Would really like a guild hall feature. What does it do?
One of the options in your guild is “visit guild home“. It’s one of they guild leaders houses that they assigned to be the guild home. Or also if you wanted to get fancy you could make a new set of homes that unlocks diffrent functions the more your guild builds it up. I think this would be a feature that direct more worth to the players home.
Why would a guild care?
You could create a guild market that uses guild gold to buy guild items for that guild.
Theses things could range anywhere from 10k-10m
Things like elaborate trophy’s, fishing spots that could be added in water, garden and farm sets to grow ingredients that players can use every couple of hours, npcs that give guild missions people can do for rewards, Giant guild tapestry’s. Training dummy’s that may raise a level or something once per day stuff like that.
Homes in thier current form just feel meaningless for the most part. They are empty with little traffic actually flowing into them. So you are just decorating them for yourself. Which is pretty sad. Imo. Housing needs to evolve. Give players a reason to visit homes and a reason to hangout at them with thier guilds.