Maintenance for the week of January 20:
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*BUG* Random Loading Screens

As of tonight, which is my first time playing again since the last miniature server maintenance, I am experiencing entirely random loading screens. I can be just walking through a zone doing a quest, and then *BAM* I get thrown into a loading screen that never ends. It happens in combat more often than not, but since I get no error code I cannot submit any sort of report on it in game when it happens.

I'll submit a bug report in there too.

I cannot reliably replicate this, as I don't see any real trigger. Sometimes it happens in public dungeons, and other it happens in the overworld.

Anybody else having this issue? Any fixes?

This is the first really annoying bug I have encountered that I haven't been able to just avoid (like quests, etc.).
M'iaq the Honest- PC/NA
EP Khajiit Nightblade
Guild of Shadows
  • Diaboli
    I had this happen to me twice in Deshaan, it could be related to the area you're in.
    If I throw a dog a bone, I don't care to know how it tastes... - Brick Top
  • Teargrants
    Happened to me on 1st day of craglorn patch in craglorn, hasn't happened since. Might be related to zone load? (ie to many ppl)
    EP ※ Teargrants ※
    EP ※ Kissgrants ※
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    Vehemence Council
    ~Teargrants YouTube~
  • Magdalina
    Smth similar happens to me after patch every once in a while when zone doesn't load properly, usually in cities with too many people - I'll walk around the city, it'll be all empty and unfinished, get a random loading screen, then everything's done. Seeing as I haven't experienced falling thru the world once, while it used to be daily(almost hourly, really), since those appeared, they seem a good idea - looks like when zone doesn't load properly, it puts you to a loading screen instead of letting you fall thru the world/bridge/stairs.

    However, not once had it happened to me during combat or lasted more than several minutes, so that does sound like a bug. I hope it gets resolved soon, sounds really annoying.
  • Rhoric
    No, it is a graphics loading up for the area. It is real annoying cause it happens in cities and has happened out in the open areas. Instead of the graphics loading gradually like it did before the major patch. It has some loaded and then when you get to a certain point it hits head on with a loading screen and loads everything.
  • pmn100b16_ESO
    I was just in a dungeon (Rubble Butte) in Bangkorai, killed a group of 3 mobs, then started looking at bookshelves, then bam, dungeon loading screen from nowhere. Endless wait so relogged to find myself dead from the respawned trio.
  • ZOS_TristanK
    Hey, all. Are you being rolled back after the loading screen or do you pop back into the world exactly where you left it? If you're not seeing a roll back after the loading screen, then it's caused by the area not loading quickly enough as you're running through. The loading screen allows the game to catch up to your character, which will help prevent issues like suddenly being stuck in stairs.

    That said, if you're seeing these loading screens often, we encourage you to send your game consultant file over to our Support Team. They'd be happy to help you investigate ways to reduce the number of times these screens appear. Thank you!
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  • Teargrants
    That's correct, after the load screen went away I was right where I had been, no roll backs. Basically the same as the /reloadui load screen.
    EP ※ Teargrants ※
    EP ※ Kissgrants ※
    DC ※ Kirsi ※
    Vehemence Council
    ~Teargrants YouTube~
  • N_Hearthcroft
    I get random loading screens too, usually while roaming overland in cities and through the countryside. The loading screen is brief and once it ends, my avatar remains where she was last standing. It's slightly alarming when it happens.
    Noreen Hearthcroft | Daggerfall Covenant | Hopesfire Campaign
  • zulikab14_ESO
    Kirsika wrote: »
    That's correct, after the load screen went away I was right where I had been, no roll backs. Basically the same as the /reloadui load screen.

    I had that happen a few times yesterday while I was doing quests in the Rift map. It even happened once in the middle of a fight. It was so quick I survived!
  • AgriyaTheGrey
    Until 2 nights ago I hadn't experienced actual 'random loadscreens' as such, and now I've had about 4 them; in my case they hit for a second or so and then clear and I'm still where I was. (Speed of movement -my 1st suspicion- is definitely not a factor as I've had them while running, walking and riding. Had it happen in The Hollow City, Daggerfall & a couple of other places that slip my mind for the moment.)

    However, I've had 2 or 4 instances now of using a door/gate, getting normal loadscreen then just getting to the other side when suddenly a second, slower, loadscreen abruptly pops up, and when it finally clears I'm at a wayshrine some distance from the door/gate I was using (reported it when it dumped me at a wayshrine on the other side of Bangkorai Garrison from where I needed to be to speak to the Queen & 'hand in' the garrison liberation quest: added 10-15 unnecessary minutes to a quest after it had been completed as I had to negotiate a garrison full of still hostile mobs as the quest hadn't been handed in yet).
    Edited by AgriyaTheGrey on June 1, 2014 7:31PM
    Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the obedience of fools.
    -Group Captain Sir Douglas Robert Steuart Bader CBE DSO DFC FRAeS DL
    If a man is correct in his own person, then there will be obedience without orders being given; but if he is not correct in his own person, there will not be obedience even though orders are given.
    -The Lun Yu
  • Kybotica
    Hey, all. Are you being rolled back after the loading screen or do you pop back into the world exactly where you left it? If you're not seeing a roll back after the loading screen, then it's caused by the area not loading quickly enough as you're running through. The loading screen allows the game to catch up to your character, which will help prevent issues like suddenly being stuck in stairs.

