The Coven - Aldmeri Dominion - A LGBT friendly guild

  • Babyspice
    Soul Shriven
    Still recruiting, great bunch of people to adventure with and get to know! Tonight we are having our first ever RP night!
    Edited by Babyspice on April 18, 2014 9:20AM
  • Fen
    I'd love an invite (@Fehn) if there's still room c:
    NA - Aldmeri Dominion - Last Prodigies AU - Decibel US
    ~ Fen - NB of your heart ~
  • Roboboy2710
    This one thinks your guild sounds fantastic! Dar'sah would love to join up! Khajiit will be registering on your website shortly, but in the meantime, my IGN is @Dar'sah of Elsweyr.

    Edit: Signed up on the website! See ya in-game!
    Edited by Roboboy2710 on April 17, 2014 6:28AM
    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not so sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein
  • Maarek
    Fen wrote: »
    I'd love an invite (@Fehn) if there's still room c:

    We still have room to add to the great community that's been started. We're up to about 130 members and still growing. Please register on the website and we'll get you taken care of!

  • Maarek
    Events coming up for the Coven:

    Wednesday 4/23 4pm mst - Crafting Gathering Event
    Thursday 4/24 6:30pm mst - Collecting the Skyshards of Cyrodiil
    Friday 4/25 6:30pm mst - PvP in Ariel's Bow
    Saturday 4/26 6pm mst - Dungeon Runs

    We do events as a guild frequently. We're active, social, and have created a great community. If you want to know more, check out our website:

    The Coven
  • Aricle
    Your guild sounds really interesting, mainly because you have organized events! I am new to MMOs but not games, and an approaching level 10 with my cadre of characters. Is there room in your guild for new-to-MMO folks? If not, no problem; I'd like to learn the ropes with friendly helpful people who actually do events instead of purely chatting. :)
    I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night. -Sarah Williams
    @Aricle in-game. Ebonheart Pact with a dash of Aldmeri and Daggerfall.
  • Chelszyo
    Do you guys still have any openings? And I was wondering if you used Vent?
  • Maarek
    Aricle wrote: »
    Your guild sounds really interesting, mainly because you have organized events! I am new to MMOs but not games, and an approaching level 10 with my cadre of characters. Is there room in your guild for new-to-MMO folks? If not, no problem; I'd like to learn the ropes with friendly helpful people who actually do events instead of purely chatting. :)


    We have several new to mmo players and we don't mind helping you all out to learn the game. And we don't rush through events, going from one kill to the next. We try to have different events for all players of all skill levels so there is always something for everyone to participate in, if they choose. so head on over to

  • Maarek
    Chelszyo wrote: »
    Do you guys still have any openings? And I was wondering if you used Vent?


    We do still have several openings for aspiring guildmates. We don't use Vent, we use TeamSpeak which is normally populated with a number of guildies almost 24 hours a day.
  • Maarek
    Please join us this Thursday for our 2nd monthly guild meeting to find out more about us, and afterwards, join us for adventuring in Cyrodiil as we delve into the the public dungeons and take on the anchors. We'll be starting at 7pm mst. Just give @Talorek a shout to join.

    And as always, you can find out more about us from our website:

    The Coven
  • Bigblawz
    Soul Shriven
    This one is interested by your people This one humbly requests to learn more by joining Coven. What does Coven say?
  • Maarek
    Bigblawz wrote: »
    This one is interested by your people This one humbly requests to learn more by joining Coven. What does Coven say?

    This one welcome you with arms wide. Coven say welcome. Coven say, please sign here.

  • seventhsymbol
    This guild is awesome. Super friendly and helpful!
  • vandarl
    Can I join your guild even i am not a LBGT?
  • Maarek
    vandarl wrote: »
    Can I join your guild even i am not a LBGT?

    Absolutely. As we approach 150 members, we've filled our ranks with people from all walks of life and backgrounds and welcome others to join us.

    For more info, and to register with us, check out our website here.

  • vandarl
    Hi Maarek,

    Thanks you for a quick response. I have been looking for Guild to call home and I was ready impressed with your website. I will definitely register and hope to see you guys sometime tonight.
  • Maarek
    Last week we had a great group of events, including a guild meeting that consisted of a photo shoot of our members. This week, we have a Cyrodiil event planned on Wednesday at 6:30pm mst, A dungeon event on Thursday at 4:00pm mst, and RP Night on Saturday 5/10 at 6pm mst. We look forward to seeing you at one of our events.

    For more information, click here.
  • ccm800
    Soul Shriven
    Hi everyone is it only Aldmeri? I;d like an invite. I am in game as Kristauf (main) THANK!
  • Maarek
    ccm800 wrote: »
    Hi everyone is it only Aldmeri? I;d like an invite. I am in game as Kristauf (main) THANK!

    No, we have several members from other factions, and most of us have alts in the other factions. Please sign up on our website and we'll get you invited to the guild.

  • ccm800
    Soul Shriven
    Maarek wrote: »

    No, we have several members from other factions, and most of us have alts in the other factions. Please sign up on our website and we'll get you invited to the guild.

    YAY! I did just register on the site. Look forward to meeting one and all ingame

  • Ksariyu
    If you guys are still recruiting, I'd love to join. Character name is Iieryu (i, not L). I already applied at the website, if that's required.
  • Maarek
    If you guys are still recruiting, I'd love to join. Character name is Iieryu (i, not L). I already applied at the website, if that's required.

    We're still here, and still recruiting. Happy to have you with us!
  • WiseGuy25
    Soul Shriven
    Hello I'm looking for a guild to join and this one looks like a good one to be apart of. I'm honestly sick of playing this game by myself lol. I would like to join the coven and my characters name is @Krenicon. Thank you for your time.
    Edited by WiseGuy25 on June 10, 2014 3:38PM
  • ccm800
    Soul Shriven
    Really enjoying the guild! Loads of friendly people - eager to help (looking at you Gump! and everyone!). Glad to be a part of such a positive bunch!
  • Nolphi
    Sounds great, would love to join @nolphi. I registered on the website but I am not sure the application went through
    Clan Nolphi Family Gaming
    Follow @kingnolphi on twitter
  • Atharaon
    Nolphi wrote: »
    Sounds great, would love to join @nolphi. I registered on the website but I am not sure the application went through

    I can echo this exactly. For whatever reason the site won't send me a verification email and enjin support hasn't responded to my query. Anyway, this guild sounds good to me and if I could be allowed to join I'd be quite pleased!


  • jaminra
    Soul Shriven
    My partner is a part of the guild and I would like to join - my character name is Gherim
  • bcdpopeb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Edited by bcdpopeb14_ESO on June 16, 2014 9:46PM
  • Lord_Ashar
    Soul Shriven
    Heya, would love to join this Guild. Sent in an application on enjin a few days ago, and still waiting for it to be processed. Any idea on when that might happen? Appreciate the oppertunity :) My Enjin profile is Ashar, and my toons name is Kalisthar - thanks again!
    Edited by Lord_Ashar on July 26, 2014 10:17PM
  • mlcjhshiwo
    Do you guys still recruit ?

    The New Moon also rises.
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