set to any instead of on or off.

    Already tested my left bumper and #2 button and they now work perfectly as designed with the right bumper alt trigger.

    I didn't notice it before but all buttons in all the pages were all greyed out instead of green or red. Thank you for all your help, I now understand the program a little more so I might be able to customise something later.

    Sorta wishing there was also a PC version of Controller Mate, it has so much potential. :D

    Edit - Rolf, I was about to slam my head against the nearest wall repeatedly since once I fixed my button problem the darn virtual mouse controller for the right joystick stopped working. I ended up exporting my layout and completely uninstalling, restarting the computer, then reinstalling and now EVERYTHING is working as intended.

    Never doubt the power of the fresh start :)

    Edit - Two days later
    After messing around and doing a lot of Google foo, I managed to create matching Logitec F510 profiles for both Mac ControllerMate and PC xPadder.
    Here is a link to my post
    Edited by deheartb14_ESO on April 29, 2014 5:16AM
    This is my Signature, but not really because I didn't sign it with a pen and its not my name.
  • deluongo
    Hi. So, I followed all the directions. I made sure that controller mate was closed, and the problem that I am having is that my right analog stick is not altering my characters view. I checked in controller mate and the right analog stick is mapped and is registering. I am guessing that maybe I don't have the in game settings right. I currently have them set to default. Any suggestions?
  • Jtownsend
    Fantastic guide, and I've been able to get every map working other than having the right stick control the cursor. Been trying with the PS3 controller. I've triple checked that the virtual mouse is enabled, that the rz-rotation and z-axis are properly mapped and responsive in CM--which they are and do. The virtual mouse will range from 40 to -40 on either axis depending on what's being pressed, but it's just not responding when the program is shut down--regardless if the controller is disconnected and reconnected afterwards. I've restarted the machine 3 times, and everything else is copesetic, but the cursor just isn't doing what it's supposed to be doing.

    Honestly not sure what to do.
  • jmillerxxnub18_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    @decompiler‌ (or anyone who can answer), I know that you aren't playing ESO any longer but I'm hoping that you do check this thread still. Before I ask my question let me first thank you for the work you've already done. I for one really appreciate your effort and the fact that I'm now able to use my PS4 controller to play ESO.

    Here's my question - can you help me change the configuration a bit? Specifically, I would like the R3 (right stick click) to toggle between first and third person view like in Skyrim. We could move the weapon switch anywhere you like. For me a good spot would be to press and hold the [X] Synergy button to activate the weapon switch much like "loot all" is accomplished by holding the [E] Interact button.
    Edited by jmillerxxnub18_ESO on May 14, 2014 10:23PM
  • C00ki3
    Soul Shriven
    I bought Joystick Mapper from the Mac App Store and have mapped numerous controls to my Xbox 360 Wired Gamepad. However, I am having certain unresponsive controls with Joystick Mapper and Xbox 360 wired gamepad.

    For instance, I mapped the right trigger to the left mouse button as the attack button, as you might expect. However, sometimes my character will continue to swing wildly long after I have stopped an attack. To get it to stop, I have to press Esc and then return.

    Since the left mouse button is also the way to select a choice in dialogue, I try to use it for that purpose with the right trigger. It is very hit or miss in registering.

    While I have joystick mapper running, I cannot use my actual mouse very effectively to select dialog choices with the left mouse button either. It has the same problems. But if joystick mapper is not functioning, the mouse controls work fine.

    I would be very interested if someone who is using joystick mapper could share their profile and I could test it out. Has anyone else had problems like these?

    I'm pretty to text savvy, but I can't fathom controller mate. I have given it a try and it makes my head hurt. It would be great if I could simply load somebody else's profile, but it appears that because of the way the app works I have to remap everything to my own controller.
  • C00ki3
    Soul Shriven
    Well, I'm kind of embarrassed. There was an easy fix to my problem with Joystick Mapper. It was this issue, which is discussed in their FAQ:

    "When I map the Xbox 360 triggers, it fires when I release the button, and keeps firing util I press it down, I want it to fire only when I push it DOWN.
    Check if the input says "Axis #N -", change the Minus for Plus, it should work."

    I suppose since I had it reversed, it was just creating odd behavior.
  • karpok

    I've been using ControllerMate for a while now. Unfortunately it hasn't been updated for Catalina now and there is no roadmap for support.
    Have anyone been able to find a substitute. I tested Karabiner but unfortunately it does not have support for axis control.
    Soumar, Aldmeri Sorcer
  • ZOS_FalcoYamaoka
    We've closed this thread given its age and that some information may be out of date. If you wish to continue discussing this topic please create a new thread.
    Staff Post
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