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Really Want to have fun but this way to Frustrating

I love the exploring, the searching out of knowledge, finding quests, the world, but at Level 9 now, I find the game too confusing and plain too hard. If I run into 2 enemies, I almost surely always die even though I am a higher level than them (and no, I am not hacking and slashing, I am blocking and dodging and trying to gain the upper hand). I am frustrated with the lack of clarity in the game, nothing is explained, there seems to be no reasoning. I am trying to read up in the forums, but everything is so all over the place and all it is are opinions from others. I can't believe there isn't a prima guide or instruction booklet/guide. None of my friends are playing this game, and that leaves me alone most of the time trying to level, which is impossible in this game. The bags and money in the game are completely out of wack, my bank is full, my bag is full, and I spend all my money on repairs. I just a few things were different than they are, I have been stuck at level 9 forever, and can't complete any of my quests to advance.
  • Jynai
    If you're having trouble with NPCs at a lower level than you, I think you should have a look at your gear, see if it is up to par. Also, depending on how you spent your skill points, you might try to play more offensive than defensive.

    When the enemy is about to cast a heavy hit that you can interrupt, the interrupting of that attack will cause the NPC to be stunned, hold down left mouse button to do a heavy attack on a stunned NPC to drop it to the ground. This gives you a second and a bit to get a hit or two in without getting hit.

    Make sure you have your potions slotted and selected so hitting 'q' will immediately use the potion.

    Double check your abilities, make sure you have some hard hitters, I usually have one for both magicka and stamina.
  • Shimond
    Another culprit is if you find yourself dying a lot your armor will degrade and be really pitiful (leading to more deaths) without repairs.
  • Armitas
    After you check your armor for repairs, let us know what class you are playing and what skills you have slotted.
    Edited by Armitas on April 16, 2014 8:14PM
    Nord mDK
  • ClaudiaMay
    Make sure your weapons/armor are upgraded. I never repair mine, I just make new ones for now (or find better in a box).

    What class/skill setup are you?

    Sometimes an item upgrade can make all the difference, like replacing my sorcerers staff with a 6 point damage upgrade. Things don't make it to me now :smile:

    Do you craft? I craft on multiple characters and spreading the goods around keeps clutter in bags down. Though admittedly my bank is always full :sunglasses:
    Currently Playing:
    Sorcerer Claudia Warren May, lvl 40. Woodworking 25/Clothing 25/Provisioning 50.
    Dragon Knight, lvl 8. Blacksmithing/Enchanting.
    Nightblade, lvl 3. Alchemy.
    Templar, lvl 7.
  • drkeys143
    Interrupting attacks can be effective, also are you getting your armour repaired if you are dying a lot? If it has decayed too much then you won't last 10 seconds. I found trouble at lower levels to kill NPCs esp when there were more than 2 at a time. I usually focused on bringing down the one dealing the most damage, usually the one dealing fire or effect spells, while dodging the others. Also have you done the starter islands that the game misses out? Good place to lvl up too. What faction are you in? I'd be happy to group with you if you wanted
    Edited by drkeys143 on April 16, 2014 3:41PM
  • savinel
    It would help if we could see your build. Can you replicate it here http://esohead.com/calculator/skills
    and then post the link?

    Today's main: Hits Like Wet Noodle, Argonian Templar, Ebonheart Pact

    .. and stop calling me "Vestige!"
  • SadisticSavior
    Brewskie19 wrote: »
    None of my friends are playing this game, and that leaves me alone most of the time trying to level, which is impossible in this game.
    I have soloed one character to 22 and one to 7 so far. I don't find it all that hard. My level 7 is full melee only (so I ignore any class skills that resemble magic) and is able to solo mobs 2 or 3 levels higher than him, and often one after another.

    On Melee I only ever block on the big attacks...the others I just let my armor eat.
    Brewskie19 wrote: »
    The bags and money in the game are completely out of wack, my bank is full, my bag is full, and I spend all my money on repairs. I just a few things were different than they are, I have been stuck at level 9 forever, and can't complete any of my quests to advance.
    Maybe take a break from questing and go attack random stuff in the wilderness. If stuff of equal level is too hard, attack stuff that is lower level. It is not about advancement at this point. It is about learning the game and determining your playstyle.

    It really sounds to me like you main issue is your controls, and no one can really tell you what the best control config is for you. You'll need to experiment. And lower level mobs are a good way to do that.

    If you get in over your head...run. Using the sprint button, you can outrun any NPC in the game.
  • SadisticSavior
    I agree knowing your stats, skills, class, and gear would be helpful.
  • Ciinen1988
    Not trying to sound condescending, but have you spent your attribute as well as your skill points or just your skill points?
  • NordJitsu
    You should post some information about the way you fight as well as what build you are using to see if we can help you.

    What weapons do you use?

    What armor are you wearing?

    What class are you?

    What 5 skills do you have on your bar?

    Are you blocking power attacks?

    Are you dodging out of red markings on the ground?

    Are you trying to kite mobs around or fight melee?

    How are you using your skills compared to your base attacks? You could be using them too much (blowing your resources) or not enough (relying solely on base attacks.)

