Bard Class (Possible Expansion Idea)

I’m hoping the developers add the Bard Class with a future expansion. The Bard is an extremely versatile class that can sing songs on the battlefield, can yield nature-themed magic and use healing spells. Here are the skill lines that the Bard can learn:

Bardic Music - consists of songs for buffing your allies and de-buffing your enemies. Various songs could also inflict damage-over-time effects. When your allies listen to your songs in town, they could also have a slight boost to experience for a duration.

Nature Magic - consists of nature-themed magic. For example, this line offers various protection spells such as Oakflesh. This skill line would also have spells that manipulate the weather, such as Ice Storm. Also calls forth animal companions for protection.

Song Healer - consists of priestly powers; healing and protecting your allies. Also has access to a wide range of illusion spells, which is currently lacking in ESO.

With the addition of the Bard Class, this game could offer all sorts of musical instruments as part of gearing up the Bard, such as: lutes, flutes, violins, harps... which could be made by the Woodworking Profession.

This is my favorite class in EQ1 and you don't see this class in many MMORPG's.

Edited by Roneth on April 18, 2014 5:20AM
  • Commonpain
    When I think about bards at the moment I always have this song in my head xD

    There once was a maiden from stonebury hollow,
    She didn't talk much, but boy did she swallow =)
  • ThatHappyCat
    As a class no. As a skill line sure.

    Also a plethora of weapons specifically aimed at one class is a big no-no.
  • Firellight
    I would say that a skill line (not fighting) should be available for players who want to take advantage of the musical instruments in the game. Need a reference? Take a look at Mabinogi. You can practically synthesize your own songs in-game. :D
  • Garrix
    No more classes please. Add additional skill lines/weapons, but not new classes.
  • Erotes
    I love bards....but i hate the idea of using instruments in battle ... I know its a common theme for bards but it's too cartoon-ish and generic.

    Bards are supposed to be experts at speech craft and story telling so It would be cool to impliment it as a type of illusion based and buffing skill line. Maybe even a new crafting skill line that involves creating intricate songs to bestow lasting buffs.
    Edited by Erotes on April 18, 2014 1:09PM
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