I had a break of over 6months and came back recently. What the hell did you do to the map? Why is it so small? You can't kite, get away or anything, you just have to face everyone in melee range.
You can't even los cuz its completly broken. Where if a person is below you, it doesn't work, if a person is 10cm below you, you can't shoot either because los and sometimes you can line up 5 spells in a row even after the guy got behind a wall, because los just isn't functional here.
Sure sometimes it was hard to find ppl on that map and most battles happened outside the arena. But thats just because it, the arena was bad. Now you force everyone to fight inside of it.
Please allow us to block certain BG or do something else with this map, its really bad.
If i want that small of a arena i can go play Wow, where the same size arena is designed for 2v2,3v3 and 5v5, not 4v4v4. If i wanna get away from a person and i tp in any direction im in the hands of another team. This arena is probably great for cluster grps where a healer is aoe healing/buffing them constantly. But its horrible for a normal Bg. We need space man, not everyone plays 2H melee bruiser.