    Have you tried meeting up with someone to help you? Joined a guild? Ect.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • Anthony45122
    Brewskie19 wrote: »
    If I run into 2 enemies, I almost surely always die even though I am a higher level than them (and no, I am not hacking and slashing, I am blocking and dodging and trying to gain the upper hand). I can't believe there isn't a prima guide or instruction booklet/guide. None of my friends are playing this game, and that leaves me alone most of the time trying to level, which is impossible in this game. The bags and money in the game are completely out of wack, my bank is full, my bag is full, and I spend all my money on repairs. I just a few things were different than they are, I have been stuck at level 9 forever, and can't complete any of my quests to advance.
    Let me say first off that you are a minority when it comes to thinking the game is too difficult. Many players, myself included, have found little to no challenge in most of the questing content. The exception to this are a few boss fights, namely the fighter/mages guild/main story quests. As most of these are tougher than normal and most have to be done solo. It serves as a bit of checkpoint pushing your character to the limit for that lvl. My gear was white/green and underlvled with me not getting a helm till lvl 15 or so and not once did I have a problem getting past content. If there are 2 enemies try ccing one to start off and try to kill the other before the first breaks from the cc. If you are trying different tactics, different skill setups, are higher lvl than them and you are still having trouble then maybe find someone to group with, or start over on a new character and try a different build path. You can play how you want in this game but some builds just aren't viable. Most mmos don't have "guide books" they have guides written by players to help other players. It is not at all impossible to lvl solo in this game as i'm lvl 43 and have played solo the entire time except for instanced dungeon runs. As was stated earlier at low lvl it is better to craft or use new gear than to repair since you will likely be replacing that armor soon anyways. Try finding a few motifs to sell or go farm some iron/oak/jute to sell. Money is not hard to come by in this game, it simply just is easy to spend it quickly also. Until they fix the bug with the bank I advise not upgrading the bank slots, but the extra inventory slots do help and there's no reason to not upgrade those.

  • scabrous_ftz
    Brewskie, like others have said, you'll get the most feedback if you post your current build and equip.

    Yes, you will have to read up online for guides (I found Tamriel Foundry forums very useful), and some of it will just take getting used to yourself.

    Despite reading up, when I played my first beta weekend, I did silly things that made my character progression difficult. Like not putting any skill points into active skills until lvl 10. It resulted in a lot of deaths.

    But it's great that you are reaching out for advice rather than throwing in the towel. Give us a bit more info and I'm sure we'll be able to help you out.
  • EdTerra
    my bank is full, my bag is full
    y, and the cost for upgrade is really high, 20 500g for the 110 slots but I think this is balanced for this game
    If I run into 2 enemies, I almost surely always die even though I am a higher level than them
    mobs are a bit stronger than in other mmorpg but not hard
    Learn u'r skills, how and when u have to use them and it will be fine.
    [EU] AD - Erdril v16 N(oo)B | AR40
    [NA] EP - Erdril NB

    Still a solo player in this zergfest

    Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXPJv3O6DC5ZYECfF3-rQ-Q
  • Hakoke
    At low level when you first start running into groups of mobs, 2 or more, you really should open up with a crowd control ability. From what I understand all classes have access to one, I use a nightblade.

    Now what I did when I first started running into groups of them, I would open up with my CC and then attack the one that I did not lock down, that is because if I did damage to the one I CC'ed then he would be released.

    That way you really only have to fight one at a time if you can kill the first one fast enough. Alternatively you can also reapply the CC as needed.

    Once I had access to a knockback/knockdown skill, those are what I rely on mostly now. I can keep most bosses on the ground the whole fight, the ones that are effected by it. FYI, now is the time to practice knocking out one or two mobs from the fight, because as you get higher lvl there are going to be groups of 3 or more with a healer in them, and the healers are good at what they do.

    Edit: I will say that this is very generic advice, if you want advice tailored to your class/most used abilities please post them so that others can help.
    Edited by Hakoke on April 16, 2014 4:39PM
  • Rhylanna
    Even though many players will say this game is easy or too easy, don't let it get to you. I don't know if you (and me too!) are in the minority or not. I have a feeling that most people who are having a tough time won't be very vocal about it. It's much easier (and less embarrassing) to shout to the world "I am uber!"than "I suck!"

    I am slowly getting better at this game, at least I don't die quite as often anymore. Spending a bit more time crafting to be able to make replacement armor for myself has helped a lot. I've also gone back to slightly lower level areas to try out different attack combinations and to practice dodging, blocking, and just moving around. I still have difficulty when multiple mobs attack. I've seen a lot of really good advice reading the forums, and a lot in this thread too. Sometimes though, the simplest thing is just to ask in zone for help and form a group. Great way to make new friends too! :)
    Fatewalkers NA server, primarily Daggerfall Covenant, 30+ (mature, working folks with kids, dogs, etc!), casual, PVE oriented, small but growing!
    Antique Ordinatus Populus NA server, technically with Aldmeri Dominion but have members in all alliances, 40+ (even ++++!), mature, casual (fun people who sometimes forget what they're doing...or maybe that's just me :p ) antique-ordinatus-populus.enjin.com
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