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PvP Wishlist/Suggestions

I've been wanting to add my own ideas to the forum for a while, a list of suggestions and wishes i'd like to see added to Cyrodiil PvP

This is not a nerf/buff thread, so please don't bring those wars into here please, this is just for NEW things that you think should be added.

Siege Weapons and Equipment

Siege Towers - just like battering rams, set them down, they roll forward with enough people, and when they reach the wall enemy players can activate it to move to the wall (with a delay to keep them from being too powerful; also slow moving and vulnerable to siege weapons)

Arbalests - for those that don't know, these are linked rows of crossbows that fire multiple bolts at once at infantry (would be faster firing and provide more infantry damage than ballistas, but only against infantry)

Grappling Hooks - make these one use items that would let a strike team get into a keep without breaking down the doors or walls

Placed Traps - the Aldmeri Dominion has a quest that lets you have a trophy that upon use places an active bear trap on the ground. something similar would be an interesting one use item that could be used to delay an enemy zerg when used en masse. you could expand to mines or bombs, to magical snares, etc.

Spike Barriers - if you ever played the civil war quests in Skyrim, you'll remember these, the simple sharpened stick barriers placed to make choke points or block enemies from entering. make these placed like siege weapons and you could give defenders a break from massive zergs (barriers can be damaged by regular weapons; they would also prevent people jumping over them)

PvP Quests

The number of quests is pretty good, but we could always use more variety

Defense of Alliance Assets - defend a random alliance owned keep under attack for a certain amount of time or until it ceases to be under attack

Patrol Alliance Keep/Resource - walk around and patrol a random resource or keep owned by your alliance (must have a minimum amount of time for the patrol to take place)

Destroy enemy assets - daily or hourly quest to destroy (either directly or through the 'burn' interaction) enemy siege weapons

Repair keep wall/door - assigns you to repair a keep wall or door that needs it, somewhere among the keep(s) your alliance owns
  • Cydone
    I like the list. Only thing I disagree with is the number of pvp centric missions available. There are barely any that offer a good xp and gold gain and are repeatable, when compared to PvE. Want the repeatable kill 20 players mission back, or something very much like it, where taking out enemy players is rewarded with repeatable xp/gold.
    Edited by Cydone on April 17, 2014 11:18AM
  • denmj_ESO
    I like most of what you have here. But what I would like to see for the kill player x quest is a change in the way it is handled and done.

    I suggest the following basic setup for the kill X players.

    Make any player worth X number of xp regardless of level. We are all set to level 50 HP wise so each player could be say 100 xp. Each player killer should be worth a set number of alliance points as well this can be shared based on all who killed and healed and what not.

    The number of people you kill every day determines your bounty and point awards. So you kill 500 people in a 24 hour window and you get 500 gp and 5000 alliance points.

    Those number are for instance. And that reward is above what you get when you actually are in battle.

    Taking a resource should be worth a set xp value. And you should get a bonus if you take all three and are there for the cap of all three.

    Taking a keep after taking the resources should also be a bonus.
  • Eisenhovver
    I would actually find most of what you suggest to be quite interesting. The extra siege weapons sound pretty cool. I do think that the kill 20 players needs to change soon to at least be once every 4 hours or something. Once / day is not enough.
    An intellectual is someone who takes more words than necessary to tell more than he knows. -Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • MCNerdFlail
    Placing traps is something I would like to see in Pvp.

    Also capturing neighboring npcs or recruiting them to defend the inner keep or maybe even use them as a meat shield to charge the outdoors force. I guess this could work with the attacking faction as well and having forces stand guard near siege weapons or use them as a meat shield to charge. It would make for capture points more important and can change the momentum of battle when these actions occur with maybe the emperor or some other means which triggers their reinforcements as in someone buys the ability after it is unlocked similar to buying siege weapons.

    However placing traps opens opportunity for player creation and should be somewhat of a mini game. However with the ui being laggy it might just be an unavoidable trap some of the time.
    Edited by MCNerdFlail on April 18, 2014 3:17PM
  • NicoleOnyxheart
    Have a couple of additions i want to make (i'll be updating the list after a while)

    but i had been thinking back to the the cinematic trailers, and the myriad gameplay applications of things that happened in them

    for instance, the Daedric Anchor that fell on the battle between the main characters in the second trailer (i believe it was the second. why not have a chance for special anchors to fall on a battle between alliances? the game already keeps track of when we have battles with other players, use that system to determine if an anchor will fall on the battle and disgorge a small to large amount of daedra to fight.

    smart players could use the daedra to their advantage, backing off to let them whittle down their opponents

    also, in the same vein, we see across cyrodiil that some towns, well known landmarks (such as cloud ruler temple of Oblivion fame) and the imperial city itself have daedric anchors over them. why not allow for a periodic instance of a daedric anchor falling on a keep? it would be under attack just as if it were beseiged by an enemy alliance (perhaps place a daedric anchor ring around the keep on the map) except the daedra would be in the keep and would be trying to overwhelm the NPC defenders. Players would need to get to the keep and defend it, killing the daedra and releasing the anchor's pinions along with defeating a powerful boss enemy inside the inner keep.

    The caveat i would have in place though, would be for the two alliances with the least amount of keeps, to have a very low to non-existent chance for this to happen, as it would be even more crippling to them to have it happen when one alliance owns most of the map.

    Perhaps if the daedric attack isn't repelled soon enough the keep could fall into daedric hands, with daedra patrolling and holding the keep, the anchor hovering above, and the land slowly succumbing to the corruption of coldharbour

    my second idea is from the latest siege trailer. a pair of new siege weapons that would require a specific class to operate or otherwise use

    first i had thought of the scamps being launched by me thinking, why not make a version of that with players? would be a novel way of getting dragonknights (the only class i believe would be ideal for this...dragon leap comes to mind) into a keep to disrupt enemy defenders). the way i think it would work would be for one player to aim and fire the treb, while another walks up to the launching cage and activates it, the other player fires and launches the cage into the keep, where it opens and deposits the launched player (not sure if this is possible with the engine or not, this is just a wishlist after all)

    and the other was the wall-destroying ritual that forcibly used the elf sorceress as a focus. instead we could use a placed ritual platform, one that would be directed like a regular siege weapon, and would require a few sorcerers to 'power' it. it would be more powerful than a regular siege weapon, but would actively drain the magicka of the sorcerers (magicka does not regen while they are acting like batteries) but would be slower to fire than a trebuchet
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