How to report an Account Seller?

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  • Nestor
    While not the most voracious player out there, it takes me 3 months or so to learn a new class, from nuances to the builds that work for me to getting the gear. For sure I can level it up in a week or two, which is essentially what buying an account is.

    Thing is, if I was given or bought an account with a character on it that I had never played before, it would take me the same 3 months to figure it out. Especially if it was a game I had little experience with. In those 3 months I would have all the gold I need to buy whatever I would want to.

    So, how would I be ahead spending the real world money to buy an account?

    Sure, some players pick things up faster, or have more time each day, but they could develop a character from scratch just as quickly. Not all things that seem to a shortcut are really a faster way to success.

    I guess I just don't understand the market for accounts, or at least the demand for them. Supply I understand.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Squidgaurd
    this subject is pretty much the crabs in the bucket scenario a player reporting another because he wants to force people to go through the same grueling process that they went through. just so you know having a max account wont make a player good it takes time to get experience in this game it takes time to gather gear and max out toons as well time = money and the time that a player spent on maxing out said account has to be rewarded somehow zeni isnt just going to mail the player a gift card because they quit playing the game when they ceased to enjoy it.and the plauer buying the account already spent time gathering the resources needed to buy the account and will probably invest alot into the game by way of time. time spent has to be rewarded an account may not belong to a player but the time spent on the account does when a player sells his account he isnt selling someone elses property he is selling his time. time is a service and it can be bought.
    Edited by Squidgaurd on March 1, 2020 4:04AM
  • Tigerseye
    Why care tbh. I think ZOS should let us sell our accounts.

    I mean did they do anything malicious on the account ?

    It is against TOS but not sure why, except to protect the buyer maybe. Perhaps because people can get their accounts back.

    Not attacking or arguing with you, just curious

    Are you one of the people who thinks people shouldn't be able to have a tiger mount (whether a new model, or not), by any chance?

    Supposedly, due to keeping the loyalty mount purely for people who were, you know, loyal?

    If so, that is just one of the things that is wrong with it.

    Many of the people who have that mount, at this point, bought their accounts.

    Yet, the rest of us can't, according to potential sellers and the new owners of these accounts, have a tiger mount (even a new model tiger mount, in some cases!), because that would, somehow, be wrong.

    Whereas, the only thing the account sellers really think would be "wrong" with it, is that it might potentially lower the value of these illicitly sold accounts and therefore, reduce their profits.

    Edited by Tigerseye on March 1, 2020 4:16AM
  • Tigerseye
    Nestor wrote: »
    While not the most voracious player out there, it takes me 3 months or so to learn a new class, from nuances to the builds that work for me to getting the gear. For sure I can level it up in a week or two, which is essentially what buying an account is.

    Thing is, if I was given or bought an account with a character on it that I had never played before, it would take me the same 3 months to figure it out. Especially if it was a game I had little experience with. In those 3 months I would have all the gold I need to buy whatever I would want to.

    So, how would I be ahead spending the real world money to buy an account?

    Sure, some players pick things up faster, or have more time each day, but they could develop a character from scratch just as quickly. Not all things that seem to a shortcut are really a faster way to success.

    I guess I just don't understand the market for accounts, or at least the demand for them. Supply I understand.

    If it was an older account, you would be ahead by having a loyalty tiger mount (and other loyalty rewards) you weren't around to get.

    You could then try to pretend you had played for longer, showing these rewards as proof, to be accepted into content you would otherwise probably have to wait longer to access.

    That is how it works, in most MMOs.

    Link (date sensitive) loyalty stuff, link dated achieves etc..

    Also, bragging rights.
    Edited by Tigerseye on March 1, 2020 4:23AM
  • Tigerseye
    Also, just other stuff you wouldn't have to grind for.

    Houses, gear, furnishings, mounts, pets, or whatever else you might like to just have immediately and not have to work/pay extra for.
    Edited by Tigerseye on March 1, 2020 4:25AM
  • Tigerseye
    Hope ZOS are reading this thread closely...

    skrvbb10rd wrote: »
    I don't care in any deep way. I saw it, came here to ask if it's even reportable and described what was going on. lmao relax

    There are a lot of account sellers, on this forum.

    Hopefully, ZOS can see what is going on, by now, even if they didn't before.

    Keep being you. :smile:
    Edited by Tigerseye on March 1, 2020 4:39AM
  • imno007b14_ESO
    Lot of opinions on here on why one shouldn't buy an account, or why one would want to, and yes, it's against the ToS, etc., but I really don't understand why YOU would take it so personally and invest invest so much time in trying to nail someone for it. How is it hurting you personally, really, and why should you care so much? There's a lot of other much more grievous misdeeds going on out there in the world, if you want to play crime-fighter and pat yourself on the back for being a good doobie.
  • Captain_Slaymore
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    Last I knew, a Steam account is not an ESO account, and vice versa. You can have one without the other, and you can have one and the other, but they are not the same things. If France were to say it's okay for someone to sell their internet account, does that mean they can sell their HBO account that they're using to stream HBO's content over their internet connection? Nope, it doesn't work that way.