    That said, if you're seeing these loading screens often, we encourage you to send your game consultant file over to our Support Team. They'd be happy to help you investigate ways to reduce the number of times these screens appear. Thank you!

    No rollback for me either. It happens just as if I had used the /reloadui command, except that I often have to Alt+F4 out of the game. Fortunately this has yet to happen to me in Cyrodiil, which is where I spend most of my time. I'll take you up on that offer for the support team if I start having more of these as I go questing again.
    M'iaq the Honest- PC/NA
    EP Khajiit Nightblade
    Guild of Shadows
  • Rhoric
    It's not a rollback. It only started happening after the Craiglorn patch. Prior to that it never happened to me.
  • Magdalina
    Rhoric wrote: »
    No, it is a graphics loading up for the area. It is real annoying cause it happens in cities and has happened out in the open areas. Instead of the graphics loading gradually like it did before the major patch. It has some loaded and then when you get to a certain point it hits head on with a loading screen and loads everything.
    This really shouldn't be happening during combat(for obvious reasons), but other than that, this is a good idea. Before the patch they hardly ever did load completely by the time I got there. I cannot count the times I got stuck in stairs/bridges/fell thru the world. A few seconds or even minutes' wait is a small price for NOT having to /stuck and revive at wayshrine every second time I enter bank right after porting to city(insta fall thru the world for me. Almost never failed).
  • GossiTheDog
    It's a fix they put in (1.1.2 patch) to stop people falling through of the world. Now the game goes to load screen until the world geometry is loaded.
  • Rhoric
    It is annoying as all can be. Yes i got stuck a few times in stairs before this in cities. I just learned to wait a bit longer before using the stairs. I never fell thru the world. It is annoying when you get 3 or 4 loading screens in a city and that is from just moving thru it, not even counting the loading screens for buildings.
  • GossiTheDog
    Yeah, it is a messy hack to get around an engine issue. I've never got stuck in stairs or fell through world. They haven't fixed the cause for players who were getting this, they just put another issue in instead.
  • Magdalina
    I'm glad for all of you who never had the big fall thru world/get stuck issue. Really. But my char apparently weights a few ton or smth xP I got stuck somewhere AT LEAST every hour. I fell through the world every couple of hours, not exaggerating. I literally had repair bills bigger from /stuck than from actual fighting. The only way I could fix it for myself(aside from avoiding all the bridges and stairs possible) was to /reloadui whenever I came to stairs/bridge/tried to enter a building in a big city. Seems basically all they did was implemented a forced /reloadui in such situations. Haven't fallen thru/gotten stuck once since the patch. I like the feeling.
    That being said, I don't know much about how it all works. Maybe there is some magic other way to fix this without forcing every one of you who never experienced that issue to wait for extra loadscreens. Maybe they should've used it instead. That I don't know. But they did fix my issue, for which I'm grateful. At least ONE(probably the only>.>) thing latest patch fixed instead of breaking.
  • awhecknum1ub17_ESO
    I have had the random loading screen in daggerfall. And another oddity - sometimes when leaving a dungeon - I end up at the nearest wayshrine instead of outside the door of the dungeon.
  • Arsvita
    I have had the random loading screen in daggerfall. And another oddity - sometimes when leaving a dungeon - I end up at the nearest wayshrine instead of outside the door of the dungeon.

    All since Craglorn, but not before.

    I had the odd appearance at, in many cases far away, random wayshrines when I was out and about.

    Since I died during a couple of the load screens, fighting and not traveling around, I pulled my all of my characters back into the cities where there should be no mobs to kill them when a loading screen happens.

    Took time away to give zeni time to fix issues, and with the new nerfs I expected what I thought would be (DUH) more important issues had been fixed, but (DUH)...

    Just traveling on foot from the Daggerfall Bank to the Blacksmith station, little more than Crossing The Road, I get hit with a load screen.

  • Anoteros
    amazing one year on and this bug is still in game.
    It continues to happen to me very regularly.
    What is going on?!
  • Kybotica
    Talk about a necro'd topic lol. Got the notification and came to check in. I haven't had this issue nearly as much. Usually it only happens very briefly during the moment when a keep wall gets fixed completely in cyrodiil. Otherwise, I've no complaints regarding this issue.
    M'iaq the Honest- PC/NA
    EP Khajiit Nightblade
    Guild of Shadows
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    Anoteros wrote: »
    amazing one year on and this bug is still in game.
    It continues to happen to me very regularly.
    What is going on?!
    If you read carefully you'll see it's caused by a server overload as you move within a zone, other threads at the time this was active indicated phase transitions were a common problem area.

    There's no 'bug' to 'fix'.

    Edited by fromtesonlineb16_ESO on March 30, 2015 6:31AM
  • Kwoung
    Been happening to me constantly of late, especially in Cyrodiil.
  • ZOS_Bill
    As this discussion is over 5 years old the thread is being closed. If you are unable to find a recent thread you can start a new one within the Bug Report forum for issues like this one.
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