I’m a veteren player. I played during the beta and I got my best friend to play with me on launch. To add some weight to this post, I want you all to understand that I have had an account for over 6 years and only now made a forum account.
I know these words will likely fall on deaf ears. I know others have said the same and I will likely present no new arguments. But if my voice added to those of this community can help in any way then I am obligated to try.
Solo queue killed PVP for me.
I remember a time when Cyrodil was the coolest thing I had ever seen in an MMO. You had siege weapons and large scale combat. My best friend and I would play for sometimes up to 12 hours nonstop. I’m sure we can all remember those high school sleepover days where you game with your buds.
Well, as is so often the case we moved on to other games and other things to do, but there was always a soft spot in our hearts for ESO and the elder scrolls franchise as a whole. That soft spot lead us both back to the game about a month ago, where to our surprise we found numerous new things to try including battlegrounds.
And let me tell you. Battlegrounds were amazing. Sure they had their problems. For some reason we only get put on the green team, but we were together and playing just like old times.
Why play the game now?
Are dungeons that I have run 100 times enough to keep me here? Our personalities are different. I enjoy the stories and will read all of the dialogue and lore. My best friend skips everything possible and wants to get through it as quickly as possible. I don’t fault him for this, but clearly we can’t PVE together. We would both be too frustrated.
“Well there is always Cyrodil”
But it isn’t the same is it? I enjoy playing with my best friend. I don’t enjoy grouping with 30 other people to smash a keep and maybe PVP for 2 minutes. I want to grow as a player. We tried taking resources and a keep by ourselves last night just to see what would happen. A keep gave us about 6k AP and took about an hour. Why is that worth doing?
“Well if you don’t like Cyrodil why not IC?”
In the Imperial City my experience has lead me to believe that it is a magnified version of alliance war. By that I mean it is focused on obtaining Tel Var. all I know about IC is that large groups of people pick off ones and twos and dominate in an objectiveless free for all.
I liked - no I loved battlegrounds. I’m good, but I’m not amazing at pvp. My friend is much better. But in battlegrounds there were more ways to play than just kill people. I wish you all could have seen some of the stuff we came up with in Chaos Ball. I know that there has been a lot of discussion on premade groups, and honestly I couldn’t care less. No it wasn’t fun get stomped into the ground, but even losing was more fun than standing around for two hours killing Baxilt-gah for the 80th time
But here’s the problem. None of you will get to play with us. To see the two of us in action. I don’t get to play an MMO with my best friend anymore.
I didn’t play battlegrounds because of the rewards which were lackluster at best. I played them because it was something my friend and I enjoyed doing together. How many threads need to be created of people saying they played with their friends? How many threads do people need to post about not being able to play with their loved ones for the developers to take action?
More than that. Why should I continue to play this game?