    Research it before you dazzle us with your informed opinion please.
  • jircris11
    Why care tbh. I think ZOS should let us sell our accounts.

    I mean did they do anything malicious on the account ?

    It is against TOS but not sure why, except to protect the buyer maybe. Perhaps because people can get their accounts back.

    Not attacking or arguing with you, just curious

    Technically we dont own our accounts, zis does. Read the tos and EULA you will learn a lot. No mmo has EVER let you sell an account.
    IGN: Ki'rah
    DC/AD faction/NA server.
  • jircris11

    You pay for a license to play the game, regardless if you think or feel that an account is yours, it doesn't actually belong to you it belongs to ZoS. So legally you cannot sell an account.

    EVE Online allows for characters to be sold between accounts using in game currency. I think it would be interesting if ZoS could figure out a way for people to sell individual characters between accounts for crowns.

    But selling accounts for money comes with all kinds of legal issues that prevent this being possible.

    EQ2 has a system to sell characters too. I sold a pally for 900 bucks back in the day. And 4 mages for 300 a pop. It becomes a good money maker if you are good at it.
    Edited by jircris11 on March 1, 2020 6:07AM
    IGN: Ki'rah
    DC/AD faction/NA server.
  • Toanis
    Acrolas wrote: »
    Valve is appealing one case in France. So it's not a final ruling, and it doesn't impact the entire EU. Paris Court of First Instance went with a line of thought that selling something digitally means you're transferring the ownership rights as well. I don't think that will hold up in a higher court because it fundamentally challenges the rights of intellectual property owners.

    The EU Court decided in 2012 (in favour of a software reseller) and again in 2016 (against Oracle) that restricting resale of used software licenses is a violation of EU directive 2009/24/EC article 4(2) that limits the distribution rights (not copyright!) within the EU to the first sale.

    The french court just confirmed that there is no reason this should only apply to business software but not to games.
    skrvbb10rd wrote: »
    Unfortunately, I've just seen someone advertising their ESO account for sale. This was done in a discord channel, and not in-game so I was not able to report the player in game.

    I am no longer in the guild this discord is for, so I cannot find an account with the corresponding @name that way. However, I am able to /whisper@[name from discord]. I don't want to report an innocent player, though, if this isn't the seller.
    I have screenshots of:
    - The message sent to the discord channel, including the guild name, poster's name (which is identical to the /whisper able @ mentioned above) and link/URL to the account selling website.
    - the account selling website featuring the account in question. This details DLC owned, Crown Store purchases, price of the account, end time to buy this account (March 30), characters and levels etc.

    It also appears that this is being done through the selling of a steam account used to access the ESO account. A screenshot is posted on the site showing the steam ID of the seller on this website - this is included in the screenshots I took.

    So, what (if anything) can be done about this? Is there a way to report this?

    Why report them, it does no harm to you.
  • jm42
    I can understand, why it is forbidden and how it affects on Zeni and so on... but I really cannot understand, how it affects other people to decide to report it. Crowns for gold and after RMT makes so much more damage - but no one is whining against it and everyone is completely ok with that. interesting
    Edited by jm42 on March 1, 2020 9:40AM
  • JamilaRaj
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    Also, just other stuff you wouldn't have to grind for.

    Houses, gear, furnishings, mounts, pets, or whatever else you might like to just have immediately and not have to work/pay extra for.

    If you buy an account, you do pay for houses etc. You just do not pay ZOS.
    You do not pay only when an account is given to you for free e.g. by a friend who quit, which then, yes, is obviously very wrong and commie way of acquiring houses etc.
    Squidgaurd wrote: »
    ...zeni isnt just going to mail the player a gift card because they quit playing the game when they ceased to enjoy it...

    ZOS will send you a mail reminding you that you have unspent crowns on your account and also that there is login REWARD waiting for you.
  • Ysbriel
  • BigBadVolk

    Not owning our accounts still seems weird and scary to me and my credit card :|

    On the scummy thing, I can see where you’re coming from. Thnx for replying @skrvbb10rd :)

    tbh with steam and steam like services we dont own any of our games sadly just access to them :(
    "The ass is similar to the opinion: Everyone has it, but no one cares about the others!"
    I'm 120 years old
  • huntgod_ESO
    Just a couple of is not illegal to sell your account. It is a violation of the TOS (as mentioned by many) and if caught will result in the account being permanently banned.

    --- HuntGod ---
    Officer of the Unrepentant
  • JanTanhide
    I guess there'll be many accounts for sale, soon.

    With all the bugs (news ones from latest patch included) I tend to agree.

    So many issues in the game now. It's difficult to play for any length of time.

    For OP....why even worry about it?
  • ZOS_Volpe

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